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» U_L replied on Fri Feb 18, 2005 @ 9:00pm. Posted in House Factory - UL Productions 5 mars 05.
Coolness: 36420
[ www.undergroundlegacy.com ]

House Factory 5 Mars 2005

Dj B'ugo
Angel Moraes
Serge duchesne

Suite au succès d'« Underground Legacy » Patrick Legendre et Jean Denis Hébert vous présentent le samedi 5 mars prochain « House Factory », l'événement sera présenté de nouveau à la Fonderie Darling. Vous pourrez entendre les DJs Angel Moraes (fondateur du Stéréo), Serge Duchesne et B'ugo.
Maintenant réunis sous le nom du « Underground Legacy Productions », Patrick Legendre et Jean Denis Hébert vous proposent une alternative aux désormais traditionnelles soirées after-hours.

" C'est un peu paradoxale d'organiser maintenant ce type d'événement, en fait 10 ans après avoir ouvert le premier club after-hours de Montréal et d'avoir créer le Bal en Blanc, j'organise maintenant des partys warehouse, ces derniers qui ont pourtant presque complètement disparus dù à l'ouverture du Playground."

Au cours des dix dernière année bien que la scène techno à continuée a se développer discrètement, la scène House a pour sa part uniquement évoluée dans les méga événements tel le Bal en Blanc ou encore dans les clubs after-hours perdant ainsi presque complètement son aspect underground.

Underground Legacy Productions veut au travers ses événements raviver l'aspect Underground de la scène House. Notre événement du 29 janvier dernier a démontré clairement un engouement pour ce type d'événement.

L'événement "House Factory" Présenté le 5 mars prochain ainsi que nos prochains événements se veulent le reflet de cette idéologie.

Pour plus d'informations visiter notre site web [ www.undergroundlegacy.com ] ou par courriel à ul@undergroundlegacy.com.
» U_L replied on Tue Feb 1, 2005 @ 2:40pm. Posted in Underground Legacy WOW!.
Coolness: 36420
Commentaire de Mavvens sur [ ravemontreal.com ]

Ou vous étiez?
Ca c'est la question qu'il faut se demander!

Sincèrement exellent party, avec un beau mix de personnes.

Vraiment, un party d'une qualité exceptionnelle.
Visuellement et musicallement.

Au début j'ai été pris un peu de panique parce que la musique était un peu trop ''étrange'' à mon goût...
Il faut dire que je n'ai pas de goût particulier pour la musique des années 80-90... J'était encore un inculte dans ce temps là.
C'est vers 12:30 que le party à commencer pour moi.

Ce que j'ai particulièrement aprécier durant la soirée c'est l'action constante.

Ils y avaient des ''show'' répartis sur toute la soirée.
Plusieurs party on tendance maintenant à être fixe toute la soirée : on regarde le dj et c'est tout. C'est beau d'avoir une belle ambience de la bonne musique, mais c'est d'autant plus important d'avoir des effets visuels qui viennent créer une certaine chaleur et qui viennent en même temps déccupler l'ambience.

A souligner les show des Drag Queen et le Dj boot qui s'est ''élevé'' au dessus de la foule.

Ce qui à marquer ma soirée, c'est la rencontre de deux personnes de Londre qui était en visite à Montréal et qui était complètement émerveiller par ce party. Parce que chez eux, ca n'existe pas...

Petite chose:
On est en 2005, et je trouve sincèrement regretable que certaines personnes se prive de ce genre de party tout simplement parce qu'il ne savent pas à quoi s'attendre ou encore parce qu'il manque de présence féminine...
Allo? C'est pas un club! Le pire qui risque d'arriver, c'est qu'on te regarde et qu'on t'adresse la parole!
Au secours!
» U_L replied on Mon Jan 31, 2005 @ 7:41pm. Posted in Underground Legacy WOW!.
Coolness: 36420
[ rave.ca ]
» U_L replied on Sat Jan 22, 2005 @ 12:24pm. Posted in UL with TIGA - Robert de la Gauthier....
Coolness: 36420
Info: [LINK=] [ www.undergroundlegacy.com ]
Flyer:[LINK=] [ www.djjcue.com ]

Patrick Legendre and JD Entertainement Present

Saturday January 29th 2005


Tiga - Robert de la Gauthier - Rob di Stefano -Stefane Lipé

The Underground Legacy is all about tracing the history of the House Underground movement:

The main event will be presented in the Darling Foundry, in the heart of Old Montreal’s former industrial sector. This building has hosted some of the first Warehouse Parties that took place in the late 80s.
.:This event will bear witness to the history of Montreal’s Underground. As they step into the building, partygoers will be transported back in time, to a decor reminiscent of the first warehouse party and to the sound music from the very same era. As the evening progresses, sophisticated technical teams will slowly join the party. Ads will be updated and video projections will literally transport partygoers to the heart of some of the biggest events created from this movement: Solstice, Bal en Blanc, Black and Blue 1999, Playground, the Stéreo and others. We will relate its history, talk about its present and foretell its future.

