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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MI: PUB LTE: Don't Defy Voters' Wishes
Title:US MI: PUB LTE: Don't Defy Voters' Wishes
Published On:2011-09-08
Source:Livonia Observer (MI)
Fetched On:2011-09-11 06:04:01

With regard to your Aug. 18 article, "State looks at clarifying
medical marijuana law," the only thing that I've seen as unsafe or
ineffective is the type of so-called "leadership" we have in Lansing,
such as Rep. Walsh, Sen. Rick Jones or Attorney General Bill Schuette.

These people continue with their ceaseless, meritless rhetoric,
designed to defy the voters' wishes, primarily serving their own
selfish needs and pandering to those of their shrinking base.

The people in our capitol need to find something worthwhile to spend
our tax dollars on. That is, if they're capable. I tend to think not.

Thank God for term limits. Now, if we could just get a part-time
Legislature to follow that up.

David Light

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