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» v.2-1 replied on Sat Jul 23, 2011 @ 12:11pm. Posted in werewolf roll.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
martin lauze tes pris en boucle de TES frustration dy a deux ans , faq pourkoi tu farme pas ta yeule pis que tu change de disque , si ya bien qqn qui fait une nevroze ici , cest toi qui reste staller sur le meme shit .

Quelles frustrations au juste ? Pis, encore une fois, t'es qui pour me donner des ordres ? Tu penses-tu réellement que parce que tu me dis de me la fermer que je vais le faire ? Parlant de staller sur le même shit, je te traite-tu de tous les noms comme toi tu passe ton temps à faire avec moi pis le 3/4 du reste du forum ici ? Je passe tu mon temps à bannir la moitié du monde de mes threads, moi ? C'est ben plus facile de blâmer le reste du monde que soi-même, on dirait. Ah pis j'étais pas savais pas que les névrosés stallent sur le même shit. T'es mieux placé pour le savoir que moi.

Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
petre pas chez nous mais toi non plus. jme souvien tres bien de noah qui me disait que vous etiez rien ici, et qui a juste a lui que ca appartien , faq , ta grosse geule. on passe a un autre appelle . sort du thread esti de post rapiste avant que jte colle 50 piramydes de 20 locations differentes, a la minutes pour 6 mois. juste pour te voir brailler ta geule de n00b qui pense que ca cest du hacking. connard.
Ben si on est rien pour lui ici, bienvenue dans la gang. La seule différence entre moi pis toi ici c'est que ça fait crissement plus longtemps que je suis ici que toi facque ma gueule, par ancienneté, a plus le droit de se faire aller que ta tronche de troll.

Pour ce qui est de sortir du thread, c'est beau, garde ton thread exclusif pis continue à t'amuser à bannir ceux qui te regarde un peu croche, t'as l'air à trouver ça ben le fun de faire ça.

Ah pis pour ta pyramide, check le thread encore pis dis moi si j'ai déjà dit que c'était du hacking. Ctrl-C pis Ctrl-V multiplié par 50 sur une couple de lignes de codes c'est crissement loin d'être du hacking facque traite quelqu'un d'autre de n00b là-dessus, ducon.

Have fun a little ! Go out in the sun, it'll do you good !
» v.2-1 replied on Thu Jul 21, 2011 @ 8:50pm. Posted in Special K will give you urinary incontinence.
Coolness: 159280
LOL ! Try [ Ebay.com ] then. Heh.
» v.2-1 replied on Thu Jul 21, 2011 @ 8:49pm. Posted in Predictability.
Coolness: 159280
As per the other thread ( and for the sake of redundancy ) :

Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
v2 trying to look cool by acting like a jock , only on rw you will belive to add coolness to yourself on your empty thoughts .

the guy must have quite a fullfilling life.

I couldn't care shit about looking cool, coolness points or anything else. My thoughts are far from empty, it's just that you can't understand them. As for my fulfilling life, I'm willing to bet I'm far better off than you are.

Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
si vous avez rien a contribuer a part vos hormones , bin fermez le tab du browser gang de rapace self centered pogner en boucle

LOL ! T'es qui toi pour donner des ordres ? C'est pas chez vous icitte. En plus, c'est toi l'ostie de frustré qui insulte et banne tout le monde. S'il y a ben quelqu'un qui devrait écouter tes conseils, c'est toi-même.
» v.2-1 replied on Thu Jul 21, 2011 @ 6:52pm. Posted in werewolf roll.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
v2 trying to look cool by acting like a jock , only on rw you will belive to add coolness to yourself on your empty thoughts .

the guy must have quite a fullfilling life.

I couldn't care shit about looking cool, coolness points or anything else. My thoughts are far from empty, it's just that you can't understand them. As for my fulfilling life, I'm willing to bet I'm far better off than you are.

Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
si vous avez rien a contribuer a part vos hormones , bin fermez le tab du browser gang de rapace self centered pogner en boucle

LOL ! T'es qui toi pour donner des ordres ? C'est pas chez vous icitte. En plus, c'est toi l'ostie de frustré qui insulte et banne tout le monde. S'il y a ben quelqu'un qui devrait écouter tes conseils, c'est toi-même.
» v.2-1 replied on Thu Jul 21, 2011 @ 6:42pm. Posted in Special K will give you urinary incontinence.
Coolness: 159280
Maybe you can steal Max's pair. >:)
» v.2-1 replied on Thu Jul 21, 2011 @ 2:50am. Posted in Vinyl and gear garage sale?.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By DJ_DIALECT
You're in 2-MO?? where abouts?

