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» Plan-C replied on Mon Oct 27, 2003 @ 9:37pm. Posted in Looking for my brother.
Coolness: 62725
Aw comon, a little violence towards Alex is a fucking good deal compared to the damage he's done to SOCIETY AS A WHOLE.

Mike - I'll be at the summit
» Plan-C replied on Mon Oct 27, 2003 @ 7:01pm. Posted in Looking for my brother.
Coolness: 62725
That's right lakester. A fool and his money are soon parted. Me, I lost a lot of money, but I won't make that mistake again. And anyone else would be a bigger fool to follow in my footsteps and give him the sympathy he doesn't need or deserve only to get fucked over the second the let their guard down. Let's not forget that unlike the lot of everyone else here, I knew nothing about Alex's past, and no one ever warned me that he was a manipulative, thieving, pathological liar. I can't understand how you people who have known him for so long and heard about if not directly experienced his bullshit can still be standing by his side. Especially when I've heard some of you voice very different oppionions publicly. While drug addiction is a disease, it's one that can be prevented with a little caution and thought, and overcome with time and pain, but not more drugs.
» Plan-C replied on Mon Oct 27, 2003 @ 5:37pm. Posted in Looking for my brother.
Coolness: 62725
To answer your questions Holly, people would like to fuck up Alex simply because he deserves it. As embarrassed as I am to admit it, Alex scammed me for jesus christ I don't know how much money. I know our written debt was at something like 600 dollars. But that doesn't count all the things he stole over the course of our friendship (bout 7 or 8 months). Amongst these is my 230$ skateboard which was still in NEAR PERFECT condition. He also stole at least a miscellaneous thousand dollars in other items - no joke and let's not forget about the 180 dollar phone bill boys and girls. He did this for the duration of the time I knew him. I was even nice enough to let him live in my house for a little over a month after being kicked out by his previous roomate over a thousand dollar debt in unpaid utilities, and rent. While he lived with me, I paid for his laundry, his food, and his party expenses for going out. He never washed a dish, cleaned anything up, was completely disrespectful of the rules of my house, and to top it all off he cleaned up jizz with my fucking toothbrush (I was fortunate enough to realize this before using it thank god). Towards the end, I began to catch on that he was a thieving little con-artist. He would deny stealing things when it was blatantly obvious. It got to the point one day where myself and an unnamed friend confronted him. After several denials he realized the futility of further lies and broke down crying pleeing for forgiveness and continued support from me his "good friend". I was dumb enough to go along with it, on the condition that he would see his therapist, get a job, and get out of my house since my roomates were moving in and needed the space, not to mention I needed my space from Alex. I also made the stipulation that he would not smoke weed, and kept a close eye on him. We succeeded in preventing him from smoking weed for 3 days successfully and that friday he moved out and took his records with him. On the way out he proceeded to grab my skateboard, which I did not notice until later, too late to get it back.

I know that this business should be the personal business of me and Alex, but I have to insist that at this point in time, I may share my business with anyone I like and that Alex rightfully has no say in anything about anything. I'm just one of the dozens of people Alex has fucked over in his years. Just one. As fred said earlier, now consider the damage he incurrred on me times 20 other people? 30 other people? 100? Whatever it is, it's enough to put your kids through college I'll bet. At this point in time, everyone should know and realize that Alex is a danger to himself, and to society. I couldn't give two shits about Alex himself, but if Alex is allowed to get away with this, then he will only do it again. I know he's gone through therapy and rehab and the likes before, and he's still a useless drug addicted parasite. I'm not confident that there's anyone who can help Alex get back on track. I haven't known Alex as long as a lot of people, but many of you know that I did used to hang out with him every day and I got to know him a lot better than most would think. Alex appears to me to be a waste of flesh, time, and money. I can understand Holly that as his sister, you feel an obligation to help him and that is all good. Alex most certainly needs help from someone. I only hope you consider the consequences of bringing him into your home. I'm not sure if you live in Montreal too, but if you do be sure to consider also that unwelcome visitors might come to your home looking for him if they find out he's staying there (no I'm not that type). Bottom line it might be better for you that you don't find him Holly. I'm sure he's caused your family more than enough trouble and pain already. It's only a matter of time before that trouble and pain finally catches up to him. He can't hide forever and the people he's fucked over haven't forgotten. I for one will always have an eye out for Alex, and I'm sorry but you won't be the first person to hear about it when I do find him.

---I'm not high. I was born that way---
Plan-C's Profile - Community Messages