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» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 11:58am. Posted in Festival de la St-Jean Baptiste.
Coolness: 70140
ben dit sa!! ;)
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 3:08am. Posted in Festival de la St-Jean Baptiste.
Coolness: 70140
Pis bordel de putain de merde !!!!!!!!

pourquoi vous parlez tous en anglais pour le party de la st-jean ?!?!?!!!

c'est une grave insulte a la nation!!!
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 3:05am. Posted in Festival de la St-Jean Baptiste.
Coolness: 70140
Hey tout le monde c'est la St-Jean!!!!!!!!!!!

Faites donc changement des putain de party gratuit avec des artiste plates, pis venez donc faire le party dans un rave mais qui en plus est aussi gratuit!!!!!!!

(mais prenez soin d'encourager peet pour cet incroyable effort par un genereux dons volontaire...)

Pour les lifts c'est presque a montreal, c'est donc déja plus facile a trouver...
mais pour ceux qui en ont vraiment besoin, contcter moi et jesserai de matcher avec les gens que je connais... je promais vraiment rien mais je vais esseyer... Pour la cause!! ;)

Quand c'est annoncé tard on appele sa une surprise!! ;)
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Tue Jun 13, 2006 @ 1:05am. Posted in Good places to hear good music anytime...
Coolness: 70140
hey thanks for that links!!
ill shure give it a try!
and shure support you if i like it

for what i like,
well a lot of thing...
Old School ACID!!!!
Harder Hardtech ;)
Good Hardcore (like all that is not hhc ;) )

and having someone who know links to some of tht crazy Electro that can be heard sometime would also be very cool... !!... (by this i mean the hard stuff... )
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Mon Jun 12, 2006 @ 10:09am. Posted in Good places to hear good music anytime...
Coolness: 70140
Just like this, i found a new web radio that is really good, and always playing good psytrance:

[ www.triplag.com ]

also for all kind of techno, their is :

[ www.mixupload.com ]

their is a huge lot of thing there, thousand of djset for all tastes i pass my days there and didnt pass through yet...

also before i was listening to:

[ www.di.fm ]

not the best but its decent...

and finnaly for those who like actual music (musique actuelle) their is the audio archive of ckut radio (90.3 fm - [ www.ckut.ca ] their is 2 good show: where the beat and audio phobic they give access to 5 pass week show!!

thats it, anybody want to share some more places??
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Tue May 30, 2006 @ 12:02pm. Posted in Natural Alternatives.
Coolness: 70140
ha les bienfait du psychosomatisme!!!

je blague mais serieux je rgardais la composition de ces pills, premierement c sensiblement la meme chose:

-Amino Acid Blend, Citrus Aurantium, Vit B1, B5, B6, Calcium Ascorbate, Black Pepper Extracts, Piperine, Piperazine blend


-Vitamin C, Amino Acid Blend, Vitamin B Complex, Calcium, Cayenne Pepper Piperazine Blend, Magnesium,

le fait interressant est le poivre, (et ses piperazines), jai déja vu sa dans certainnes recette de chimie organique pour faire des drogues... jme rapelle pu lesquelles, mais jai aussi vu sa dans le vermifuge pour chat si jme rappelle bien...

c étonnant de voir que de mélanger de l'extrait de poivre avec des vitamines serait supposer faire comme de la E... et meme de faire tout simplement effet!

faites attention a ce genre de pills, c generalement de la bull-shit, leffet principal doit venir de la vision de la fille presque a poil sur le site de [ funkpills.co.uk ] ...
ça montre bien le serieux de la chose ... attrappe mouche!!!

c sur que sa doit pas etre bien dangeureux mais c quand meme un produit usiné fait de choses tres simples et qui pretend vous vendre la lune!! pour le meme prix que sa on peut acheter un kilo de poivre et une bouteille de multivitamine... qui revient probablement au meme...

mais je suis vraiment curieux quand meme pour le mélange, et je vais de ce pas faire des recherches... jen parlerai si je trouve de koi d'interressant, si sa interresse quelqun...
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu May 25, 2006 @ 9:52am. Posted in Natural Alternatives.
Coolness: 70140

ça m'intéresse ; est-ce que vous en vendez en-dehors des party ? (shop ou internet ou rendez-vous quelque part dans montréal)

pour toute commande on peut venir te la porter en main propre a kek part en ville, bon jme déplace pas pour 2-3 $ mais contacte moi on va voir...

mais si c'est mes jus que tu voulait, malheureusement c exclusif a notre kiosque dans les party, ;) ma recette secrette!!
mais bon, c surtout parceque c pas mal compliqué de vendre sa en dehors, ya un mélage de glace et deux mélange en poudres et on met du jus et une demi bannane... ensuite sa va au blender...

