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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Don't Knock Findings On Dangerous Drugs
Title:UK: Don't Knock Findings On Dangerous Drugs
Published On:2009-12-03
Source:Guardian, The (UK)
Fetched On:2009-12-07 17:21:18

A Drug May Be Dangerous but That Alone Is Not a Reason to Make It
Illegal. But It Is a Reason for Regulation

The Institute of Psychiatry has published research that links skunk
and psychosis, and those who champion drug use are the least willing
to accept its findings. This is quite the wrong approach. If you wish
for the drugs debate to move forward, then scientific evidence of the
dangers of drugs is to be welcomed. Danger alone is not a reason for
illegality, or cars, electricity and alcohol would be illegal, not to
mention people. Danger is a reason for regulation, which an illegal
market cannot deliver. What cannabis users need is a safer
alternative than whatever it is that they happen to be able to score,
especially if the market-leading illegal offer is particularly virulent.
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