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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Lake County Repeals Pot Ordinance
Title:US CA: Lake County Repeals Pot Ordinance
Published On:2012-01-04
Source:Press Democrat, The (Santa Rosa, CA)
Fetched On:2012-01-05 06:01:51

Lake County supervisors on Tuesday overturned their new marijuana
cultivation ordinance, handing another victory to the marijuana
activists who collected sufficient signatures to place the issue before voters.

Marijuana activists last year also used the initiative process to
convince supervisors to overturn an ordinance limiting the number of
marijuana dispensaries in the county.

The cultivation ordinance limited where and how marijuana could be
grown. It included banning outdoor growing on parcels that are less
than an acre in size, said Lake County Supervisor Jeff Smith.

He said the board will be considering adopting the petitioners'
recommended ordinance at a future board meeting.
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