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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: PUB LTE: Marijuana Is A Harmless Drug And Should Be
Title:CN BC: PUB LTE: Marijuana Is A Harmless Drug And Should Be
Published On:2011-12-09
Source:Alberni Valley Times (CN BC)
Fetched On:2011-12-10 06:01:30

Re: "Proof is out there about harm from marijuana," (Alberni Valley
Times, Dec. 5)

Ms. Bruce is quick to cite studies, but I wonder if she read them.

If she did then there's a lot that she missed, or chose to miss.

In the Caspi et. al. study that she quoted, the study is quick and
vehement when it states that marijuana is "not a major cause of
schizophrenia" and adds that "a historical use in cannabis use would
not necessarily produce an observable increase in the prevalence of psychosis."

I find little in the Fergussen and Bowden study that supports the
opinion of Ms. Bruce. There is a long list of marijuana proponents
and users who are quite successful from all around the world and from
all walks of life.

It's time to legalize this harmless drug and save ourselves billions
of tax dollars spent on the useless "war on drugs."

N.B. deWaal

Port Alberni
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