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News (Media Awareness Project) - 'Brave New World' Here Already
Title:'Brave New World' Here Already
Published On:1997-03-09
Fetched On:2008-09-08 21:21:01
Contact Info for The TimesPicayune:


I do not understand why there was a question mark after
the headline in the Feb. 25 TimesPicayune, "Brave New
World?" about the cloning of a sheep. There should be no
controversy about this.

Look at the facts: abortion on demand, the imminent
introduction of the abortion pill (RU486), invitro
fertilization, physicianassisted suicide, efforts to
engineer and harvest all sorts of animal tissues for human
transplantation, the legalization of drugs (like
marijuana) for medical treatment (with further expansion
of conditions for which they will be allowed a certainty)
and a preoccupation with sex, violence, money and comfort.

The cloning of mammals should not raise the question of
whether humans will be cloned but rather who will do it and
when. Our "Brave New World" is here.

As a medical (cancer) researcher, I am dedicated to the
improvement of the health of all people, but my heart
grieves at the direction some science has taken. Deep down,
we all know the reason for this: Many people believe all
that matters is the here and now on this Earth, whatever
the cost.

If we truly believe there is a God and everlasting life
after death, Aldous Huxley's book would not be so

Wayne V. Vedeckis
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