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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AK: LTE: Those Stoned On Marijuana Don't Contribute To
Title:US AK: LTE: Those Stoned On Marijuana Don't Contribute To
Published On:2012-01-04
Source:Anchorage Daily News (AK)
Fetched On:2012-01-05 06:02:02

Marijuana and I were friends in the '70s. In love with my favorite
mind-altering choice at the age of 20-something, legalization would
have been a gift. But, now 50-ish and smoke-free for years, my view is
clear on legalization of America's favorite drug. I know this:

People whose wasted days turn to years while stoned are not working or
are underutilizing their potential to contribute to society. Sitting
around with a stupid grin on one's face does nothing for the common
good. Furthermore, it is said time and time again that smoking dope is
not harmful. But I now have unexplained "hyperactivities on the deep
white matter of my brain" and failing cognitive function. What caused
this phenomenon? Was it the brain injury at work, the excessive
drinking in my youth or was it the pot? It wasn't fresh air.

So, if you are kidding yourself about legalization or the effects of
smoking anything, step back and think, if you can. Don't take the
chance. Just say no.

- -- Bill Zeddies

Big Lake
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