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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: LTE: Pot Dispensaries Are A Farce
Title:US CO: LTE: Pot Dispensaries Are A Farce
Published On:2011-11-20
Source:Glenwood Springs Post Independent (CO)
Fetched On:2011-11-23 06:00:31

Reading that Glenwood's P&Z denied Ross' new sign proposal and that
council was revisiting the issue got my attention. I just could not
believe that a new sign for a business like Ross, which is the type
of business any town would be happy to have, was denied while local
"medical" marijuana stores are able to put "Pot & Hash Sale" signs on
their store fronts and this is OK?

What has happened to us? Is there just no common sense around
anymore? For the record I have no issue with what an adult does in
their home with marijuana, or alcohol for that matter.

But what's going on with these "dispensaries" is a farce and we all
know it. Do we have "Valium" dispensaries, "Percoset" dispensaries or
"Viagra" Dispensaries? No, because these items of "medicinal" value
are properly dispensed at a pharmacy.

This whole "dispensary" thing is a joke, but the reality is it's not
funny at all. A few weeks ago there was a community meeting with the
State of Colorado Attorney General, Glenwood Springs Police Chief
Terry Wilson, Dr. Paul Salmen, as well as representatives from the
Re-1 school board and YouthZone, to name a few.

Acknowledged was the fact that marijuana use by teenagers, in our
valley, has skyrocketed since the advent of these "dispensaries." The
reason was explained as twofold: 1) easy access to dispensary
products through parent and sibling use and 2) the "appearance of
consent" for marijuana use, by the community, due to the "very
existence" of these dispensaries.

They explained that it is normal for teenagers to respond to the
"appearance of consent" for actions as "approval." And when
questioned about marijuana use, teenagers actually did not even
understand why marijuana was considered a "problem" when there was
clear "consent" on Main Street, Glenwood Springs.

Dr. Salmen went on to explain how the actual physical, emotional and
chemical response of marijuana, in the brain of a teenager, is much
different than that of an adult, resulting in negative decision
making and socialization.

It's about the kids.

Ed Rosenberg

Glenwood Springs
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