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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: LTE: Marijuana Legalization Is Not A Pressing Need
Title:CN ON: LTE: Marijuana Legalization Is Not A Pressing Need
Published On:2012-01-23
Source:Guelph Mercury (CN ON)
Fetched On:2012-01-25 06:01:00

So, the remnants of the federal Liberal party straggle into frigid
Ottawa for a policy conference. I give them credit for that. It is
always a good idea for political parties to regularly review what they
presently stand for, what they should stand for, and make the
necessary changes.

And what was the most significant policy this sagacious body of
concerned Liberals voted for - in overwhelming numbers I might add?

Something to do with creating jobs for Canadians? Nope. Something to
do with strengthening our Canadian economy in a global era of
uncertainty? Uh-uh. Something about reducing federal spending or
reducing taxes on hard working Canadians? Not on your life.No siree.
The Liberals' top priority was a vote to legalize marijuana.
Regardless of where you stand on this issue, there are many more
pressing concerns facing our community and our country than this. It
is telling that the Liberals are so out of touch with the lives and
priorities of the average Canadian.

Guelph Liberal MP Frank Valeriote should cross the floor to the party
that best represents his priorities - the marijuana party.

Marty Burke,

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