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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: LTE: Marijuana Money Not Worth The Serious Risks
Title:US CA: LTE: Marijuana Money Not Worth The Serious Risks
Published On:2011-11-07
Source:Union, The (Grass Valley, CA)
Fetched On:2011-11-09 06:02:04

A recent opinion column stated that if not for the billion-dollar
marijuana industry in Nevada County, all the stores on Mill Street
would have to close. The implication that the only money keeping this
town alive is from illegal activities (federal law) is somewhat
offensive to me.

I, like many others in this county, work hard to make a living at a
job that has nothing to do with pot or any other drug. Staying
financially stable in this economy is a big struggle. The idea of
growing a natural herb for medicinal purposes to benefit the quality
of life for those suffering from a devastating illness sounds quite
spiritual. A noble pursuit, indeed (not to mention making some
serious money as a bonus).

But the reality of it seems otherwise. I get to sleep at night. I
don't have keep my dogs chained up in my "garden." My neighbors don't
give me dirty looks. I don't jump up at every little rustle sure I'm
being invaded by gun toting "patch pirates" from the city. I need not
worry about federal agents knocking at my door and dragging me off to
federal prison.

Thanks, but no thanks. I'll keep struggling.

Bob Rogers

Grass Valley
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