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» ufot replied on Tue Sep 15, 2009 @ 8:47am. Posted in Patrick Swayze Dies At 57.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By APR1ZM
i get the feelin well see a lot of 90s icon dying before the end of the year

does this mean I should take out life insurance :O

Ufot= ;)
» ufot replied on Tue Sep 15, 2009 @ 8:44am. Posted in article about the underside of the old Toronto rave scene.
Coolness: 93235
I'll take a moment to speak for myself and my crew in that when we threw parties in Montreal between 99 and 04, we never sold illicit substances nor did we borrow cash from criminals to fund our events, which isn't to say that we weren't approached on it...

I've seen the dark side and the underside of club/rave land in Montreal, but I made the CHOICE not be part of it. It never affected me personally and our crew did our business above level, we let the bottom feeders conduct their business without our aid. We promoted positivity and succeeded with hard work, tons of effort and love for the scene and the culture. I'm pretty sure that other crews functioned on a similar level which is to say that we weren't unique in our intentions or success.

Montreal had some amazing people create and promote some amazing events over the years, but it is the age old way that it is far easier to remember the bad stuff than the good. I remember the good because I never cared about the bad...

Ufot-positive to the grave thanks to the rave!
» ufot replied on Tue Sep 15, 2009 @ 8:37am. Posted in electrolosis....
Coolness: 93235
I think electrocuting mr.happy is a bad idea george, taking a razor to him or smothering him in hot wax is bad enough, but would really consider taking him to abu-grabe like that?

Ufot-c'mon folks, being clean is great but torture is a crime
» ufot replied on Tue Sep 15, 2009 @ 8:34am. Posted in My Awesome Roommates.
Coolness: 93235
an old friend of mine named Freddy wrote a song that is a good mantra for getting away from situations like this, it's called "living on my own"

Ufot-doesn't miss roomates, likes his own kingdom
» ufot replied on Tue Sep 15, 2009 @ 8:31am. Posted in Patrick Swayze Dies At 57.
Coolness: 93235
I guess if anyone wants to ask him questions now, they will have to go through woopi...

Ufot-had the time of my life?
» ufot replied on Tue Sep 15, 2009 @ 8:29am. Posted in Top 5 NICE people on rave.ca for 2009.
Coolness: 93235
(looks for his name, eyes swell)

Ufot-thought he was nice,...
» ufot replied on Fri Sep 11, 2009 @ 10:09am. Posted in fun with google translations.
Coolness: 93235
english to french :

1. Ever since I was a little kid, I loved goats, but that's probably because my father was a goat hearder and made love to them on a regular basis, more so then his bitch second wife...

1. Depuis que j'étais gosse, j'aimais les caprins, mais c'est probablement parce que mon père était un Hearder chèvre et fait l'amour avec eux sur une base régulière, la femme d'autant plus alors sa deuxième chienne ...

and now, francais a anglais:

2. Salut , je mappel jen , je suis une fille de 24 ans qui recherche un homme pour passer du beau temps , je suis de montreal , je cherche quelquun pour pouvoir discuter et faire de la cam , je suis brune , 5 pieds 7 , je pese 110lbs, pas mal jolie !!!!:) Si tu me plait je vais te laisser mon msn ou facebook , comme tu vx , essayer de joindre une photo aux e-mail si possible. voici mon adresse e-mail

2. Hello, My name is Jen, I am a 24 year old daughter looking for a man to spend some nice time, I'm from montreal, I want somebody to be able to discuss and make the cam, I'm brunette, 5 feet 7, I weigh 110lbs, Pretty pretty !!!!:) If you please me I'll leave my msn or facebook, vx as you try to attach a photo to e-mail if possible. Here is my e-mail

Ufot-hehehe, je parle maid compris past
» ufot replied on Thu Sep 10, 2009 @ 10:44am. Posted in closet aids.
Coolness: 93235
for those of you who are not into reading cl missed connections, I just had to share this cause I thought it was so funny, I doubt it's true, but it still is worth a chuckle...

First off I want to relieve your fears that you probably don't or at least I hope you don't have AIDS.

