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» v.2-1 replied on Fri Jul 8, 2011 @ 2:41am. Posted in Happy Birthday D33 T3k <3 <3 <3!!!!.
Coolness: 159280
Happy b-day P Dee Dee. :)
» v.2-1 replied on Fri Jul 8, 2011 @ 2:40am. Posted in Happy Birthday Moloch.
Coolness: 159280
Even freaks need love and recognition once in a while.

Happy birthday Mark. :)
» v.2-1 replied on Fri Jul 8, 2011 @ 12:08am. Posted in Harrison Ford high as FUCK!.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
i was just reading an interview w/ him couple day ago (at the medical office in a geriatric type of magazine for old peeps..hah!) and he was saying how he took hard when his movies don't get great reviews or worse when it's a failure at BO bc people don't go see his films.. for him it wasn't even a question of money no more(of course!)

Despite godlike status in Hollywood, Harry is very much still a human being like any of us : when he gets really depressed, he proceeds to get high as fuck. And I'll take a wild guess here but he can probably afford pristine shit that we can only dream of getting. :)

Originally Posted By moloch
Some anxiety meds, if not dosed proper, can get you high off your tit.
I'm thinking medical interactions, I don't think he was aiming for a full fledged high, but I read somewhere he really hates interviews. So bad dosage + stress may fuck a dude up like that.

Yeah but keep looking at his hands. Anxiety meds usually makes you amorphous, not lavishly rub couch arms like that. LOL.

But that's gotta be the most comfortable Harrison's been in an interview in a long time. Hahahaha.

Wow, I haven't watched Conan in a long time, when did Andy Richter come back on the show ?
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 6, 2011 @ 9:21pm. Posted in 5-Htp.
Coolness: 159280
Fight fire with fire. When downing from E, take more E to compensate and bring that serotonin level way back up !
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 6, 2011 @ 9:19pm. Posted in ur such a fag lol.
Coolness: 159280
This thread is going places. Down toilets mostly.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 6, 2011 @ 11:40am. Posted in Who Wants To Play On A Sunday In July.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By BLISSS
This girl is amazing, not only is she going down in history as the first ipad dj.

I don't think the history books will want to retain this information. I don't think history classes will feature this amazing feat either. In this society, unless you used such devices for the purpose of murder, no one's gonna be remotely interested in remembering a few years down the line...

" Ah yes, I remember the first iPad DJ back in 2011 "
" An eye what ? An eye patch ? "
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jul 5, 2011 @ 10:13pm. Posted in Moombathon?.
Coolness: 159280
Ah. Correct spelling ( minus the gazillion "O"s ). Heh.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jul 5, 2011 @ 5:14am. Posted in Moombathon?.
Coolness: 159280
Not that anyone should give a flying fuck but can everyone start writing the musical style's name CORRECTLY plz ? K, thanks bye.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jul 5, 2011 @ 4:59am. Posted in Biggest Fail on the planet (Try and match this).
Coolness: 159280
The guy was trying to enter the window of his mind... only it was a real window which let outside.

"Oh my God. I can't believe you. I can't fucking believe you".

I wish they could've filmed themselves watching their video sober and see their reaction. LOL !
» v.2-1 replied on Sat Jul 2, 2011 @ 11:40am. Posted in Should i buy this?.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
First off, the hardware isn't 'exactly' the same at all. Apple takes a year to optimize components in space and performance in a handful of machines.


And you think Apple is the only company that runs extensive tests on their hardware ? ALL hardware companies are required to run the exact same tests and multiple machines running older and newer OSes to make sure it's compatible for as many people as possible. The only difference with Apple is that said components carry the price tag for all the fancy white coats the testers like to wear, the multiple Perrier dispensing machines and frequent sushi plates order in for all the employees.

Apple doesn't have gold-plated hardware built in space by NASA engineers, they're built in chinese factories like every other piece of computer hardware out there. Just check out the iPhone building company Foxconn and tell me they use superior manufacturing techniques to insure better device longevity.
» v.2-1 replied on Thu Jun 30, 2011 @ 11:22am. Posted in Htid in the sun 2075.
Coolness: 159280
Seriously, how many fucking posts on this do we need ?

How about we just stick to one thread and ask all questions in there ( even though no one cares to answer ) ?
» v.2-1 replied on Thu Jun 30, 2011 @ 11:11am. Posted in No drama no posts.
Coolness: 159280
Dubstep and psy are utter shit, popularity aside. Don't get me started on boobmahton.
» v.2-1 replied on Thu Jun 30, 2011 @ 11:07am. Posted in FM Transmitters.
Coolness: 159280
Whoa now, keep your pantaloons on, kids. :)
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jun 28, 2011 @ 12:34pm. Posted in animals being dicks.
Coolness: 159280
Just like this guy,

I think I just pissed myself laughing.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jun 28, 2011 @ 12:22pm. Posted in FM Transmitters.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By KISHMAY_PINAS
Just when i was thinking wow this is the most coherent cutter rant I'd ever read, and it's plagiarized. Should have guessed.

