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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MI: PUB LTE: Join Petition Campaign To Repeal Marijuana
Title:US MI: PUB LTE: Join Petition Campaign To Repeal Marijuana
Published On:2012-01-01
Source:Bay City Times, The (MI)
Fetched On:2012-01-02 06:02:13

I would like to thank the folks at repealtoday.org for the work they
are doing on the 2012 voter initiative to repeal marijuana
prohibition in Michigan.

School-aged children all across the U.S. say that it is easier to get
marijuana than cigarettes or alcohol. Regulating the marijuana
industry like alcohol will make it harder for minors to get marijuana.

Marijuana has been the nation's No. 1 cash crop for decades and it is
untaxed and unregulated. The time has come to regulate and tax this cash cow.

I understand that thousands of volunteers are needed to collect the
signatures. If everyone that has ever been arrested, had their civil
rights abused by police officers enforcing marijuana law or has a
family member languishing in jail or prison over marijuana
volunteered to collect signatures, this endeavor will succeed. Go to
repealtoday.org and volunteer to collect signatures for this effort.
If you do not volunteer, this effort may fail and it could be decades
before we have another opportunity like this.

If the people that no longer want their tax dollars wasted on our
failed marijuana prohibition policy helped out by signing the
petition and voting to repeal marijuana prohibition it will free up
millions of tax dollars for more important things like our
underfunded schools for example. It will also allow police to focus
their efforts on real crimes with actual victims.

Bob Wood, Sanford
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