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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: PUB LTE: City Tasked Over Drug Issue
Title:CN BC: PUB LTE: City Tasked Over Drug Issue
Published On:2011-11-03
Source:Langley Advance (CN BC)
Fetched On:2011-11-15 06:03:40

Dear Editor,

Why is the current Langley City council so opposed to the medical
marijuana dispensary (MMD)? Is it they can't face people who are ill?
Or they don't want to?

It seems that, the more the community requests help, the more
opposition it meets from city councillors.

And as a result, the more venom and lies are aimed at Randy

This man is the most compassionate, caring, honest person I have ever
met in my lifetime. It was never his goal in life to open a
dispensary. But his character is such that he could not turn his back
on a person of need.

Thus the dispensary opened after many people in the community came
forward with stories of suffering and pain. He held his hand out, to

He went to Health Canada, he went to City Council with a proposal, and
information, and he went to the RCMP, asking for their assistance, and
was met - at the beginning - with silent support.

So after 11 months of being fully aware of what Randy was doing to
help people in need, why did the police raid occur?

And more curious, why did Randy get charged the day after the MMD
delegation presented City Council with the signed petitions in support
of the MMD?

Randy informed Langley RCMP Superintendent Derek Cook of everything
during a 2-hour session more than a year ago - all transparent, as per
Health Canada regulations.

What are these people afraid of? Or is it simply, their own morals and

I know Randy Caine puts his needs aside and puts the community's needs
first. After 35 years with him as my partner, I should know.

He is a good, honest, caring man - so why does he instill such fear
and loathing in our council and RCMP?

Maureen Caine

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