When I came home 3 days ago I heard what was obviously mediocre sex going on in my bedroom. Since I quickly made the deduction that someone had probably not broken into my apartment for some quick copulation I figured I had just caught my wife cheating on me which I had long suspected. Your ofish grunts were so loud that I actually had to reopen the door and slam it again for you two to hear me. I stood in the entry for a while as I heard you both scramble before calling out that I was home.

When I walked into the bedroom my wife had some excuse about having a headache and when asked about the nighty she was wearing she said it was the most comfortable thing she could find. Oh...and btw, I don't know how many affairs that you participate in but a word of advice is that when you hide in the closest from an angry husbands you shouldn't leave a few toes hanging out from under the door. At this point I am in a bit of a predicament.... I could have the typical masculine response and open the door and beat the piss out of you but then you might file charges and quite frankly I just don't really care enough. Not to mention I don't know how big you are and I couldn't think of anything much worse than finding your wife cheating on you and then get pummeled by her new lover. It entered my mind to have some marathon sex and make you stand and watch the whole thing but seeing how she is a dirty whore the idea grossed me out a little. I came pretty close to just hanging out and masterbating but I am glad I went the direction I did.

So in liue of those options I thought of the funniest thing I could do for my own personal amusement. I sat her down on the bed and looked deeply in her eyes and told her that I had been diagnosed with early stages of AIDS. Recently I have had a series of colds and went to the doctor who told me it was probably just a string of bad luck and it was going around a little bit. The whole thing took about 2 hours and involved a lot of yelling, accusing and crying.

I felt like I hadn't punished you quite enough, even though I fully acknowledge that it really isn't your fault at all, so I told her that the illness was making me tired so I needed to lay down. I could hear her on the phone making an appointment with the doctor and I could hear you rustling around in the closest. You did a great job holding still seeing how you probably aren't used to standing in a 3'x4' closest for hours and hours on end but if I hadn't already known you were there you would have been caught for sure.

After about another hour of laying in bed thinking of what I was going to do I felt sorry for you to be mixed up in this crazy thing so I said I was going to go fill the prescriptions the doctor gave me and left the apartment so you could leave. I hope that you weren't too uncomfortable in there and actually felt a little guilty about it later.

Anyways, I put this in missed connections because I actually wouldn't mind taking you out and buying you a drink. After all that is some funny stuff to laugh about and you are saving me thousands in alimony since my wife cheated and the least I can do is repay you for a $4.00 beer.

Again no hard feelings and best of luck!

BTW, you might still want to get your self tested since my wife is a dirty whore.

original post : [ montreal.en.craigslist.ca ]

» ufot replied on Thu Sep 10, 2009 @ 8:59am. Posted in Stereo Burnt down again this morning.....
Coolness: 93235

Ufot=wow, they are soooooo gay
» ufot replied on Wed Sep 9, 2009 @ 9:59am. Posted in Stereo Burnt down again this morning.....
Coolness: 93235
people, where is the love? enough bickering, it will make your teeth fall out, at least thats what my pops used to say... agree to disagree and leave idle threats and grade school insults out if possible...

Ufot=geez louise, remember that? people used to say that shit...
» ufot replied on Wed Sep 2, 2009 @ 9:48pm. Posted in banned for distorting time.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By LECHAT
ufot a lenvers sa fait tofu

only when you use the logic distortion button :D

Ufot-what was it that I used to eat......
» ufot replied on Wed Sep 2, 2009 @ 1:45pm. Posted in banned for distorting time.
Coolness: 93235
it is a real mouse, I use it all the time, infact I just distorted time to verify that most people would laugh at my posted response to this thread!

» ufot replied on Wed Sep 2, 2009 @ 1:40pm. Posted in Stereo Burnt down again this morning.....
Coolness: 93235
Let me know if they need an extra hand this weekend, I have some spare time after my set at "HardCore Till I die" before I broadcast my radio show, I would be willing to come down and lend a hand...

Ufot-together, people can accomplish almost anything
» ufot replied on Wed Sep 2, 2009 @ 11:28am. Posted in Stereo Burnt down again this morning.....
Coolness: 93235
I also think that this could have been avoided if the club had tighter security and better video survaillance... at the very least, it may have aided in the investigation... wtv, only a small amount of details have been released, so this is all speculation anyways...

