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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: LTE: Shooting Galleries
Title:CN ON: LTE: Shooting Galleries
Published On:2005-12-30
Source:Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 20:12:16

I have a suggestion for David Miller. To keep city streets free of
shootings, open up "safe" galleries where gun-toting criminals can go
and shoot at each other, similar to your plan of providing "safe"
needles and facilities where addicts can shoot themselves full of
crack or whatever. Seriously, though, the only language these punks
understand is a swift kick in the rear and a good old-fashioned
roughing up. I have yet to hear a single politician call for real
stern measures against these hoodlums.

Athavian Bamji


(Calling is one thing; doing is quite another)
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