Why, you know somebody else who lives there ?

Check your PMs. :)
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 20, 2011 @ 7:02pm. Posted in Mcdonalds on Mckay & St Catherines.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By BLISSS
The music actually has a lot to do with it Basdini,

If people bombard their brain with messages of hate, misogyny, violence & greed, and all that bullshit
Then dont be surprised if you see people acting it out. These kids are acting out what their ROLE MODELS show them. Ask any of these kids who they look up too they'll tell you 50 cent, 2 Pac, Eminem, and people like that.

I dont see kids who listen to classical music out acting like thugs, I don't see ravers acting like thugs, I dont see people who listen to funk act like thugs. I dont even see people who listen to metal act like thugs, they are actually some of the nicest cats you'll meet

No, the only people I see acting like thugs are these kids who listen to all this gangster hip hop bullshit and then think its fun to go out and seriously injure and mug innocent bystanders

Indeed. You would expect people who listen to death or speed metal or terrorcore to go bonkers and kill or maim people and yet, I ain't saying hip-hop is bad but statistically speaking, I'm pretty certain most violent offenders out there listen to it.

Not bashing the style, just drawing some conclusions here.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 20, 2011 @ 1:59pm. Posted in werewolf roll.
Coolness: 159280
Meh, try as they might... I mean, it's still their prerogative, I have nothing against that but I see this as the equivalent of having some friends over, having an argument with one of them, literally kicking them out of your pad and then telling everyone else that they have no problems whatsoever with confrontation.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 20, 2011 @ 12:42pm. Posted in werewolf roll.
Coolness: 159280
» v.2-1 - Banned From Posting
» MolocH - Banned From Posting

Unbelievably enough, at least Bliss is man enough to withstand the occasional onslaught on here without resorting to such juvenile antics.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 20, 2011 @ 12:36pm. Posted in Special K will give you urinary incontinence.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
^^Did cutter hack into your machine?

If it was the case, my text would've been riddled with typos, of dubious comprehension all the while being filled with several references to numerous people on here as being ign'ants, non-technocratic morons and fascists.

You be the judge. :)
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 20, 2011 @ 11:39am. Posted in Special K will give you urinary incontinence.
Coolness: 159280
C'est donc vrai que l'Internet c'est juste l'Internet. Tu peux envoyer chier tout le monde pis c'est automatique que personne va le prendre mal parce que c'est évident que c'est juste des jokes parce que rien n'est vrai sur l'Internt. 100% des gens qui l'utilise savent qu'il ne faut pas prendre rien au sérieux en ligne.

En plus, ça te donne carte blanche pour etre un mangeur de marde alors que dans la vrai vie, t'es super fin parce qu'en bout de ligne, come on tout le monde le sait, c'est juste l'Internet !

Bon ben sur ce, allez donc tous chier gang d'imbéciles.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jul 19, 2011 @ 6:52pm. Posted in werewolf roll.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
you guys are starting to sound senile from repeating the same shit over and over again

At least people are able to make out what we're trying to say.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jul 19, 2011 @ 6:49pm. Posted in Special K will give you urinary incontinence.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By PSILO
Si tu le trouverais si con tu lui preterais pas tant d'attention, so let fly or get a room for god sake!

Estie qu'il y en qui me font rire. Quelqu'un t'insulte, te menace et t'envoie chier à tout bout de champ et on devrait juste l'ignorer.

Le prix de la session au CEGEP augmente de 3$ pis faudrait faire 8 manifs de 175 000 personnes dans les rues en gueulant qu'il faut pas se laisser faire.

