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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: PUB LTE: Leave Legislation Alone
Title:CN ON: PUB LTE: Leave Legislation Alone
Published On:2011-11-25
Source:Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Fetched On:2011-11-29 06:02:01

Re: Fazed and confused, Nov. 19 and Crime in a primer for the PM
Canada, Nov. 19. I read with despair reporter Chris Cobb's excellent
article on the new proposed crime legislation, as well as Amanda
Shendruk's "cheat sheet."

If I thought it would do any good, I would write a letter to Prime
Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservative members of Parliament,
but since they seen to be disregarding the advice of The Canadian Bar
Association, the Canadian Association of Crown Counsel, the Union of
Canadian Correctional Officers, and many other learned organizations
and individuals, it is likely I would join the chorus of critics in
Conservative waste baskets. But, just in case the prime minister or
any Conservatives are listening: if their adolescent child decides to
try smoking marijuana, and gets caught, how will they feel when their
child gets a mandatory minimum sentence in a federal penitentiary?
Won't they wish with all their heart that they had left the legislation alone?

What the Safe Streets and Communities Act proposes is horrible and
horrifying. Is there no Conservative member of Parliament who is
willing to look at restorative justice?


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