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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN MB: LTE: Legalize Potholes
Title:CN MB: LTE: Legalize Potholes
Published On:2005-11-11
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 08:53:04

Well, another spring and summer have come and gone with no long-term
solution found to the ongoing problem of potholes.

Despite the best efforts of city workers, all efforts to repair
potholes continue to be futile. The money it costs to make these
temporary repairs could easily be better spent on such worthwhile
endeavours as preventing hiring freezes in the police department.

Pothole repair manpower could be much better used on more important
projects, such as closing bridges for five months at a time. I would
like to offer a solution: legalize potholes! After all, the problem
isn't going to go away. Instead of wasting time and money to try and
stop the problem, simply make it legal! After all, this makes as much
sense as legalizing marijuana and prostitution, doesn't it?

Jon Ted Wynne

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