Go figure.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jul 19, 2011 @ 6:22pm. Posted in werewolf roll.
Coolness: 159280
The meds finally wore off. Again.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jul 19, 2011 @ 12:59pm. Posted in Mcdonalds on Mckay & St Catherines.
Coolness: 159280
WTF double post. :/
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jul 19, 2011 @ 12:58pm. Posted in Mcdonalds on Mckay & St Catherines.
Coolness: 159280
The LAST thing we need is Hamish in a spandex suit.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jul 19, 2011 @ 12:57pm. Posted in Mcdonalds on Mckay & St Catherines.
Coolness: 159280
The LAST thing we need is Hammish in a spandex suit.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jul 19, 2011 @ 1:27am. Posted in No drama no posts.
Coolness: 159280
Pf. I was smooking way before anybody else ever heard of the word.
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jul 18, 2011 @ 8:09pm. Posted in Re: Guy Turcotte.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By GAMOS
I think the jury made the right decision. What kind of state of mind would you have to be in to murder your own kids? You'd have to be fucked up and crazy. Unless your a sociopath. And this guy wasn't that. He's gonna feel guilty the rest of his life. I dunno, I think its a fair verdict.

I wouldn't feel scared sitting next to the guy. I doubt he's going to kill someone else. And hes shown remorse. If he wasn't in control of his actions, is unlikely to commit another crime, and is sorry about what he did...well, whats the point of locking him up?

The guy had no history of violence or anything else in his past and yet, all of the sudden under the stress and being subjected to rage, despair and rejection, goes and does what he did.

Can anyone explain to me the part about him being mentally ill in all that ? Shit was calculated to a tee. I've never heard of such a thing as "passive mental illness". Psychotic people don't have ONE episode in their lives and that's it.
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jul 18, 2011 @ 8:01pm. Posted in No drama no posts.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By MELODRASTIK
well if it's on a plane or wtv , a boat, even if it's in the army you need a lot of hours of *driving* ( flying / boating wtv ) to be named as Captain! You can have Officer as status, but to be a captain you need to accumulate the hours. I know since i work on a boat ;) that's how it works!

Thank you sergeant Obvious. :)
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jul 18, 2011 @ 11:53am. Posted in Breaking Bad is back!.
Coolness: 159280
STFU ! I HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET. Gonna watch it tonight. I have to avoid this thread until then. :)
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jul 18, 2011 @ 11:52am. Posted in No drama no posts.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By NIJI
I had pink hair in 1998.

And pink funfur pants in 1999.

Mahaha :)

I don't have pictures to prove it but I remember when you had pink hair. And the pants, well you wore them for quite some time too. :)
» v.2-1 replied on Fri Jul 15, 2011 @ 9:51pm. Posted in 30 People Arrested for Intent to Feed the Homeless.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By ZOMBIENATHAN
Cars do have horns for a reason, and they're supposed to be a warning, not a 'fuck you!' when some asshole j-walks while you're driving by ...

Indeed. For the rare occasions I had to use my horn to warn a cyclist about something or just because they were swerving uncontrollably left and right on a single lane street, I was served to a mouthful of "fuck yous" and middle fingers and in one particular instance a Coke can thrown in my direction...

... so whatever I use my horn for around cyclists, I'm automatically the bad guy and the asshole that's just bothering an otherwise peaceful cyclist's ride home even if the honk wasn't even directed at them. So hence I've stopped using horns around them altogether.

So I'll start using it around them when they grow the fuck up and understand it's not being used just to startle them or just to fuck around.
» v.2-1 replied on Fri Jul 15, 2011 @ 6:47pm. Posted in Hel℗ Rooftop accessible, city pro a high of vertigo ⁂.
Coolness: 159280
If you ingest a shitload of LSD, you might be high enough to see sunsets and scenery, amongst other things.
» v.2-1 replied on Fri Jul 15, 2011 @ 4:53pm. Posted in 30 People Arrested for Intent to Feed the Homeless.
Coolness: 159280
A majority of cyclists wear headphones, don't respect stop signs and red lights, go against traffic , cut in diagonal across street corners and generally don't give a rat's ass about street laws and yet they request to be treated as equally as cars on the streets.
» v.2-1 replied on Fri Jul 15, 2011 @ 3:31pm. Posted in Vinyl and gear garage sale?.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By EL_PRESIDENTE
2-1: As-tu des vieux vinyls ou gear à te débarasser aussi?

Naon, malheureseument. Anyway, je reste à Deux-Montagnes astheure, ça fait cher de gaz pour aller chiller sur St-Hubert. Désolé. :/
» v.2-1 replied on Fri Jul 15, 2011 @ 10:31am. Posted in Vinyl and gear garage sale?.
Coolness: 159280
Wow, j'habitait sur St-Vallier coin Bellechasse il y a 3 mois de ça. Là chu une tite affaire plus loin... Heh.
» v.2-1 replied on Fri Jul 15, 2011 @ 10:24am. Posted in Bruce Campbell Confirms New “Evil Dead” Is Real.
Coolness: 159280
But yeah, I reiterate : it ain't Evil Dead without Bruce Campbell. That's like Indiana Jones without Harrison Ford.

