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» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 3:39pm. Posted in Who wants to move to BC/Alberta with me ??.
Coolness: 51265
If you;re bilingual I heard you can find something around 17-18 an hour without even having to look... They come to you!
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 3:32pm. Posted in La ville de Quebec vote ADQ??!?!?!?!.
Coolness: 51265
Yeah, my opinion is that the PQ should put the separatist platform on hold, just forget about it for a decade. Then, explain to people that they need it as a TOOL to achieve greater results in healthcare, education, employment insurance, lower taxes, smaller but better army, etc...
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 3:29pm. Posted in Who wants to move to BC/Alberta with me ??.
Coolness: 51265
Salaries compensate the price of life... I want to go there to bike in the mountains and eat fresh just-out-of-the-sea salmon
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 3:27pm. Posted in 26 Mars - Mon choix!.
Coolness: 51265
Oui en effet, mais pas par beaucoup, apparement! Ca fait plusieurs fois qu'il passe proche... La prochaine sera la bonne!
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:56pm. Posted in Rave.ca worth $47,244.
Coolness: 51265
I asked my 3years-gf out for the first time on ravewave :D
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:35pm. Posted in Who voted?.
Coolness: 51265
En effet environ 3% du volume mondiale de l’eau renouvelable se trouvent au Québec alors que la population québécoise représente une infime fraction de la population mondiale.

Pris d'une these par un etudiant de l'Universite Laval...

Enleve un 0, deadfunk!

Update » NormanWells wrote on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:39pm
Wali a raison quand il dit qu'il y a des enjeux plus importants que le referendum... Le point, c'est qu'un referendum gagnant nous aiderait a travailler sur ces enjeux-la.
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:28pm. Posted in Who voted?.
Coolness: 51265
deadfunk is right.
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:28pm. Posted in La ville de Quebec vote ADQ??!?!?!?!.
Coolness: 51265
Je suis convaincu!

Aux federales, je vote JAMBON.
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:27pm. Posted in Who voted?.
Coolness: 51265
En effet... Comme tu vois je crois beaucoup a l'independance du Quebec, mais honntetement, j'ai abandonne l'idee de la voir un jour et j'ai l'intention de demenager dans l'Ouest canadien. Le Quebec est mort, pour moi, et on ne peut revenir en arriere depuis 1995.

Je crois aussi que le PQ doit laisser de cote la souverainete (quitte a la faire "temporairement") pour se concentrer sur ce que les quebecois veulent d'eux; un parti qui defend des idees socio-democrates dans une mer neo-colonialiste de plus en plus conservatrice.
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:22pm. Posted in Who wants to move to BC/Alberta with me ??.
Coolness: 51265
Go for it!
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:22pm. Posted in La ville de Quebec vote ADQ??!?!?!?!.
Coolness: 51265
Lol As-tu un argument?
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:20pm. Posted in La ville de Quebec vote ADQ??!?!?!?!.
Coolness: 51265
Hmmm... tres intelligent

Update » NormanWells wrote on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:21pm
Regime de sante a deux vitesses, coupures gouvernementales, privatisation a outrance... C'est ce que je voulais dire.
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:19pm. Posted in Who voted?.
Coolness: 51265
Deadfunk je pretend pas etre "bon", je defend mes convictions profondes, c'est tout. Remarque que je n'insulte personne. J'apprecie beaucoup que tu aies aussi le courage de tes conviction. Je respecte ca enormement.

Pour ce qui est des raisons que tu me demandes:
-Tous nos impots vont nous revenir
-On va decider ce qu'ont fait avec NOS impots
-Une place a l'ONU
-Un programme d'assurance-chomage qui ne sera plus gere en taxe indirecte
-De meilleurs programmes d'aide aux etudes
-Plus de medecins qui dememnagent en Alberta apres 5 ans de pratique (ca va etre plus difficile, a tout le moins)
-Plus d'$$$ a Quebec pour investir dans notre richesse premire, l'hydro-electricite propre et ecologique
-Un revenu additionnel en taxes de douanes
-Une place plus importante dans la Francophonie

Je peux en sortir d'autres...
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:08pm. Posted in Who voted?.
Coolness: 51265
tout ceu qui travail pour le gouvernement du canada, perde leur job

Euh... non. Ils vont etre engages par les NOUVEAUX ministeres du gouv. du Quebec (vous savez, ceux qu'ils vont ouvrir pour remplacer ceux negliges par le federal???)

what WILL happen if quebec separates is everyone with half an education will leave and quebec

A huge majority of intellectuals in Quebec are for separatism.

