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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: PUB LTE: War On Drugs
Title:US TX: PUB LTE: War On Drugs
Published On:2011-12-15
Source:Austin American-Statesman (TX)
Fetched On:2011-12-16 06:03:15

Re: Dec. 8 Suzanne Wills commentary, "We lost the war on drugs."

Thanks American Statesman for publishing this timely, enlightened

It is morally bankrupt to punish nonviolent adults for making a safer
health choice, cannabis or marijuana, compared to other legal
medicinal or social drugs. Regulate cannabis like alcohol and tobacco
or just reclassify it as the herbal supplement it is scientifically.
The people believe in self-government and self-medication.

Less than 1 percent of Americans are actually addicted to anything
illegal. Incarceration costs seven times treatment. Restore public and
law enforcement safety. Change to ethical policy and show fiscal
responsibility. Use resources to catch more violent and sexual
predators, or incarcerate people who are morally bankrupt, selling
drugs to children or driving intoxicated. Save lives instead of
ruining them. Restore justice, the guardian of liberty.

Colleen McCool


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