Fonderie Darling 745 rue Ottawa 22:00 à Midi

Billets: Tickets available at:
St-Laurent - St-Denis- Cours-Mont-Royal

1311, Ste-Catherine St. East

first 200 40.00 $ (sold out)
Next 300 60.00 $
Next 70.00 $

Producer and Artistic direction:

Patrick Legendre

Successively co-owner of nightclubs Le Big Bang (1989-1992), Le Royal (1992-1994) Le Playgound, Groove Society, Joy (Toronto) (1994-199. Founder and co-producer of Bal en Blanc (1995-2000). Founder of Collectif Montreal la Nuit, an organization dedicated to promoting Montreal nightlife (2004).
» U_L replied on Sat Jan 8, 2005 @ 10:10pm. Posted in Underground Legacy -Tiga and di Stefano.
Coolness: 36420
Originally posted by U_L...

Saturday January 29th 2005 10pm to noon

With Robert de la Gautier, Tiga, Rob di Stefano, Stefane Lippé

The event will be presented in the Darling Foundry, in the heart of Old Montreal’s former industrial sector. This building has hosted some of the first Warehouse Parties that took place in the late 80s.
.:This event will bear witness to the history of Montreal’s Underground. As they step into the building, partygoers will be transported back in time, to a decor reminiscent of the first warehouse party and to the sound music from the very same era. As the evening progresses, sophisticated technical teams will slowly join the party. Video projections will literally transport partygoers to the heart of some of the biggest events created from this movement: Solstice, Pure, Bal en Blanc, Black and Blue, Playground, the Stéreo and others. We will relate its history, talk about its present and foretell its future.

Producer and Artistic direction: Patrick Legendre

Successively co-owner of nightclubs Le Big Bang (1989-1992), Le Royal (1992-1994) Le Playground(1994-1997), Groove Society(1997), Joy (Toronto) (1994-199) . Founder and co-producer of Bal en Blanc (1995-2000). Founder of Collectif Montreal la Nuit, an organization dedicated to promoting Montreal nightlife (2004). Producer of the cruise Spplash (2004).
» U_L replied on Sat Jan 8, 2005 @ 10:07pm. Posted in Underground Legacy -Tiga and di Stefano.
Coolness: 36420
Saturday January 29th 2005 10pm to noon

With Robert de la Gautier, Tiga, Rob di Stefano, Stefane Lippé

The event will be presented in the Darling Foundry, in the heart of Old Montreal’s former industrial sector. This building has hosted some of the first Warehouse Parties that took place in the late 80s.
.:This event will bear witness to the history of Montreal’s Underground. As they step into the building, partygoers will be transported back in time, to a decor reminiscent of the first warehouse party and to the sound music from the very same era. As the evening progresses, sophisticated technical teams will slowly join the party. Video projections will literally transport partygoers to the heart of some of the biggest events created from this movement: Solstice, Pure, Bal en Blanc, Black and Blue, Playground, the Stéreo and others. We will relate its history, talk about its present and foretell its future.

Producer and Artistic direction: Patrick Legendre

Successively co-owner of nightclubs Le Big Bang (1989-1992), Le Royal (1992-1994) Le Playground(1994-1997), Groove Society(1997), Joy (Toronto) (1994-199) . Founder and co-producer of Bal en Blanc (1995-2000). Founder of Collectif Montreal la Nuit, an organization dedicated to promoting Montreal nightlife (2004). Producer of the cruise Spplash (2004).
» U_L replied on Wed Dec 15, 2004 @ 8:33pm. Posted in UNDERGROUND LEGACY-Tiga - de la Gauthier.
Coolness: 36420
Patrick Legendre and JD Entertainement Present

Saturday January 29th 2005


Tiga - Robert de la Gauthier - Rob di Stefano -Stefane Lipé

The Underground Legacy is all about tracing the history of the House Underground movement:

The main event will be presented in the Darling Foundry, in the heart of Old Montreal’s former industrial sector. This building has hosted some of the first Warehouse Parties that took place in the late 80s.
.:This event will bear witness to the history of Montreal’s Underground. As they step into the building, partygoers will be transported back in time, to a decor reminiscent of the first warehouse party and to the sound music from the very same era. As the evening progresses, sophisticated technical teams will slowly join the party. Ads will be updated and video projections will literally transport partygoers to the heart of some of the biggest events created from this movement: Solstice, Bal en Blanc, Black and Blue 1999, Playground, the Stéreo and others. We will relate its history, talk about its present and foretell its future.

Fonderie Darling 745 rue Ottawa 22:00 à Midi

Billets: Tickets available at:
1311, Ste-Catherine St. East
Montréal (Qc) H2L 2H4

first 200 40.00 $
Next 300 60.00 $
Next 70.00 $
Info: [ www.undergroundlegacy.com ]

Producer and Artistic direction:

Patrick Legendre

Successively co-owner of nightclubs Le Big Bang (1989-1992), Le Royal (1992-1994) Le Playgound, Groove Society, Joy (Toronto) (1994-1998). Founder and co-producer of Bal en Blanc (1995-2000). Founder of Collectif Montreal la Nuit, an organization dedicated to promoting Montreal nightlife (2004).
U_L's Profile - Community Messages