Update » NormanWells wrote on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:09pm
Oh and... the US ALREADY invaded us with their money!!! Like... you guys think that's not been done YET??? Look outside!
Update » NormanWells wrote on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:14pm
Je sais qu'on est pas SI differents des anglais... Tout le monde au Canada est pour la justice et l'egalite. Je crois seulement que le gouvernement federal est un monstre ignoble qui neglige l'aspect tres regional du Canada. Quant a moi, TOUTES les provinces devraient se separer... Seul desavantage, on pourrait pas ramener du pot de BC a cause des douanes.

Et pis il faut vraiment arreter tout de suite de croire qu'on va perdre des services a la population! Tous les programmes mal geres par le federal (parce qu'une trop grosse machine) seront rapatries par le nouveau gouvernement quebecois! Ils risquent memee d'en aajouter avec l'argent sauvee! En plus, ils vont OUVRIR des postes de fonctionnaires a Quebec qui sont en ce moment a Ottawa!
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:05pm. Posted in Who wants to move to BC/Alberta with me ??.
Coolness: 51265
Too many debts for now :/
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:04pm. Posted in La ville de Quebec vote ADQ??!?!?!?!.
Coolness: 51265
L'ADQ va faire du Quebec un etat Americain.

Amp... J'ai de la misere avec les gens qui votent "strategiquement", genre qui votent ADQ pour pas voter pour les deux autres. Voter, c'est pas une partie d'echecs. On doit le faire avec sa tete ET avec son coeur.
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 1:56pm. Posted in La ville de Quebec vote ADQ??!?!?!?!.
Coolness: 51265
Originally Posted By DEADFUNK
liberal, pq, adq, c toute la meem afaire

c comme voter pour un pedophile ou un tueur en serie, tu vote ben pasque t obliger de voter...

pour vraiment changer quelquechose, les gens aurait du ne pas aller voter...

si ya moin de 60% de la populatin qui vote, les elecions sont anull�e
les derniere yavait eu 70%

si yaurait eu moin que 605 les partit se serait p-e reveiller et auraitvu que leur esti de programme a la con on sen criss, mais non, le monde aime mieu voter pour le moin pire des epais ...

Most. Irresponsible. Post. EVERRRR.

Update » NormanWells wrote on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 1:59pm
Oh and Vinny... You are politically hopeless, but I love you anyway ;-) At least you don't go in the type of I-dont-give-a-shit-how-many-people-died-for-my-right-to-vote kind of shallow speech we see quoted above.
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 1:54pm. Posted in BECKERS (Germany) @ REWIRE 3, April 6th, 07.
Coolness: 51265
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 1:49pm. Posted in Who wants to move to BC/Alberta with me ??.
Coolness: 51265
Liz and me have had this project in mind for quite a while. I'm even more convinced since the election's results are out.
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 1:41pm. Posted in Who voted?.
Coolness: 51265
Originally Posted By WIZDUMB

-the PQ has a decent socialist platform and i'd vote for them apart from the whole seperation bit, meaning they'll never get my vote

Open your mind: separatism is the answer to a better tomorrow for EVERY SINGLE ONE who lives in Quebec. The federal government does not represent our interests, they represent Ontario's ultra-money oriented values, opposed to the "PQ has a decent socialist platform and i'd vote for them" idea that a huge majority of Quebecers (regardless of their nationality or first language) praise. We just are not Cnadaians in our values. It's not us.
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 4:38am. Posted in You Go Back To Africa And Do Your Gay Voodoo Limbo Tango And Wango.
Coolness: 51265
WHOA! Geez, if only that was an "isolated" case...
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 4:29am. Posted in Who voted?.
Coolness: 51265
I just noticed your avatar is Fritz the Cat... lol nice!

