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News (Media Awareness Project) - US FL: LTE: Testing Is Appropriate
Title:US FL: LTE: Testing Is Appropriate
Published On:2011-10-28
Source:St. Petersburg Times (FL)
Fetched On:2011-10-31 06:01:12

Federal Judge Mary Scriven has blocked drug testing as a condition of
receiving welfare payments. She says that it violates the Fourth
Amendment regarding searches.

What is the financial difference between Florida's Legislature
gambling that a major hurricane will not wreak havoc on our economy
and expanded casino gambling? None.

If a major hurricane strikes Florida, the wreckage is there for all
to see, and ers will be assessed because Florida's hurricane
insurance program is underfunded.

Casino gambling eats away at the income and assets of a person or
family who cannot resist the lure of making a quick buck. Then
Florida taxpayers eat the losses when losers seek free medWhat about
mandatory testing when you apply for a job, even if there is no
probable cause? Is that legal? What about random drug testing in
police departments nationwide? Such tests have been upheld in the
courts for years.

I see nothing wrong with someone being required to take a drug test
as a condition for welfare payments. Many people who use drugs have
dropped off the welfare rolls because they know they will not pass
the test. I say keep it going.

Wayne Parlow, Ridge Manor
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