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News (Media Awareness Project) - Czech Republic: Marijuana Is Now a Personal Matter for Czechs
Title:Czech Republic: Marijuana Is Now a Personal Matter for Czechs
Published On:2009-12-11
Source:Wall Street Journal (US)
Fetched On:2009-12-11 17:34:56

The interim Czech government, led by chief statistician-turned-Prime
Minister Jan Fischer, early this week took a step towards making
casual marijuana smoking a less worrisome affair.

Mr. Fischer's cabinet defined on Monday what constitutes "small
amounts" of cannabis for personal use, clarifying the country's new
penal code that from next year decriminalizes cultivation and
possession of the plant by individuals, according to Czech news agency CTK.

As of Jan. 1 ordinary Czechs can grow up to five marijuana plants or
have several marijuana cigarettes in their pockets without fear of
criminal prosecution. Previously what constituted a small amount
wasn't specified.

The government's approval of a table specifying what amounts of drugs
are permissible is a vital part of the country's new penal code that
was last year approved by both houses of parliament and in January of
this year was signed into law by President Vaclav Klaus. Without the
just-approved table of amounts that will be used by Czech police, the
January decriminalization of the drug would be difficult to judge by
courts and investigators.

The plant still remains illegal, however, though from the new year
possession of five or less plants is merely a misdemeanour, and fines
for possession will be on par with penalties for parking violations.

There is also an interesting lifestyle footnote: Czechs are Europe's
biggest drinkers of hops-infused beer and are also the continent's
leaders in smoking pot. Czechs consume 320 pints of the golden brew
per person annually. Also 22% of Czechs between the age of 16 and 34
smoke cannabis at least once a year, according to a recent report by
the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.

Czech decriminalization of small amounts of cannabis possession does
not, however provide greater clarity to the country's policy on
medical marijuana. "Konopi Je Lek," a Czech non-profit organization
promoting medical marijuana recently co-founded the country's first
marijuana dispensary in Prague despite there being no medical
marijuana laws on the country's books. The grand opening of the
dispensary on Sept. 28 was attended by Prague's Mayor Dr. Pavel Bem,
who is also a physician and proponent of sensible use of the herb.
Since then, however, Prague police have raided it, hauling away the
cannabis meant for patients, and the dispensary is now looking for
growers to help restock its supply.
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