donc sa s'envoit mal par la poste... ;)

mais bon , si tu y tient vraiment beaucoup sa peut etre négociable, pour une seule fois... a voir...
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu May 25, 2006 @ 9:35am. Posted in Natural Alternatives.
Coolness: 70140
Originally posted by FONZY...

est-ce-qu'il y aurait des mélanges à ne pas faire ?

ben c sur que c'est pas idéal de mélanger des chose qui ont des effets qui ne vont pas ensemble...
mais bon c t quelqun de bizzare sa va peut etre convenir a ta personalité... ;)

je blague... car ya pas grand choses dans les herbes qui nous concernent qui sont des mélange reconnus comme dangeureux...

certains pourrait dire que le mélange ephedrine-cafeine l'est... mais bon, ceci vient du fait que des sportif s'entrainnant trop en on eu des faiblaisses cardiaque,
mais ste monde la n'on pas le cerveau tres gros... ils s'entrainent comme des junkys en consomant trop de substances sans écouter leur corp et trop souvent pour des raisons completement riducule...
(genre esclave de l'apparence)
donc c un avis discutable...
mais c sur quil faut faire attention a ce mélange...

sinon c pas mal tout...
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Wed May 24, 2006 @ 7:31pm. Posted in Natural Alternatives.
Coolness: 70140
Originally posted by FLO...
qu'est-ce que vous avez comme préparation à base de ginseng ? (avec ephedrine et/ou caféine, pourquoi pas)

c sur que si nous somes dans un party ya nos jus energie, qui contiennent tout... caféines, ephedrine, proteines/acides aminés, vitamines, sucres, ... ...,
le mélange n'est pas a base de ginseng mais en contient...

sinon, tu peut mélanger les herbes que tu veut avoir l'effet et simplement faire une tisane avec, ou meme faire glacer l'extrait et faire un jus... ...

tas qu'a choisir ce que tu veut...
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Wed May 24, 2006 @ 11:24am. Posted in Natural Alternatives.
Coolness: 70140
Les bons stimulants naturel son en effet:
kola, guarana, yerba mate, ephedra et bien sur café et thé...
mentionont que toute ces plantes mis a part l'ephedra contiennent toute la meme substance :
la caffeine... donc ya principalement 2 stimulant naturel, les cafeines et l'ephedra...
aussi je te suggererais du ginseng, comme c'est 3 jours ten auras surement besoin...
le ginseng est un peu consideré stimulant mais c probablement a cause de son effet principal , adaptogène qui est la regénérraissance des capacitées phisiques et psychiques apres un effort intense... donc sa revigore et aide a continuer... sans compter les 1001 effets que les chinois lui attribuent...

consomme beaucoup de sucres en meme temp, naturels de préference... (fruits, miel ...) car peu importe le stimulant qui ne fait qu'activer ton systeme nerveux la source d'énergie des cellules sont les sucres, le carburant quoi...

ensuite pour les plus témeraires qui voudrait experimenter un peu plus les dessous de l'existance... ;) ya l'Iboga, les affricains s'en s'ervent a doses légere pour danser a des cérémonies des jours durant sans se fatiguer (hmmm voyez vous le lien ;)...), ensuite a mesure quil en mage par poignés d'écorce de racine sèche (!!!) il tombent en transe intense dans laquelle ils voyagent dans le monde des morts ... avis aux interressé ;), mais a prendre avec BEAUCOUP de précaution et de préparation, physique et psychique...

Nous aurons d'ici quelques jours des racinnes de panax ginseng entieres et fraiches d'afrique,
Pour l'ephdra, nous en avons pratiquement toujour en stock... [ www.psycholab.ca ]

pour Éclipse, cette année nous n'y serons pas en raison du prix trop cher quils demandent lan dernier on a trop perdu... mais on y seras au moin pour faire le party!!
donc pour ceux qui on besoin d'herbes, ecrivez moi avant a : psycholab@videotron.ca ...

mais merci beaucoup pour les commentaires namasté...!!
et flo aussi merci pour la plug !!

si ya autres questions n'hesitez pas a nous écrire...
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 1:43am. Posted in We May Have to Bomb Iran.
Coolness: 70140
Damn fucking shit!!!!!!!!!

hey the Raytheon dude,
what the hell is all that big thing against peoples here who discuss their opinion??
are you jewish and like all of them you consider that nobody can dare to say your name ...

maybe some people use a bit of style in hating a group of people that diserve it, and here i dont say all jews diserved it but any of them who think israel is legitimate and that like their religious leader they think that they are the chosen race, well they could die right away and ill not care a fuck...

