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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: LTE: Tory Drug Policy
Title:Canada: LTE: Tory Drug Policy
Published On:2005-12-06
Source:National Post (Canada)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 21:59:20

Re: Harper's Reefer Madness. Letter, Dec. 5.

As a thinking Conservative, let me assure your readers and writers
that I and most Conservatives I know firmly stand behind the medical
use of marijuana. Yes, we oppose the use of marijuana for
recreational purposes, the same way we oppose using cocaine for
recreational purposes. But both should be legal for medical purposes.
There is no reason that marijuana cannot be grown in legal co-ops and
distributed legally by doctors as a painkiller.

Conservatives are reasonable. Marijuana should be used for medical
purposes and to make hemp, but not for recreational purposes. The
answer is not the Liberals' everything-goes attitude, but the
intelligent use of our physical and human assets.

Jonathan Usher

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