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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: PUB LTE: Don't Point A Finger At The Sick
Title:US CA: PUB LTE: Don't Point A Finger At The Sick
Published On:2011-11-22
Source:Union, The (Grass Valley, CA)
Fetched On:2011-11-23 06:01:38

In response to Joanne Crouch (MD ?). What are your economist
credentials? What are your medical credentials? What business do you
own/operate that does not benefit from the money flow originated from
the small growers?

I am not a smoker or grower and I am against the social use of
marijuana, but I would never assume that anyone with any kind of
severe pain should not be allowed to use whatever method works for
them to cure or alleviate their ailment.

Ms. Crouch can try any method she wishes to legalize those hard drugs
but lay off something she evidently knows nothing about.

As I have stated (and it's true), I have not and do not imbibe in pot
and never will, but I have seen the results on various physical
ailments and would never be so high and mighty as to say those people
are just using medical marijuana to get high.

I would suggest doing a little research before posting your opinion
even though I respect that as just an opinion the same as mine.

Bob Thompson

Grass Valley
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