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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: PUB LTE: Teenage Smoking
Title:US: PUB LTE: Teenage Smoking
Published On:1997-12-16
Source:International HeraldTribune
Fetched On:2008-09-07 18:27:18
(Editor note: Suprised they published this. It was more of a note than an
LTE and I think it has been seriously edited note at that.)


Regarding "Cracking Down on Young Smokers" (Dec. 8):

Cracking down on teenage smokers will make things worse, not better.

One must consider why teens start smoking in the first place: They smoke
because it is forbidden.

So will legislation to punish teenage smoking help? I don't think so. High
school kids are not going to consider the legal consequences of smoking if
they have already dismissed the health risks.

Only proper education will reduce teenage smoking.

JOEL W. JOHNSON. San Jose, California.
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