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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: PUB LTE: Crime Bill's Progress Should Be Arrested
Title:CN BC: PUB LTE: Crime Bill's Progress Should Be Arrested
Published On:2011-11-14
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Fetched On:2011-11-15 06:01:11

Re: How will our leaders stop the violence, Editorial, Nov. 8

Clearly Prime Minister Stephen Harper's anti-crime measures and others
like it will not stop violence; they are not working anywhere on earth.

The way to stop the majority of violence which is associated with
prohibition is to end prohibition.

Murder rates declined for 10 years after ending the original
prohibition with alcohol and there's reason to believe ending the
sequel will have the same results.

That includes the plant cannabis (marijuana) but may or may not
include hard drugs.

As long as the relatively safe plant cannabis is prohibited, citizens
have contempt for drug laws; not all substances may need to be
completely legalized to drastically reduce violence.

Statistics show a fast growing majority of Canadians and Americans
support completely re-legalizing the plant cannabis.

Ending cannabis prohibition is one of the most important issues of our

Stan White

Dillon, Colorado
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