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» cjbsexx replied on Thu Dec 1, 2011 @ 10:54pm. Posted in Vancouver rave party at Plaza of Nations 1 may 2000.
Coolness: 48635
drugs arez gay
» cjbsexx replied on Thu Nov 24, 2011 @ 9:11pm. Posted in Reasons why Occupy Wallstreet was a success.
Coolness: 48635
Probably very bad.. those hippies sure have other issues to solve!
» cjbsexx replied on Thu Nov 24, 2011 @ 9:06pm. Posted in Reasons why Occupy Wallstreet was a success.
Coolness: 48635
why it was a success:

after more than a month of fully negative media coverage ( themselves owned by the 1%). even the most innocent rave forum is arguing if after all this was a success.

It made you think ( which unfortunately 99% of people don't really do).

I post on another forum where people are usually more conservative and right-minded ( pro economy, against social changes, etc) and even there they are wondering if this actually was a good thing.

It created controversy and discussion which by itself is an exploit in our fully capitalist system.
» cjbsexx replied on Thu Nov 24, 2011 @ 9:00pm. Posted in Reasons why Occupy Wallstreet failed.
Coolness: 48635
Cool to know there are not only K-Tards on this forum !
» cjbsexx replied on Sun Nov 20, 2011 @ 10:32pm. Posted in Punérie de K.
Coolness: 48635
Ça pourrait ouvrir de nouveaux marchés à nos vénérables laboratoires de PCP montréalais. Les usagers ne feront pas une grosse différence.
» cjbsexx replied on Sun Nov 20, 2011 @ 10:23pm. Posted in un organisme d'intervention en rave?.
Coolness: 48635
J'en ai déjà vu il y a quelques années dans des raves à Montréal ( le plus récent où j'ai vu ça, Terra 3), mais la nouvelle scène semble moins préoccupée par les conséquences de la drogue.

Cela est de plus en plus rare dans les raves ici.
» cjbsexx replied on Sun Nov 20, 2011 @ 5:50pm. Posted in Reasons why Occupy Wallstreet failed.
Coolness: 48635
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Wallstreet owns the government? My goodness man...

So you're saying Wallstreet voted the government in, decided to spend 14 trillion on wars, and then forced people to take out loans with a gun to their head?

Not directly, but Wall Street directly or indirectly corrupted the government.

Wall Street is a symbol for Corporate America as a whole ( the way I see it at least).

When the government decides to spend trillions on war, Wall Street is god damn happy. Boeing, LockHeed-Martin 's shares rise on the stock exchange.
Grreedy and corrupted politicians receive brides for engaging the american population in stupid spending.

And when the corporations faced bankruptcy 2-3 years ago, they asked for more money to prevent the world from crumbling.

The government is the little easily corrupted middle-man. Wall Street is the big guy briding everyone in its advantage.
» cjbsexx replied on Sun Nov 20, 2011 @ 2:49am. Posted in Reasons why Occupy Wallstreet failed.
Coolness: 48635
Originally Posted By BLISSS
As the Occupy movement finally comes to an end, discuss the reasons why it failed

They had their biggest protest 2 days ago, what are you basing this thread on ?
» cjbsexx replied on Fri Nov 4, 2011 @ 11:45am. Posted in psytrance.
Coolness: 48635
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Ahh oain!?

[ www.youtube.com ]

Vraiment très impressionnant. Sais-tu qui est le compositeur ? Ça me fait penser à une danse espagnole de Granados.
» cjbsexx replied on Thu Nov 3, 2011 @ 7:49pm. Posted in work life balance.
Coolness: 48635
I work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 8 months in a row, every year.

I would never do something else. I love it.

So depends if you really like what you do.
» cjbsexx replied on Sun Oct 30, 2011 @ 12:36pm. Posted in Mort.
Coolness: 48635
Originally Posted By ZEROPOINT
While knowing how to beatmatch and having confidence in your equipment doesn't alone make a good DJ, playing a party without these things seems a bit premature. Nice venue though.

What dj's are you refering to ?
» cjbsexx replied on Mon Oct 17, 2011 @ 5:41pm. Posted in qu'es-ce qui ce passe ?!?.
Coolness: 48635
Ça prend une pause pour l'hiver, de retour en 2012.
» cjbsexx replied on Sat Oct 8, 2011 @ 7:14pm. Posted in Rave vs Psy Parties..
Coolness: 48635
Originally Posted By FENGSHUI-ENGINE
Si c'est de moi que tu parles ,je me rappelle pas avoir fait la morale a personne dans un psy party.je suis trop occupé a faire la fete .