I say less than two years.

Only thing I hope is that ADQ and PQ form a coalition to change the actual representation mode. PQ has more interests in a % of votes obtained representation mode in today's reality (they're a 3rd party now!) than in the actual seats/counties system. The ADQ has shown a lot of interest for this new idea in the pass (should I say, only because it served their interests, now that it does not anymore, let's see if they follow through). This would help smaller parties like Solidaire and Green get seats, and have a voice for the 8% people that voted for them both put together... Think about it, 4 million people voted, times .08, that's 320 000 people that voted for a party that does not have a voice at the National Assembly! Liberals got 33% of total votes and 48 seats on 125 possible. That's 38% of the total seats! Green and Solidaire would have gotten 5 seats each for their 4%!!!

Anyway, I don't think the PQ is going to be interested by the idea.

Update » NormanWells wrote on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 4:31am
reference for stats ;-): [ www.radio-canada.ca ]
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 3:08am. Posted in New Anti-Rape device.
Coolness: 51265
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
yeah that's the first thing I figgured. Pissed of ex finds out she's being cheated on (or even just suspects) "Hey honey let's fuck!" "OK! OWWW WTF!" "OMG HE RAPED ME WHEN I TRIED BREAKING UP WITH HIM!"

I see the drama coming...

And I have a question: how do you remove it without getting your finger bitten?

And a comment: that's definetly something you will forget to remove before agreed sex every now and then (ya know, piss drunk at 4am).
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:54am. Posted in La ville de Quebec vote ADQ??!?!?!?!.
Coolness: 51265
Je ris et je pleure de ta joke en meme temps.
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:52am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 51265
Made: got back my AC wire for my mixer-can mix again
Ruined: the election
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:49am. Posted in La ville de Quebec vote ADQ??!?!?!?!.
Coolness: 51265
On le sait, Quebec est remplie de fonctionnaires. L'ADQ promet d'abolir des postes de fonctionnaires. Quebec vote pour l'ADQ.


Je crois que les gens la-bas sont trop "frustres" (d'avoir perdu les Nordiques? Une osti d'equipe de hockey poche?), donc ils ne veulent pas voter Liberal ou PQ. Alors, ils votent ADQ. Ils ne considerent pas 2 secondes aller voir quel parti a le meilleur programme pour eux! Pire encore, tant qu'a pas voter Liberal ou PQ, ils ne considerent meme pas voter Vert ou Solidaire! Les gens la-bas ont vote en frustres. Ils vont continuer a etre frustres, car ce n'est CERTAINEMENT pas la droite qui va les aider a raviver leur region.

Bande de gens creux.

P.S.: Je parle des gens de Quebec en generalisant... Il y en a quand meme plus de 40% qui ont vote ADQ. Je crois cependant que c'est tres important de specifier que je ne veux pas etendre les idees ci-haut a TOUTE la population de la region de Quebec. Evidemment, il y a la-bas des gens tres intelligents et logiques, comme partout ailleurs dans le monde. Il semble seulement qu'une "mode" de droite s'installe la-bas (voir les 5(pas sur? 4 ou 5?) deputes federaux conservateurs qui viennent de la), ce qui me consterne, etant donne que leurs interets politiques et economiques sont plus vers la gauche.

Qu'en pensez-vous?
» NormanWells replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:39am. Posted in 26 Mars - Mon choix!.
Coolness: 51265
Je me suis presente avec toutes les pieces justificatives necessaires et j'ai pas pu voter, mon nom etait pas sur la liste. Ils m'ont envoyer une carte par la poste comme quoi personne n'etait inscrit a notre adresse, mais j'ai appele trop tard pour me faire ajouter. Grand blame sur moi pour ne pas avoir lu la carte comme il faut. Cependant, en 2007, avec les serveurs en temps reel et toute la technologie disponible pour moims cher que du papier, c'est incroyable qu'ils n'aient pas ete capable de m'ajouter! Le federal le fait, non?