damn dude think a bit, israel is an invasive moisture that took with violence a part of a country just because its writed in their stupid book of the great shit...
they are supported (puted there) by USA, the worst cancer that this planet has ever seen (well who knows but now it is...)
even if jews that took israel mostly originated from east europe and not a damn fucker in them had palestinian ancestors...
fucking zionist have protocols for taking over the world, are you okay with this dude??
maybe you also consider you are part of a race that will be chosen by your next messiah to use the rest of humanity for your needs...
are you a jewish or raélian?? they think the same thing... but one are more honest about the chooser ill let you choose wich...

anyways, enough i needed to be pissed off to write this and i think it alredy over so ill save my energy...

but about iran anyway, what the fuck it is to agree with usa that iran is even a problem... they even have a cowboy with the same intelectual capacity as a leader... ;)
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 1:01am. Posted in Herbal Extacy.
Coolness: 70140
Ephedra is the healthy alternative to speed maybe, but dont have anything to do with mdma effect btw,
ephedrine is the alkaloid Naturally occuring in all ephedra plants, a bit close in structure to adrenalin, most of factory processed ephedrine come from ephedra sinica, cause its a lot cheaper to extract it than to sythetise it... so its really not a so synthetic drug... if you mean a chemical substance your right, but well reality is just a flow of chemicals throug your brain synapses, so chemicals are evrywhere...

but whats bad in ephedrine pills is the energy that factory processed chems accumulate in their process, its like our food and water, all denaturated... when its alredy there, as an existing chemical in a plant, just wating to be taken... ;)

so when you say : ephedra sinica is not ephedrine, well... its wrong, remove the ephedrine from the ephedra and youll get no effect out of it...

so, about the subject here, the herbal extasy, witch contain only Ephedra sinica extract and no refined ephedrine, i think anybody wanting to experiment this should take the plant, only...

plants that contains usable chemicals usualy contain a really complex mix of a lot of thing wich is usually safer than the refined chemical...
the best exemple i can give to this is is the coca leaves, wich are damn good for your health and also contain things that make cocaine non-adictive, but extract coke and now it not good anymore and the stuff make undreds of addicts evryday through the world...

nature is at equilibrium so thake what it offer and spit on all those factory processed bull-shit that our vampire society produce all days...

...hmm a bit far... but well, hope somes will agree... ;)
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Wed May 10, 2006 @ 1:44pm. Posted in Herbal Extacy.
Coolness: 70140
Herbal e is only bull-shit, it contain only ephedra sinica extract, so yeah ephedrine and herbal bi-products but i dont know who is the dumb ass who give that name to this but its only a clubbers trap... nothing to really fuck somebody up... well except by placebo... take it if anything for herbal speed... but well dont expect too much... our energy drink wich contain around the same ephedra plus a lot of other thing can more be called this way ;)

but seriously if anybody really want to make this, buy pure ephedra herb and eat it or drink it as a tea it have a really nice fruitfull smell and youll be sure of what you take, a really natural product and not a factory processed shit...

and if you dont know where to find ephedra contact us we have or go to psychonaut he have our product...

we encourage people to use natures gifts really more than some shit made by a stupid bikers chemist in a dirty bath...

good luck ;)
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu Apr 20, 2006 @ 9:16pm. Posted in 2C-B drug Report.
Coolness: 70140
Vla un lien sur ceci...
merci a notre bon Dr Shulgin!
ce gars est malade!!
et il dit quil a inventé le 2-CB d'ailleur,

[ www.cognitiveliberty.org ]

probablement que si quelqun se donne la peinne de lui demander sur ce site il répondrait a cette question a savoir, que devient le 2-CB dans le cerveau...
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu Apr 20, 2006 @ 8:59pm. Posted in 2C-B drug Report.
Coolness: 70140
ouais, sa aurais aussi pris des réferences pour dire deja que la mescaline se dégrade en oxygene...
donc savoir si c'est du O-² (ion) ou du 02 (gaz)...
quil se forme un gaz m'étonnerais, mais des ion oxygene aussi, ceux-ci sont justement tres reactif et sa prend donc beacoup d'énergie pour les déloger...

en regardant la molecule meme, jme dit que le seul O est entre 2 carbones, et que premierement le noyau benzene ressort intacte, et que dans ''OCH3'' les 3 hydrogenes vont partir avant tout...

mais bon sa prendrait un peu plus de recherches...
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu Apr 20, 2006 @ 12:05pm. Posted in 2C-B drug Report.
Coolness: 70140
Originally posted by THE_RIDER...

