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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: Road Rage Linked To Drug Abuse
Title:CN ON: Road Rage Linked To Drug Abuse
Published On:2005-11-12
Source:Calgary Herald (CN AB)
Fetched On:2008-08-19 05:57:07
Copyright: 2005 Calgary Herald
Contact: letters@theherald.canwest.com
Website: http://www.canada.com/calgary/calgaryherald/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/66
Author: CanWest News Service


Frequent road ragers tend to have drinking problems and use illicit
drugs more than those who stay cool behind the wheel, a new study says.

And researchers were surprised to learn that ecstasy is most common
among frequent road ragers, compared to those who exhibit road rage
occasionally or not at all, according to a study by the Centre for
Addiction and Mental Health.

The study looked at previously compiled data from 2,279 people who
fit into five groups, ranging from frequent road ragers to those who
had never experienced it. It found those who showed signs of road
rage occasionally or frequently were also likely to have used
cocaine, cannabis and alcohol at some point in their lives.

"It's probably a complicated situation where drugs are a cause of
road rage," said Reginald Smart, project manager and senior scientist
at the mental health centre.
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