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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: LTE: Get Real: Most Just Want To Get Stoned
Title:US CA: LTE: Get Real: Most Just Want To Get Stoned
Published On:2011-12-24
Source:Union, The (Grass Valley, CA)
Fetched On:2011-12-25 06:04:08

It was very unfair of Bob Thompson to suggest in his letter to the
editor that I want to legalize any hard drugs, but not marijuana. I
was only saying that marijuana should be no easier to get than any
other pain reliever for legitimate users. If I ever need to try it for
severe pain, I probably will. But, I will get it from a "real"
physician, not from a street corner clinic. And only if it becomes
legal for that purpose, which it probably will.

After watching a program about marijuana clinics and how they operate
in California, I was not at all surprised that the average time
evaluating a "patient" was 11 minutes! And, in this undercover
operation, no one was turned away without a prescription. Does that
sound reasonable to anyone?

I have no medical credentials, only common sense! As I've said before,
I know many marijuana users and not one of them needs it for pain. I
don't believe that it's high and mighty to say that MOST (not all)
people ARE using it to get stoned every night. That is a fact. Maybe
you need to face reality, Mr. Thompson.

Joanne Crouch

Penn Valley
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