Ufot-investigations can go wrong
» ufot replied on Wed Sep 2, 2009 @ 10:47am. Posted in Stereo Burnt down again this morning.....
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
I'm just saying this is usualy how it goes down.

And I don't mean to be a prick, but I can smell ass-holes a mile away, and after 15 years of going out and seeing how it runs, I could smell a shit operation like a fart in a car.

But hey, they are fun places to be, go party and all. Don't get me wrong. I'm just saying it a volative as fuck piece of business, and it's really more about the money moving around than the kids on the dancefloor.

true, but things are never clear cut when it comes to "entertainment" business, you don't have to run an afterhours to end up dealing with shaddy people who may or may not agree with your business plans... this is Montreal after all... as far as I'm concerned, I think this city deserves better clubs then what bullshit is left, seeing stereo fall like this before it's reopenning doesn't mean clubland is over, it just means people will have to wait a bit longer before things pick up in quality, which mark my words, they will...

Ufot-shit operations can generate more than just dirty money
» ufot replied on Wed Sep 2, 2009 @ 10:40am. Posted in Stereo Burnt down again this morning.....
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
For a lot of peeps : People that go. Not those who build.
I mean you can go to the supermaket to have sex, dosen't make it a hotel.

And as long as theses people have leverage, Stereo will not reopen.

Here's a little "organized crime" methodology.

Step 1
You get the police you own to shut down a place you can't buy/coerce into sharing profits with organization.

Step 2
upon reopening, or before, burn the fucking place down to the ground so it can't open, and make the other go bakrupt.

Step 3
If step one and two fail. Thenm simply get someone to shoot the motherfucker who insists on reopenning the place in question.
Everyone who stands in the way is acceptable casualty.

When it gets there, it usually werks, but then the conondrum is that the place is reopened by the dude who went thru step one to three. AND you go and give the guy more monie. all the while whimpering cuz it's not about the music anymoar.

My two cents.

2 many movies... are you a writer for C.S.I Miami?

Ufot-geez, some people have some funy ass thoughts...
» ufot replied on Wed Sep 2, 2009 @ 9:57am. Posted in LONG DARK TUNNEL - Friday Sept 4th.
Coolness: 93235
this looks fun, jordan spinning jungle eh??? :)

Udot-where's the f?
» ufot replied on Tue Sep 1, 2009 @ 11:16am. Posted in Stereo Burnt down again this morning.....
Coolness: 93235
According to the gazette, the montreal police just confirmed that this was infact ARSON, traces of accelerants were discovered at the scene! No suspects yet...hummm....

Ufot-disco inferno
» ufot replied on Tue Sep 1, 2009 @ 10:08am. Posted in Stereo Burnt down again this morning.....
Coolness: 93235
This is really sad, I was very much looking forward to it's re-openning, and though I doubt any formal investigation will reveal the culprits, one can only assume this wasn't an "accident" or "electrical"...

Ufot-dreams can burn but they can never die
» ufot replied on Mon Aug 24, 2009 @ 12:44am. Posted in Party À La Tour Lévis Du Parc Jean Drapeau.
Coolness: 93235
Wikid event! thanks much to all those who participated in this events creation and manifestation! Big Ups to both crews, between the fireworks, the bbq, the beer and the sick beats, this event was a success on many levels! Easily one of the best events of the summer!

Ufot-dance floors are for dancing, not grabbing, mkay?
» ufot replied on Wed Aug 12, 2009 @ 7:53pm. Posted in Hotel Downtown mtl.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By MSSHLEE
I'm heading to mtl next month and need a hotel
downtown .. price doesnt really matter but under 90 a night would be good
i have access to an awesome hotel for pretty cheap but it's in longueuil

you looking to rent by the hour sweetheart?

» ufot replied on Sat Aug 8, 2009 @ 5:13am. Posted in jai besoin du cd keys pour diablo 2.
Coolness: 93235
can i has doom2?

ufot=i know cos is! but what about tran?
» ufot replied on Sat Aug 8, 2009 @ 5:02am. Posted in Under Pressure.
Coolness: 93235

Montreal know'z how it goe'z :)

» ufot replied on Sat Aug 8, 2009 @ 4:45am. Posted in Bell Is The Worst!.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By KEVIN_FLYNN
I've yet to hear a single person who left Bell regret their decision.


