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News (Media Awareness Project) - Malaysia: 'There Is Life After Dadah'
Title:Malaysia: 'There Is Life After Dadah'
Published On:2005-11-14
Source:New Straits Times (Malaysia)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 08:31:31

Mohd Dahlan Yusof is not only a recovered dadah addict but someone
committed to rehabilitating those given to the habit.

Two years of being dadah-free after five years of misery has proven to him
that there is a life after dadah.

This is a message that the dancer and choreographer wants to share with the

Dahlan, 29, told a gathering on Pulau Gaya today of the living hell he
endured while under the influence of dadah.

"I am a better person now and determined to make a success of myself.

"I fell into the habit after my school days because of curiosity and peer
pressure," he said.

He began taking dadah in 1997 after friends offered him syabu.

Dahlan was later picked up by a police team and sent to the Papar dadah
rehabilitation centre.

He was released about two years ago and has been clean since.

He has volunteered his services to the National Drug Agency to help speak
to youths on the dadah menace.

"People often ask me how I did it when the odds were stacked against me.

"At the end of the day, it is all about willpower and determination.

"Whenever I see my old friends, they still offer me dadah but I don't get
tempted. I usually tell them of the devastating effects of dadah.

"Most of them are surprised that I not only managed to kick the habit, but
also stayed clean. The fact is that I have no desire to go down that road
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