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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: PUB LTE: Proposition 215 Is The Citizen's Last Resort
Title:US CA: PUB LTE: Proposition 215 Is The Citizen's Last Resort
Published On:1996-10-21
Source:UCLA Daily Bruin
Fetched On:2008-01-28 21:05:02
Proposition 215, the Medical Marijauna Initiative on November's ballot,
would provide a legal defense to medical users of cannabis. It does not
"legalize" it for anyone. It gives legitimate patients a defense in court,
as long as it is supported by a doctor's recommendation. I don't
understand the opposition. People think this is going too easy on the
cancer, aids and glaucoma patients?

Some people argue that it will be too easy for a doctor to recommend
marijuana for their patient's ills. Do these people realize that other
illegal substances such as cocaine and opiates are already regularly
prescribed by doctors...often to pregnant women? If we can trust doctors to
responsibly prescribe these drugs, why not marijauana?

Pete Wilson vetoed 2 previous medical marijana bills which were passed by a
majority in both the CA house and senate. Luckily our state allows us to
override unjust politics through the initiative process.

Proposition 215 is the citizen's last resort.

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