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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: PUB LTE: Keep The War On Drugs Going
Title:Canada: PUB LTE: Keep The War On Drugs Going
Published On:2011-12-21
Source:National Post (Canada)
Fetched On:2011-12-22 06:03:56

Re: We Can't Afford A War On Weed, Larry Campbell, Philip Owen and Sam
Sullivan, Dec. 19.

If the war on drugs has been such a costly failure and the negative
consequences of prohibition so evident why stop at pot? We should be
decriminalizing all drugs. It's time for the former Vancouver mayors
and everyone else to recognize that this shouldn't be about giving the
government another commodity (marijuana) to tightly control under a
"strict public health framework" with sin taxes and regulation.

The war on drugs and the corresponding solution from the ex-mayors are
both wars on freedom and the right to self-ownership. Individuals
should be able to ingest any substance they want without any
government interference - including everyone's favourite drug, alcohol.

Bruce Korol

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