Mais de la morale hippie a la base ca n'existe pas.c'est juste du bon sens .bref.

t'inquiète, je faisais référence à Asigoinka/ Yoshin/ MDMAGirl ou peu importe son nickname sur le forum.
» cjbsexx replied on Sat Oct 8, 2011 @ 3:56pm. Posted in Soundscape.
Coolness: 48635
eske y'avait pas mal de monde ?
» cjbsexx replied on Sat Oct 8, 2011 @ 3:45pm. Posted in Rave vs Psy Parties..
Coolness: 48635
Ce qui me gosse le plus dans les partys psy, ce ne sont pas les gros, mais plutôt les hippies moralisateurs-qui-connaissent-tout, qui s'autoproclament 'les maîtres'.

Personnes visées, reconnaissez-vous.
» cjbsexx replied on Fri Sep 30, 2011 @ 10:08am. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 48635
I think these protests are lame.

I looked at the videos, all I say was fashionista hippies dressed with expensive fringe clothings, asking for whatever they heard on the new Arcade Fire album.

Most of them are probably frustrated Finance University graduates who didn't get a job.

I woul rather haver Wall Street lunatics rule the world than wannabe protesters.

This is nowhere like the arab countries where protesters were asking for something real.
» cjbsexx replied on Tue Sep 27, 2011 @ 5:02pm. Posted in louer l'inco.
Coolness: 48635
514 280-2000

Tu demandes Johnny ou Max.
» cjbsexx replied on Sun Sep 18, 2011 @ 3:35am. Posted in Never date your cousins.
Coolness: 48635
» cjbsexx replied on Thu Sep 15, 2011 @ 11:51am. Posted in Technopark for rent.
Coolness: 48635
We could also organise an ability contest, the most accurate beer bottle thrower on the highway.

Hit a police car = free tickets to Epic Coalition 14
» cjbsexx replied on Wed Sep 7, 2011 @ 11:50am. Posted in Haterz.
Coolness: 48635
Quelqu'un a oublié de prendre ses:

» cjbsexx replied on Tue Sep 6, 2011 @ 9:32pm. Posted in Bruit, raves et graffitis dans deux édifices à l'abandon.
Coolness: 48635
Originally Posted By RAWALI
wasnt that the building where they had:

[ www.rave.ca ]
and this:
[ www.rave.ca ]

Nice find ! You know your parties well. I've never heard about those parties.

Were you there ?

I wonder if they had the authorization of the owner back then.
» cjbsexx replied on Tue Sep 6, 2011 @ 6:17pm. Posted in Bruit, raves et graffitis dans deux édifices à l'abandon.
Coolness: 48635
Originally Posted By KIRE
they wouldn't give a hefty fine for such a thing ? i'm surprised, so it's just like an outdoor event

It all depends of the owner of the building.

Does he want to prosecute me with charges? Does he want to do a deal ? Is he living in a remote town in Iraq ?

The police itself can't do charges for that. They have to contact the owner and inform him. Then the owner decides what he wants to do.
» cjbsexx replied on Sun Sep 4, 2011 @ 6:37pm. Posted in Bruit, raves et graffitis dans deux édifices à l'abandon.
Coolness: 48635
There's been only one party at this place, I know those buildings like my pocket.

I used to hang there a lot when it was half active with asian textile mills in the still active spaces.

The party there was awesome, it didn't get busted and everything went like a charm. the only issue was in the morning, there like 50 people in front of the building and city workers looking at us very suspiciously.
We packed the stuff and left as quick as possible, which was probably the most intelligent thing to do at the time.

Like always, in the newspapers, 1 rave = MANY raves. We tried to have a small party there in 2010 but we got busted in about 30 minutes ( No problem with police tough)

As for hipsters, they're everywhere now aren't they huh ?? :P
» cjbsexx replied on Sat Sep 3, 2011 @ 7:35pm. Posted in Bruit, raves et graffitis dans deux édifices à l'abandon.
Coolness: 48635
At this place, probably not anytime soon.

The police have been cracking down there a lot recently. Many people got arrested for simply walking around the building.