Ufot-merci la rennnnne
» ufot replied on Sat Aug 8, 2009 @ 4:37am. Posted in Sand? In *MY* vagina?.
Coolness: 93235

» ufot replied on Wed Jul 29, 2009 @ 5:26pm. Posted in Michael Jackson tribute by Artmistice- (Montreal flash mob).
Coolness: 93235
amazing!!!! I wish I had been there to see it live!!!

UFot-the power of the webz r OURS!
» ufot replied on Tue Jul 28, 2009 @ 1:28am. Posted in Looking for someone with 2 e and 1 speed.
Coolness: 93235
i got 2 pap's and some rotten spaghetti, wanna come party at my place?

Ufot-yea right! what is this garbage? who are you, captain knots?
» ufot replied on Tue Jul 28, 2009 @ 1:25am. Posted in pirate de l'espace.
Coolness: 93235
why dont u lurn french
like i lunr englich?
why we cant not expres ur anger
whit out someboddy get derenged be my sketcy skizo post
there here not place for us
or u all to eassy to chock juste like me^?

and the award for least sense in a sentence goes to...(drum roll)

ufot-geebus, wtf are they putting in the water these days?
» ufot replied on Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 11:16am. Posted in Blastoff!! - Mixed By Milton Clark.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By LECHAT
Wally ma donner ton cd jeudi en me disant que jetais weird... o.O?

hahaha, Je l'ai dit de le donner a quelqu'un qui aime aller vite et haute! sti~! Mon Francais ecrit est pourit :P

tu l'aime?

Ufot-vite et haute?fast and high?(face palm)
» ufot replied on Thu Jul 16, 2009 @ 8:39pm. Posted in Blastoff!! - Mixed By Milton Clark.
Coolness: 93235

Hey All,

This is mix is dedicated to all of the hard work that NASA recently put in to its successful launch(placing another Canadian in space, no doubt), only 4 days away from the anniversary of the moon landing. It is 70 mins of pure buildups and heavy bass!!! This mix is definitely sorted for people who like to get really HIGH!!!! Enjoy...

download or stream here >> [ www.rave.ca ]

as always, your feedback and comments are most definitely welcome :)

Ufot=music has a right to my children
» ufot replied on Wed Jul 15, 2009 @ 12:24pm. Posted in So who here actually buys their music?.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By DATABOY
When a dj plays songs publicly, for money, does he not have to pay royalty's to the owner of the copyright? Same as a radio station.
What legal/moral loophole permits dj's from forfeiting there legal obligation towards 2 of the the copywriter holders exclusive rights, by creating a derivative work, and by performing it publicly?
...Or is it just that nobody is looking?

good point, my assessment has always been that nobody is looking. I can only think of a handful of bars/venues that pay those types of royalties to SOCAM, but even then, I think it only applies to their satelite radio feeds and not their guest or in-house dj's. I've always thought that maybe it just was too hard to police those types of copyright laws, or maybe establishments just wouldn't comply? I'm pretty sure that if you are a registered artist with SOCAM that there is a system that applies fees on an annual basis which is supposed to signify your legal contribution, but I've never really inquired. How do you pay royalties on a white label? How do you pay royalties to a label that went under 10 years ago? I've never even been able to get a proper insurance quote on my vinyl collection, because how are you supposed to assess values according to current market demands on a record per record basis? Not to mention that most insurance companies don't even care, they just assign a blanket value...

Ufot-the interest in a craft starts with emotion
» ufot replied on Wed Jul 15, 2009 @ 11:16am. Posted in So who here actually buys their music?.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By FISHEAD
my point is that one of the reasons that the scene has dissolved over the past few years is that a lot of people think that kind words and a smiling face constitutes "showing support"... but without some sort of a return on their investment, a lot of artists will be forced away from production... and not just the bad ones. This isn't strictly a discussion about money, either... I'm talking about the investment of time. You can give back by helping to spread the word about a new artist, by talking to promoters at clubs about artists, or by asking about them when you go to stores... so that even if you can't afford the record, you've maybe helped a struggling artists get a gig, or sell a record to someone else. I mean, I've received more than my fair share of promos, and a number of artists regularly pass me material before it's released, but even when I'm not paying cash for the music, I still feel obligated to provide some sort of feedback about the material... and if it's material that I really like I'll go ahead and get a copy when it comes out, sometimes more than one copy.

