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News (Media Awareness Project) - US OR: PUB LTE: Lets Quit Chasing Plants
Title:US OR: PUB LTE: Lets Quit Chasing Plants
Published On:2011-11-01
Source:Albany Democrat-Herald (OR)
Fetched On:2011-11-03 06:00:27

Speaking as a retired detective, thank you for calling for a rational
approach to marijuana, that is legalize, regulate and tax. It has
always been a horrific waste of our time to chase a green plant, while
pedophiles lurk in Internet chat rooms and drunk drivers threaten
those on the highway.

As the Thin Blue line shrinks in Oregon, our leaders need to have us
focus on public safety, not the personal safety of adults in their
home. During my time on the streets I learned the government cannot
fix stupid.

Howard Wooldridge

Adamstown, Md. (Oct. 30)
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