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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: PUB LTE: Doctor's Recommendation Of Any Drug Should Be With Care
Title:US CA: PUB LTE: Doctor's Recommendation Of Any Drug Should Be With Care
Published On:1996-11-01
Source:San Diego Union-Tribune
Fetched On:2008-01-28 21:02:05
Those who decry that proposition 215 allows physicians to recommend
marijuana for "any other illness for which marijuana provides relief" would
do well to remember that physicians are equally empowered to prescribe many
other even more powerful and dangerous drugs; indeed, drugs that are highly
addictive, unlike marijuana.

When a drug undergoes clinical trials and is approved by the Food and Drug
Administration, a specific use for the drug is stated. However, physicians
are not prohibited from prescribing for "off-label" indications. Witness
Rogaine, which originally was approved as an anti-hypertensive drug. Hair
growth was, at first, just a "side-effect."

If any physician is not prepared to accept and execute this responsibility
with all due diligence, for any and all drugs, let that physician
voluntarily retire or be stripped of medical licensure.

Lynn Carol
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