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News (Media Awareness Project) - US OK: Prohibition Not Helping
Title:US OK: Prohibition Not Helping
Published On:2011-09-04
Source:Norman Transcript (OK)
Fetched On:2011-09-07 06:01:42

NORMAN -- Editor, The Transcript:

As my colleagues fly around in helicopters, pedophiles are not being
caught in the Internet chat rooms, as they entice young teens to "meet
in real life." My profession shrinks by the day, and chasing after a
green plant should be at the bottom of our priority list.

In my experience, marijuana is too dangerous to leave in the hands of
criminals and cartels. It should be handled like alcohol. Can anyone
explain how marijuana prohibition is helping our young people, since
it is easier for them to buy pot than whiskey?

Det./Officer Howard Wooldridge (retired)

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