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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MI: LTE: Time Is Now To Reform Drug Possession Law
Title:US MI: LTE: Time Is Now To Reform Drug Possession Law
Published On:1997-12-10
Source:Detroit News
Fetched On:2008-09-07 18:43:18

It is gratifying to see responsible legislators from both parties working to reform Michigan's mandatory life imprisonment statute for certain drug offenses involving 650 grams of heroin or cocaine. Many thoughtful observers, including judges and former prosecutors, believe the current law is both unjust and a huge waste of taxpayer dollars. While aimed at drug kingpins, the "650 lifer" law has often snared lowlevel drug abusers and couriers who are clogging the state's prison system at enormous expense to taxpayers.

The cost of prison construction and maintenance of the inmate population will be very high and will continue to increase unless more effective means are developed to control a prison population largely made up of drug offenders approximately 200 of whom are drug "lifers." If this continues, the day will not be far off when Michigan will be operating a system of geriatric prisons for persons far beyond the capability of inflicting any further harm on society.

The time for reform is now to rid the state of costly and largely ineffective law, and to replace it with a tough but rational sentencing system where the sentence can be fitted to the crime and the offender by judges who are given guidelines for sentencing. Principled and courageous legislators from both parties are now working on reforms necessary to achieve these objectives, and they deserve our encouragement and commendation.

Joel M. Shere,

Ann Arbor

Land of compromise?
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