De l'oxygène, c'est un oxydant.

Ajouter d'un oxydant au cerveau, j'ai des doutes sur l'innocuité.

Tout le blabla entourant les anti-oxydants de nos jours, y'a une raison derrière ça.

L'oxygene est constament presente en tout point de ton cerveau ... sinon tu meurt...

les amphetamine par contre provoquent l'oxidation des terminaisons neuronales par les radicaux libres provenant de la dégradation incomplete des molecules d'amphetamines, ce qui, a la longue détruit les recepteurs du cerveau, mentionont cependant que le stress provoque les memes effets, et donc ceci na donc pas seulement rapport avec les méchantes drogues...

la vitamine E est un excellent anti oxidant pour contrer les effets de ces substances...
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu Apr 13, 2006 @ 3:35pm. Posted in On star.....est-ce normal?.
Coolness: 70140
jai souvent entendu des rumeurs a propos de E qui contenait de l'hero mais encore la, quoi que plus logique, jai ben de la misere a y croire...
n'ymporte quel chimiste peut fabriquer des pillules nymporte ou dans un vieux bain crasseux pour pas trop cher...
l'hero cest un autre histoire...
calcul que sa ce vend 20$ le point (0,1g.), pis que tu peut avoir les pills autour de 3$ si tes chanceux,
les dealer font rarement les chose pour dautre chose que de faire du $...
donc si ils mettent sa dans leur pills pour couper du speed, en plus detre vraiment épais y doit tellement pas en avoir gros que sa fera pas grand choses...
t plus suceptible de trouver de l'ephedrine...

aussi ben manger une poigné de grainnes de pavot ;)

mais bon a moin que quelqun ai des informations que jai pas je crois quon devrait eviter de propager de telles rumeurs...
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu Apr 13, 2006 @ 1:45pm. Posted in On star.....est-ce normal?.
Coolness: 70140
Originally posted by M@X...

Vos mal de coeur sont causé par l'héroïne qui a dedans

Jai de tres serieux doutes sur la présence d'heroine dans du speed, jsais pas sa serait qui le criss de dealer tata qui ferais sa mais c pas tres intelligent...
anyways ce monde la le sont pas vraiment donc on peut s'attendre a des conneries pareilles mais jen doute...
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Tue Apr 4, 2006 @ 2:04pm. Posted in Ombre Et Lumière.
Coolness: 70140
Party Écouerant!!!!
Ambiance Malade!!!!
Un Party fait avec du coeur et de l'energie!!!!!!!!!
Une chose trop rare...
Juste assez de monde, plus aurait été trop...
La déco etait hallucinante!!!
La grosse criss de classe quoi!!!!!!!! ;)

Merci pour l'occasion!!!
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu Mar 23, 2006 @ 6:40pm. Posted in detox.
Coolness: 70140
Damn... for this we must go to another planet...!!
at least for the last 3... ;)
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Tue Mar 21, 2006 @ 10:27pm. Posted in snorting medicine.
Coolness: 70140
Damn shit that hurt the nose for days......
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Tue Mar 21, 2006 @ 10:26pm. Posted in The Great K Debate....
Coolness: 70140
an interesting thing about k is that if you mix it with b12 vitamine you should get more intense effect...

like they sell box of liquid b12 at drugstore (acti-b12) and if you mix that with the k solution prior to cooking, you should get super-K !!

but i never had the chance to try it...

who knows!!
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 8:28pm. Posted in Absinte.
Coolness: 70140
for those who would like to make their absinthe the recipe from Dale Pendell from pharmaco/poeia is the one i use, its:

30g wormwood (absinthe)
8,5g hyssope (hysope)
1,8g calamus (acore)
6g melissa (mélisse)
30g anise seed (graines d'anis)
25g fennel seed (graines de fenouil)
10g star anise (anis étoilé)
3,2g coriender seed (graines de coriande)

he said:
let steep for a week, shaking occasionaly,
then add 600ml water and let the whole macerate another day

he said also here:
it must then be distilled. Inferior recipes skip this step, but what they produce is not worthy to be called absinthe...

in the distillation when the distillate turn yellow ,take it apart for next time, its called faints and give a bad taste...

after ad again the herbs:

4,2g mint
1,1g melissa
3g wormwood
1g citron peel
4,2g liquorice root

let macerate 4 days, filter, bottle...!
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 6:14pm. Posted in Absinte.
Coolness: 70140
Hey man, lets both stay friendly, we are all here to talk about common interest...
so sorry if i pointed you with what i said...

ok so now...!