And I LOLed on that one. +1000
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jun 28, 2011 @ 12:50am. Posted in Beardyman.
Coolness: 159280
Pure unadulterated platinum. Moar plz.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jun 28, 2011 @ 12:50am. Posted in FM Transmitters.
Coolness: 159280
So am I to understand Cutterhead's replies are mashups ?
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jun 28, 2011 @ 12:47am. Posted in Moombathon?.
Coolness: 159280
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jun 28, 2011 @ 12:47am. Posted in Moombathon?.
Coolness: 159280
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jun 27, 2011 @ 4:11pm. Posted in NOUVELLE SALLE RAVE DISPONIBLE POUR LA LOCATION - 100% Legal.
Coolness: 159280
Wally for ( sound ) president !
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jun 27, 2011 @ 4:10pm. Posted in FM Transmitters.
Coolness: 159280
Oh wow. Dude just oozes originality.
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jun 27, 2011 @ 4:08pm. Posted in 4 Words.
Coolness: 159280
That's what she said !
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jun 27, 2011 @ 4:06pm. Posted in is there any way to make music files play louder in my mp3???.
Coolness: 159280
A few years back, I took a graphics design class which obviously included a huge computer graphics design chapter. Out of the twenty or so students in my class, me and one other used PCs while everybody else was using Macs. Our finished products were indifferentiable from the rest of the class, no difference whatsoever in terms of getting shit done. Photoshop saves projects in .PSD, Illustrator saves in .AI, both formats are readable on either a PC or a Mac, both softwares sport the exact same features and can do the exact same things on either platform. So a Mac being more powerful for graphics design is bullshit.

I can't honestly speak in terms of music production but last I checked, most powerful music softwares out there are available either for Mac or PC ( I just bought Traktor Scratch Pro 2 and guess what : PC or Mac ) plus, most Mac-exclusive softwares usually have a PC counterpart so I just don't see how different things are on each platform.

At the end of the day, it's not the tools you use that matters but the end result.

As for hardware, if I were to buy a PC at the same price Apple sells Macs, it would probably get outdated as quickly as a Mac.
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jun 27, 2011 @ 12:59pm. Posted in NOUVELLE SALLE RAVE DISPONIBLE POUR LA LOCATION - 100% Legal.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By DORIANGREY
J<invite les septiques a venir au party d<ouverture !!

Faudrait inviter les fausses sceptiques aussi. :)
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jun 27, 2011 @ 12:58pm. Posted in 4 Words.
Coolness: 159280
"Is that MY blood ?"
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jun 27, 2011 @ 12:57pm. Posted in is there any way to make music files play louder in my mp3???.
Coolness: 159280
No. Computer literacy has nothing to do with stupidity. It has everything to do with a lack of knowledge in that particular field. I'm sure your father would've gotten a PhD in Politics by giving up on the hardest parts of his studies.

For some, operating a device comes naturally, others not but like it's been said here, you shouldn't give up on something that may appear insurmountable at first. That's like saying "rollerblading would be ideal to go to work efficiently but it seems complicated so I'll just avoid it entirely and walk instead".

There's a learning curve to everything but after learning the basics, the doors are opened. It's up to anyone to decide how far they're willing to go through that door.

Hell, my own mother had trouble finding the power button at first but after slowly keeping at it on her own time, she's now able to get pictures from her digital computer, import them on her computer and send them by e-mail on her own.

In essence, it gets a lot less complicated as you go along. And nowadays, PCs have gotten as easy to use as Macs so it's not so much about learning to use OS X or Windows 7 more than learning to use a computer, period.
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jun 27, 2011 @ 12:43pm. Posted in NOUVELLE SALLE RAVE DISPONIBLE POUR LA LOCATION - 100% Legal.
Coolness: 159280
Je ne sais pas comment on dit ça en français mais "I stand corrected". Heh.
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jun 27, 2011 @ 11:50am. Posted in NOUVELLE SALLE RAVE DISPONIBLE POUR LA LOCATION - 100% Legal.
Coolness: 159280
C'est pour ça qu'avant, les meilleures salles étaient dans des quartiers industriels. Astheure, toutes les nouvelles salles sont dans des quartiers hautement résidentiels, la pire place pour une salle qui ne ferme pas à 3h.

C'est sûr que c'est facile d'accès et que c'est sur une rue populaire mais, ouais, je suis sûr que les cops vont se pointer là à tour de bras ( pis Dieu sait que les policiers ne patrouillent JAMAIS la rue St-Laurent les fins de semaine ). :/
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jun 27, 2011 @ 11:37am. Posted in FM Transmitters.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
moloch where is your faggot boyfriend to ban you wen u start the shit ?

prolly what licking your arse , shit site anyways enjoy your sausage party overhere

antidemocratic site of jocks , will grow should be the fucking motto here

oh and to all the self centered , everybody dies of cancer . so stfu and ligt up no paradise out there but the one u make for yourself

First you prone freedom of speech, then you want people banned because you dislike what they say about you then say it's anti-democratic but then when the ban hammer practically falls on you, you claim nazism. Contradiction much ?
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jun 27, 2011 @ 11:31am. Posted in is there any way to make music files play louder in my mp3???.
Coolness: 159280
Seriously, for the sake of redundancy, anyone who says "operating a PC is hard" with Windows 7 probably can't find the power button on there ( ergo shouldn't own a computer to begin with ). If there's one PC OS that caters to the less technologically inclined, that would be it.

