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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: LTE: Leadership Will Defeat Grow-Ops
Title:CN ON: LTE: Leadership Will Defeat Grow-Ops
Published On:2006-04-22
Source:Liberal, The (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 07:05:39

Re: Dream home could go up in smoke, April 6.

The problem is not grow ops or a police chief's management of grow op
files. The problem is cowardice.

Supposed civic leaders are too scared to admit the emperor of
prohibition has no clothes.

It is costing lives, resulting in record marijuana use among our
youth, wasting resources and shortchanging our communities.

Stop treating people like they are stupid. Wake up.

It is much easier for kids to access marijuana than alcohol or

We could eliminate grow ops quickly and easily if we would only deal
with the issue like responsible community members.

Until then, the cowards -- and we all know who they are -- will ensure
we are wasting money we don't have.

We will also ensure that weed does not flow freely to our youth and
that lives are not violently lost along the way.

Elio Di Iorio

RIichmond Hill
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