Seriously, I don't care if Campbell is too old and can't run real quick, Ash NEEDS to be Bruce, no matter what.

Unless you do another one of those annoying prequels where you can get some 20 year old to play a younger version of the main character which usually ends up looking nothing like the original one and can't reproduce the various facial expressions and humor Campbell is known for.

I'm eager but time will tell if they're steering it in the right direction. :)
» v.2-1 replied on Thu Jul 14, 2011 @ 5:00pm. Posted in What's the most awesome thing that has ever happened to you?.
Coolness: 159280
ʍɥɐʇ ıs ʇɥıs sɥıʇ ¿ ı ʇɥıuʞ ʍǝ,ɹǝ sןɐɔʞıub oɟɟ ɐ qıʇ ɥǝɹǝ˙ ʍǝ pǝɟıuıʇǝןʎ uǝǝp ʇo sʇɐɹʇ dossǝssıub ɐ sɥıʇןoɐp ɯoɹǝ dǝodןǝ ɐɹonup ɥǝɹǝ ʇo ɯɐʞǝ ʇɥıs ʇɥɹǝɐp ǝʌǝu ɹǝɯoʇǝןʎ ıuʇǝɹǝsʇıub˙

Ungh. I really should get rid of this damn Ouija board.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 13, 2011 @ 9:44pm. Posted in What's the most awesome thing that has ever happened to you?.
Coolness: 159280
I'm a Rastafarian and I adhere to the principle of...erm... principle of...eeeerm...

I forget.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 13, 2011 @ 7:56pm. Posted in Dj Spastik DEMO.
Coolness: 159280
Too lazy to even have a profile picture.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 13, 2011 @ 7:55pm. Posted in posting a track.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By LONE_STAR
i liked it :P

You haven't put out 17 albums and you don't look like Brad Pitt so even that doesn't count.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 13, 2011 @ 7:54pm. Posted in What's the most awesome thing that has ever happened to you?.
Coolness: 159280
Well you have a board of your own and there aren't any shortages of lower class demons that I'm aware of. Knock yourself out.

As for me, I've had enough shock therapy to last me a lifetime so I think I'll pass.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 13, 2011 @ 7:48pm. Posted in What's the most awesome thing that has ever happened to you?.
Coolness: 159280
Seriously. How many times have I been stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire and used a Ouija board to call for help only to end up running around naked spewing blood and talking backwards having been possessed by a lower class demon until the cops tase me and I spend a few months in a padded room.

Good times... good times.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 13, 2011 @ 2:24pm. Posted in Moombathon?.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By BLISSS
I agree with Sour on this one, you can't bash a style based on listening to a few tunes

Does listening extensively to a particular style grant you the right to hate it then ? 'Cause I've listened to my fair share of psy and, still...nope.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jul 13, 2011 @ 11:37am. Posted in Moombathon?.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By SOURULTRAFAST
I don't dig and I don't hate moombathon which is prolly just a fad that will disappear next week just like planking but isn't it the most childish/counter productive thing to do?

1. We all thought dubstep was only a fad and look what it's become. I'm scared. Heh.

2. I can't remember a time where the [ rave.ca ] denizens were collectively mature and productive. You know what they say : "haters gonna hate... " :)
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Jul 12, 2011 @ 10:54am. Posted in Your Favorite Drum Sample.
Coolness: 159280
I must agree : 808 and to a certain extent 909.
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Jul 11, 2011 @ 5:08pm. Posted in What's the most awesome thing that has ever happened to you?.
Coolness: 159280
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
I wouldn't be half the man I am today if it wasn't for each and everyone I've met and am still friends with 10-15 years later.

Same here, bro. Same here. Oh by the way, are you coming to my place this saturday or not ? :)
» v.2-1 replied on Fri Jul 8, 2011 @ 7:15pm. Posted in No drama no posts.
Coolness: 159280
^^^^ that


» v.2-1 replied on Fri Jul 8, 2011 @ 4:47pm. Posted in Hdmi.
Coolness: 159280
Or try Addison's Electronics on Jarry street.
v.2-1's Profile - Community Messages