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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: LTE: Dangerous Drug
Title:CN BC: LTE: Dangerous Drug
Published On:2011-11-05
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC)
Fetched On:2011-11-09 06:02:22

In the Oct. 25 edition, Greg Tyler writes "Pot smokers are not a drain
on our healthcare system," "marijuana is not addictive," "it is
possible to consume marijuana daily and live a normal life with no
side effects."

These statements are not factual, they appear to be "wistful"

George Institute of New Zealand reached a case-controlled conclusion
in 2005 which reads in part: "Habitual marijuana use is associated
with a 10-fold increase in the risk of car crash injury."

The National Survey of Drug Abuse and Health showed that drug use
while driving is not uncommon. The meta-analysis showed 28 per cent of
fatally injured drivers tested positive for drugs other than alcohol,
with marijuana the most popular choice.

The Good Drugs Guide reports "A person who is living with an addiction
to marijuana is unable to stop using it, even when they want to. The
urge to use is simply too strong. Couple the dependence on the drug
with the fact that it is cheap and relatively easy to get and you will
see why so many people become addicted."

Eric Myrholm
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