@Screwhead : Bwahahahahaha !
» v.2-1 replied on Sun Jun 26, 2011 @ 12:20pm. Posted in 4 Words.
Coolness: 159280
I fucked your sister
» v.2-1 replied on Sun Jun 26, 2011 @ 12:16pm. Posted in is there any way to make music files play louder in my mp3???.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By SEX.IS.BORING
not everyone is a computer scientist, for this reason i find mac are more convenient for people who need to use a computer in their everyday life, but don't know well all the technology that makes a computer work.

Neither does about 90% of PC users by the way. I speak to clients ona daily basis and most people I speak to don't have a clue what version of Windows is installed on their machine. Of course, a lot of us here are computer literate but we're a minority. Again, Windows 7 is just as easy to use as OS X now. Windows XP wasn't, admittedly.

i don't bash on pc users, after all it's just a machine but i prefer to invest in something that is more expensive but that will work well during its lifetime than having to bring my computer every 6 months to the repair store.

Of course, you can buy a Porsche instead of a Hyundai but ultimately, they're both mechanical and prone to breaking like anything else. I deal with clients with faulty iPhones all the time. By no means purchasing a device that bears the Apple logo and paying triple the price for it does that make it immune to mechanical and electronic failure. iPhones are assembled in an assembly line in China, like every other electronic device out there so Apple devices don't have parts or anything else really special that sets them apart from their competitors... aside from the price.

I've owned the same PC for the past 5 years and it's never been to the repair store. I don't know where you both yours or what happened to it for it to warrant bi-yearly repairs but it's highly unusual.
» v.2-1 replied on Sat Jun 25, 2011 @ 3:37pm. Posted in is there any way to make music files play louder in my mp3???.
Coolness: 159280
You're fitting the target Apple consumer to a tee.

As for Macs, they are excellent... but are the components gold plated and encrusted with diamonds or what ? What's up with the goddam hefty price tag ?

I've always own PCs ( for about 10 years ) and only twice did I have a virus that screwedit up so bad I had to re-install the OS ( aside from the time Norton Anti-Virus screwed up the system files so bad, I had to re-install the OS again ). So 3 times in 10 yeas.

I don't know what you people do to end up with so many viruses on your PCs but clearly, you're doing it wrong. As for parts blowing up, with the money you guys invest in Macs, you can buy a PC with really good parts that won't blow up either. Besides, with Windows 7 the "Macs are easier to use" argument isn't valuable anymore.
» v.2-1 replied on Sat Jun 25, 2011 @ 11:52am. Posted in FM Transmitters.
Coolness: 159280
3 words. It took 3 words to set off the resident paranoid-delusional. Unbelievable.

I'm growing concerned about Recoil though. Have you started listening to psy and growing dreads, son ?

So it would be preferable not to make gruesome baby jokes and now we should keep cancer jokes on the down-low too ? Heh. Aw you hardcore softy. LOL !
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jun 22, 2011 @ 7:06pm. Posted in school blocks youtube...
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
Get with the program.
She's using school computers.

Ungh. Right. My bad. :/
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jun 22, 2011 @ 7:03pm. Posted in school blocks youtube...
Coolness: 159280
Proxy or not, on a smartphone, you're still using your cell provider's towers and network for data transfer.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jun 22, 2011 @ 2:23pm. Posted in school blocks youtube...
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By NIJI
My unlimited data costs me 10$/month.
It probably has to do with both, but I know for a fact that, were I to get an iphone or android, I would pay much, much more.

You clearly don't have a smartphone then. What you have is probably not data transfer intensive to begin with, hence the Unlimited at $10.

If you had an Android phone or iPhone, there would bo no way in Hell you'd have the same plan indeed. :)
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jun 22, 2011 @ 11:51am. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By M-A-X
Ayoye, toé t'aime ca te casser la tête pour rien

Lâche pas big ;-P

Ayoye, toé t'aime ca répondre à un commentaire pour rien

Anyway, quessé tu connais en photographie ? T'as pas un IED à aller désamorcer ou un Hummer à shiner, toi ?
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jun 22, 2011 @ 11:46am. Posted in 'general discussions' to hit one thousand pages....
Coolness: 159280
You definitely should. It's hilarious. :)
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jun 22, 2011 @ 11:41am. Posted in school blocks youtube...
Coolness: 159280
Using an iPhone ( or any other smartphone ) wirelessly is NOT the same as tethering it and using it as a modem, it's billed differently. If anyone should know, it's me.

Btw Strik, there are no unlimited data plans for cellphones anymore. Even if it says it's unlimited, you still have a soft cap.
v.2-1's Profile - Community Messages