Je crie au scandale depuis ce matin.

Le pire, c'est que si la bitch du bureau de scrutin que j'ai appelee pour m'ajouter (trop tard) m'avait averti que je devais amener qqun qui habite avec moi qui peut attester que je vis bien la, j;aurais pu m'arranger. Elle m'a juste dit que je ne pouvais pas voter avec un air de "je m'en crisse, raccroche donc que je retourne regarder les reprises de Virginie".

Vive la democracie!
» NormanWells replied on Sun Mar 25, 2007 @ 9:35pm. Posted in Rewire 3 : Contest : Free Tickets, CD's + More !!.
Coolness: 51265
Moi je poste juste le lien au site qui heberge le video ([mot.] [\mot.] ou be don quoi?), car je suis un grand illettre informatique.
» NormanWells replied on Sun Mar 25, 2007 @ 3:13pm. Posted in Nsfw!.
Coolness: 51265
» NormanWells replied on Sun Mar 25, 2007 @ 3:11pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 51265
» NormanWells replied on Sun Mar 25, 2007 @ 3:49am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 51265
» NormanWells replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 11:15pm. Posted in How to mix better?.
Coolness: 51265
Originally Posted By FISHEAD
I think people need to take internet arguments a little less seriously.

t-h-a-n-k y-o-u

Update » NormanWells wrote on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 11:16pm
I'm also interested in your "any of y'all feel like meeting up and playing records together.." idea.
» NormanWells replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 11:12pm. Posted in The Great K Debate....
Coolness: 51265
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
why fred, your sick?

Got a fairly extreme case of irritable bowel syndrome. Can't take anything that has too much of an effect on the nervous system because my gastrointestinal nervous system is "wired wrong" to the "regular" nervous system. The pain and anxiety receptors are "crossed", so if I get nervous, it triggers pain, and pain triggers anxiety, and puts me into a loop of getting an escalating panic attack while making it feel like I've got a knife stabbed into my gut that's getting more and more painfull.

According to women on an IBS message board, the way I feel every day when I'm feeling "good", is comparable to period bloating, and when the pain comes, it's worse than giving birth to twins.

I have it too, but it's very mild and I can drink coffe and shit and what not. Stimulants and sweets don't have as big of an effect as stress does on my digestive system. When in CEGEP I used to have the pains you described to the point where I couldn't stand up. I saw a doctor in an emergency room, she didn't diagnosis, but she said I had to stop stimulants and sweets. She also said I was involuntarily contracting my stomach to the point where I got sharp pain.

Je compatis :(
» NormanWells replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 11:02pm. Posted in Reunion Chez Fractal demain 2 heure pour la reconnaissance de la scene.
Coolness: 51265
J m'en viens
» NormanWells replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 11:02pm. Posted in Apres le fractal ....les promoteurs.
Coolness: 51265
Moi les flyers en carton je les reutilise pour, euhm, ya know... filters!
» NormanWells replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 10:56pm. Posted in CBC IQ Test.
Coolness: 51265
Sorry to say, but it's a well-known scientific fact that cognitive faculties go somewhat steadily down with age. I do agree that these need to be taken with a grain of salt. Do 100 IQ tests in a month and you'll see that you'll be doing better and better, but you won't necessarily BE smarter, you'll just be better at IQ tests.
» NormanWells replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 10:52pm. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 51265
I hate working the night shift for that ONE reason... I miss all the games on the week.
» NormanWells replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 10:51pm. Posted in Let's talk about Fractal.
Coolness: 51265
Dishes are evil
» NormanWells replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 12:21pm. Posted in How to mix better?.
Coolness: 51265
Eh c'mon show some respect to my man Fred, he was partially right!
» NormanWells replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 5:06am. Posted in How to mix better?.
Coolness: 51265
Just confirming...
NormanWells's Profile - Community Messages