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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Survey: Teen Attire Heavy on Smoking Ads
Title:US: Survey: Teen Attire Heavy on Smoking Ads
Published On:1997-12-16
Source:Orange County Register News
Fetched On:2008-09-07 18:26:52

Onethird of the students studied in rural schools in New Hampshire and Vermont wore clothing or carried items promoting cigarettes,according to new research.

Tobacco companies say they sell such promotional gear only to people over 21. The industry is challenging Food and Drug Administration regulations that would prohibit selling such items to anyone.

"These items are highly visible in the public school setting, and their ownership is strongly associated with initiation and maintenance of smoking," said researchers led by Dr. James D. Sargent of Dartmouth Medical School.

The study, reported in the December issue of the American Medical Association's Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medici en, surveyed 1,265 sixththrough 12thgraders.

It found they were more likely to own Tshirts, hats, backpacks, jackets, lighters, ashtrays, camping gear, electronics and other items promoting cigarettes if their friends of relatives smoked.
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