thujone is an essantial part of the absinthe effect,
even if its toxic, and thats why its banned evrywhere...
but thats why i said dont drink it too often...
its more an experience...
and its true you just said IF is that you want...
but absinthe IS wormwood and there we come to the problem of the saq absinthe that dont do the job...
it seem that it all the mix that do that strange effect,
their is a lot of volatile phenetilamines precursors in the mix,
even acorus calamus that its the most known...

i know the effect canot be called psychedelic , but its definitly more than just the alcool effect,
drink a lot of 90% ethanol and all youll get is a hole in the stomach and an ethylic coma...
and anywais when i do it the alcool is not higher than 50-55%

but the thing is that it has really a different effect than alcool,
its more heavy and you deffinitly feal an ''Ivresse''(sory dont know the translation..)
its not big enough to give a big description about a buzz or something like that,
but their deffinitly is something fealable about it...

anywais, wathever if you want to make some or not,
the thing worth to be tried...
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 2:59pm. Posted in Absinte.
Coolness: 70140
Well wormwood is used since a long time but mostly as a vermifuge,
and the drink absinthe is not only thujone but a complex mix of a lot of thing,
and the only way to make the real absinthe taste and effect is with the distilled liquor...
of course you can make a wormwood tea or alcool but it will not be the brevage absinthe, and will shurly not give you any psychedelic effect...

for the distillation, well as long as you dont burn the thing inside the alambic during the operation you have all their is, and thats what you want...

and morphine, i hope ''your evrybody want to make a buck'' is not for me, cause yeah i told i was seling a kit, but also that all information was on the web alredy and that its alway more fun to do thing ourself, what i always do myself...
and i personaly wouldn buy a kit, but theirs a lot of people who liked to have evrything redy to do so...

anyways, yeah la botine aux herbes is the best place to buy your herbs for this...
they can even prepare the recipe for you if you give them the list...
dont worry ive alredy did it and they dont care...

but dude dont go out and tell people that drinking thujone is like drinking absinthe,
the more intense you will go is getting sick...
but well thats a debate that a lot of people are also having...
making some serious reshearch about this would be interesting...
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 10:19am. Posted in Absinte.
Coolness: 70140
in this domain, their is rarely something more fun than do thing yourself...!
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Fri Mar 17, 2006 @ 10:15am. Posted in One of the best drug websites around.
Coolness: 70140
yeah your right about books but you can find all the books at the link i [ nts.org ]
their is a LOT of books in pdf format there...
i found on the net almost all books about entheogens/drugs that exist...
but i agree its more fun to have in in papers,
but well its printable...

anyways look youll see...
i was amazed when i saw this site...
thats why i posted it here...
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu Mar 16, 2006 @ 11:40pm. Posted in One of the best drug websites around.
Coolness: 70140
hey n'oubliez pas son grand frere le lycaeum!

[ www.lycaeum.org ]

ya une excelente collection de traduction la bas a:

[ www.lycaeum.org ]

et ailleur aussi pendant quon y est...
une INCROYABLE!! collections de documents a:

[ scribbles.spiritplants.org ]
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu Mar 16, 2006 @ 11:32pm. Posted in Absinte.
Coolness: 70140
The alambic is the distiller
cause yeah it should realy tatse bad without distillation,
they even say that its not worth to be called absinthe if left undistilled...
but the good news is thats its easy to make and just require some effort,
the biggest part is the pressure cooker...

we give all the info in the kit, but they are easily found on the net...
yes distillation is illegal in all occident because of alcool laws...

but well i think we all must spit together on those who prevent self sufficiency...
and the inteligent usage of skils and things...
just use discretion...

the allcool is at the saq but is damn expensive!
better making it...
but this is a lot of effort...

» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu Mar 16, 2006 @ 10:44am. Posted in ground kola nut.
Coolness: 70140
Si vous voulez du cola en poudre nous en avons pour incroyablement moin cher et directement d'afrique...

visitez nous a [ www.psycholab.ca ]
ou écrivez moi a
il me fera plaisir de repondre a toutes questions...

Au plaisir!
» PsYcHoTiK replied on Thu Mar 16, 2006 @ 10:41am. Posted in Absinte.
Coolness: 70140
Hi !

for anybody interested in making their own absinthe,
we sell a kit to make it,
with all the info and suply you need...

exept the alambic and the 94% ethanol...

visit us at [ www.psycholab.ca ]
or write at psycholab-ethnogenes@hotmail.com
if you have any question its gonna be a pleasure to answer it...

For those who never did it it really worth the try...!
it will be pure absinthe without anything removed!!
but dont drink this too often...
PsYcHoTiK's Profile - Community Messages