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Raph's Profile - Community Messages
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» Raph replied on Tue Aug 25, 2009 @ 12:29pm. Posted in Ride to Hardcore Heroes (Ott to TO).
Coolness: 36570
Hey there's an upcoming party in Toronto, Canada on September 26th and I am looking for a ride for me and two other friends from Ottawa to the party and back. The party is multiple rooms and with 19+ area. We really would like to go very much but do not have a means of transportation. So if anyone who has a ride and would like to go as well. We are willing to pay for all of the gas costs. Please reply or email me at: ravergirl05@hotmail.com

Bonjour, je cherche une ride de Ottawa à Toronto pour un parté: Hardcore Heroes qui est 16 + avec 19+ pour l'acool le 26 Septembre. Je cherche une ride pour moi et deux autres amis. Nous sommes prêts à payer le coût du gaz. Nous voulons vraiment allez à cette événements, mais n'avons aucun moyens de transport! S-V-P répondez à ce message ou envoyer-moi un courriel à: ravergirl05@hotmail.com

Merci ^_^
Thanks you ^_^
Raph's Profile - Community Messages