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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: LTE: Rosa Parks Would Be Insulted
Title:CN ON: LTE: Rosa Parks Would Be Insulted
Published On:2005-12-22
Source:Chatham Sun (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 20:28:35

I think Rosa Parks would be insulted to see people wrapping themselves
in the veil of her heroism like Russel Barth and Kirk Muse have.

Even though I believe our laws are there for a reason and that we are
bound by them, I also understand that not all of them are practical,
useful or effective -- and as such should be part of a national
discussion as to changes that are in the best interests of Canadians.

What almost churns my stomach is a bunch of people likening their
fight to legalize an indulgence to the fight against racism.

If you want to open a discussion on legalizing marijuana, show us how
it can be done intelligently so as not to harm other members of
society. And it should include how it could be taxed sufficiently so
that the health problems that accompany its use will not become the
tax burden of the rest of us.

But most of all, if the issue was worth pursuing, you would be able to
come up with an argument for legalizing it that didn't hinge upon
trying to make your fight noble by riding the coattails of some REAL
heroes that were fighting for legitimate causes.

Ed Hicks


(And on that note, we bring this debate over marijuana to a close)
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