I've always made it a point to include track listings for all my mixes, and I've never, ever tried to keep any signature tracks a secret.

My point is... what's happened to respect if the only thing that stops people from stealing is that sometimes it's hard?

Fishead, I think I understand what you are pointing out, in the sense that it is disrespectful to play or own music you didn't pay for, at the very least, disrespectful to the artist. But that's making an assumption that the morality surrounding the artists release was intact. I'm not trying to open a heavy moral debate on the industry here, but rather trying to expand on notions of respectful representations of artists material. I fully agree that I have, and will continue to, support artists I believe in whether it's through money or my craft.

I think the bigger question is: can a DJ still be respected if he doesn't feel any moral obligations about some of the artists he mixes? Furthermore, where does morality fit in to the internet? Is it any more immoral to post free videos than it is to post free music? If a VJ downloads tons of videos for their gigs without paying anyone(save perhaps their isp), do any of the videographers who posted the material get royalties or credit? Is the time people invest filming stuff of any less value than the time people spend recording or producing music? To me, this seems like an endlessly spiral-like debate.

The internet, is without a doubt in mind, the single most important global tool created and utilized in our lifetimes thus far. It's seemingly inherent lack of a successful multipurpose moral code can most definitely be observed as permeating into our societies and throughout our cultures. From my point of view, the economic devaluation of art(audio or visual) caused by piracy and no-cost proliferation has the upside of enabling far more people towards endless creativeness that shows no signs of any of the classic medium boundries. So, is it better to make less money from art and have an endless fountain of creative people furthering their chosen meduims? Or is it better to make more from art and keep the community of artists and their mediums controlled or more structured through profit? I guess the answers to a lot of these questions become subjective in the end... kind of like personal tastes in music :P

Originally Posted By hardsteppers
I think I might be one of the only people that still buys vinyl records on a weekly basis. Which I think is sad because hanging out at the record shop and hunting down those hard to find jems was a fun part of growing up as a DJ in the 90s. The truth is things change and as far as I can tell music is now free and having a career in dance music without being a touring DJ is impossible. With the internet the way it is right now there is no such thing as copyright or intelectual property which might be a good thing. I am a big william gibson fan and his vision of a cyberpunk future when information is free is here. It's a brave new world and I guess we all have to adapt to the times. I still enjoy collecting vinyl because it takes hard work to put a record together get it mastered and cut on vinyl... Getting distribution and promoting it. I also believe the medium is the message. So the question you have to ask yourself is what is the message you want to put out. It's a personal choice and I don't judge what others do.

AMEN! As always Matt, you nailed it! I miss those days of hunting(u in the back of disquevelle), I still buy records, but nowhere near as often as I used to, and most of the gems I buy are from the past and not the present...

Ufot-embrace change to better it's effects
» ufot replied on Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 4:21pm. Posted in So who here actually buys their music?.
Coolness: 93235
I can list my friends and acquaintances who produce quality stuff, or you can find out what I'm talking about by browsing some artists even on this site... or groundzeroprojects or soundcloud or reverbnation or techtorrent or a million other sites that host thousands upon thousands of UNSIGNED artists who produce quality content. Furthermore, you must admit, as far as pro-standards are concerned, like any other genre, there are tons of artists that have published utter crap, so it does make you reconsider what that standard really is...

promotional skills = internet

contact/support network = internet

catalog of work to back it up = internet

label=DYI or in some cases undesired

If your inside knowledge leads you to understand that "Every industry is a pyramid scheme with ceo's, directors, and vps eating cake while compartmentalized crumbs trickle down to those involved in r&d, production or back-end" why would any new artist want a piece of that? Furthermore, why should artists continue to be ruled by that draconian system? The bigger question should be is it possible for an artist to emerge without the help of major labels? Is it possible to achieve "pro standard" without the aid of expensive hardware or technicians? Is it possible the industry is more interested counter spinning any of the above arguments so as to assert it's supposedly necessary hegemony? In North America(for the most part) electronic music will not get the same exposure as pop, be it urban or rock, it is a niche market(as I'm sure you are well aware), and it is precisely because of that that there are currently so many talented unsigned artists. Europe tends to set a different example, but obviously even the euro market has it's own limits.

