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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: LTE: Charge Cannabis Users Cost Of Jail
Title:US CA: LTE: Charge Cannabis Users Cost Of Jail
Published On:2011-11-12
Source:San Diego Union Tribune (CA)
Fetched On:2011-11-15 06:00:19

The Dialog section "Legalize marijuana?" (Nov. 6), on the pros and
cons of drug control, presented the problem fairly from several
angles. The cost of incarceration of people arrested for violating the
laws, however, is one [issue] that can be managed very easily.

There is no logical reason that law-abiding citizens should have to
pay for room and board and medical care for criminals. Every penny of
those expenses should charged to the people in jail. Put them to work
at a fair wage while they are locked up and collect any remaining
balance after they are released.

James E. Bie

La Jolla
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