I can understand your desire to protect your product which is already on the market, frankly if it is on wax, then it is far more protected than if it is digital. But I feel what you are alluding to is that the current state of the music industry is one of a struggle for control of that which has been lost.

Ufot-interesting discussion here
» ufot replied on Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 3:12pm. Posted in So who here actually buys their music?.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By SUBTONE
I'm sorry guys, but this attitude of 'art should just be a hobby' is complete bullshit. Keep this up and there will be no entertainment industry left. The reality of the situation is that at every stage in the production process, costs are being incurred.

If your favourite artists had to stop making music professionally and get a 9-5, they wouldnt be able to dedicate anywhere near as much time as they did. Quality would drop dramatically to the point were people with any talent would be perceived as being on even keel with delusional fucknut wannabes. There would be no incentive to take it seriously enough to provide a quality product. In fact, music would no longer exist as a product and thus neither would the quality control associated with pushing said product.

How about the recording studios, record labels, sessionists etc.. Without any return on investments, the whole model falls apart and everyone suffers, consumer included.

You guys think it's possible to make the same quality and volume of work as say dubfire, hawtin, Noisia, deadmau5 and anyone else at the top of their game while holding down a 9-5 and doing music as a 'hobby just for the love'? Fuck off, just not possible.

Anyone who disagrees with me does not realize how much hard work and determination it takes to make music to pro quality standards.

I would agree with you, only that over the years, I've met many "delusional fucknut wannabes" that produce better if not at least on par music than said list of artists : dubfire, hawtin, Noisia, deadmau5. THey also produced their tracks without expensive " recording studios, record labels, sessionists etc.." while holding down 9-5 jobs!

so what do you say to that? How can this be if they don't fit your model? Furthermore, are you really going to side with an industry that is synonymous with downright theft? Frankly, your assessment of current trends in music production seem dated and uninformed or at least slightly "delusional", but feel free to enlighten me further... I will not pretend to understand the complicated web of current production trends any further than my own personal experiences lend me to...

Ufot-discourse, it is necessary to further understanding
» ufot replied on Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 1:30pm. Posted in Arturo Gatti is dead ?!?!??!.
Coolness: 93235
in my opinion, a man of that girth would take a sizeable amount of alcohol to intoxicate, that being said, if he was 7 sheets to the wind, strangling him would be pretty easy, especially if he was already lights out, the head injury might've been cause by him falling off the bed once strangled...

Ufot-im no detective, but i've seen my fair share of CSI
» ufot replied on Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 12:32pm. Posted in the roflcopter thread.
Coolness: 93235

ufot-roflness and lost :)
» ufot replied on Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 12:27pm. Posted in I can't wait until Canada catch up.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By DYNV
LOL that's a point ! At least Datrh Sidious looks bad.

darth who? that actually just a comparison of harper with and without makeup...

ufot-rewriting history isn't that hard, it's actually kinda fun
» ufot replied on Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 12:23pm. Posted in I can't wait until Canada catch up.
Coolness: 93235
those eyes, they are truly scary, yet familiar...

ufot=who do you trust less??
» ufot replied on Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 10:13am. Posted in So who here actually buys their music?.
Coolness: 93235
Originally Posted By FISHEAD
where does this sense of entitlement come from?

I mean... all the arguments boil down to people whining that "the things I want cost more than I can afford!"

yes, and it's easier to steal software than a mercedes? so your point is?

Ufot-i would love a mercedes
» ufot replied on Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 10:11am. Posted in I can't wait until Canada catch up.
Coolness: 93235
just look at his eyes, I mean, would you let him baby sit your cat?

ufot-fuckin creepy ass white man!
ufot's Profile - Community Messages