I wouldnt imagine the consequences of getting busted with 200 ravers around.
» cjbsexx replied on Sat Sep 3, 2011 @ 12:41pm. Posted in Bruit, raves et graffitis dans deux édifices à l'abandon.
Coolness: 48635
J'ai bien ri en lisant cet article

Bruit, vitres cassées, graffitis, appels au 911... L'arrondissement de Saint-Michel et les policiers de la Ville éprouvent des ennuis avec deux édifices abandonnés situés en bordure de l'autoroute 40. Les bâtisses d'une douzaine d'étages sont devenues des refuges pour squatteurs.

Un homme qui travaille tout près du 3637 et du 3737, boulevard Crémazie Est raconte qu'il a déjà vu des gens marcher sur le toit d'un des deux édifices et qu'il entend souvent de la musique à très haut volume. «Il y a de beaux parties... C'est comme des raves avec un DJ. Ça commence tard le soir et ça se termine tôt le matin», affirme l'homme, qui préfère taire son identité.

L'arrondissement est au courant de la situation et tente depuis des mois d'y remédier. En plus, des jeunes qui entrent par effraction dans les bâtisses et du laisser-aller des propriétaires, la mairesse Anie Samson craint que la sécurité des passants soit menacée par les échafaudages installés depuis plus de trois ans autour du 3637, boulevard Crémazie Est. Une des toiles recouvrant trois des quatre côtés de l'édifice s'est d'ailleurs détachée des échafaudages au printemps dernier avant de se retrouver sur l'autoroute Métropolitaine. Une partie des voies de l'autoroute avaient dû être fermées à la circulation.

L'arrondissement peine toutefois à joindre les propriétaires pour qu'ils se plient à la réglementation municipale. «On leur a demandé de solidifier leur structure. Des échafaudages, c'est censé être installé de façon temporaire. Ils nous ont dit qu'il y avait eu un changement de propriétaire, mais comme rien n'a été fait, on leur a donné des pénalités», raconte Mme Samson. Mais comme l'entreprise MC Properties a contesté ces avis d'infraction, l'arrondissement a décidé d'entamer des procédures judiciaires. Les deux parties attendent de se retrouver devant un juge depuis un an.

MC Properties, qui possédait les deux édifices devenus squats, s'est débarrassée, l'automne dernier, du 3737, boulevard Crémazie Est. L'arrondissement confirme que les plans de réaménagement ont été autorisés et les nouveaux propriétaires ont assuré à La Presse que des travaux de transformation seraient entamés cette semaine. Mais en attendant, les squatteurs peuvent toujours entrer facilement dans l'édifice.

Le Service de police de la Ville de Montréal confirme que des agents doivent souvent intervenir aux deux adresses. Les policiers se contentent de faire fuir les squatteurs. «Même si on intercepte ces gens-là, il faut trouver un plaignant et il faut ensuite prouver qu'il y avait une intention criminelle. Ce n'est pas simple à prouver et ce n'est pas toujours évident de joindre le propriétaire», explique l'agent Daniel Lacoursière, porte-parole du SPVM.

MC Properties connaît le problème

Zbigniew Skrzpek, employé de la voirie de Saint-Michel, voit souvent des voitures de police devant l'entrée de l'un ou l'autre des édifices. Il sait que des squatteurs y entrent illégalement. «De jour en jour, il manque toujours plus de vitres», raconte celui qui travaille tout juste entre les deux édifices.

Suzanne Bertrand, directrice de MC Properties, affirme que ses patrons n'ont pas abandonné l'idée de rénover l'immeuble du 3637, boulevard Crémazie Est. Selon elle, son entreprise apporte des modifications aux plans qui ont été proposés, mais refusés par la Ville. En attendant les rénovations, des chiens de garde se promènent dorénavant dans l'édifice, l'électricité a été coupée et le rez-de-chaussée de l'immeuble, barricadé. Mais rien n'y fait, raconte-t-elle. Encore la semaine dernière, les policiers ont dû intervenir pour faire fuir des gens qui étaient entrés malgré les moyens mis de l'avant pour leur faire rebrousser chemin.

Pour ceux qui ont manqué ça, voici les photos:

[ www.rave.ca ]
» cjbsexx replied on Fri Sep 2, 2011 @ 4:41pm. Posted in Room for rent in a loft.
Coolness: 48635
looks nice, par curiosité, where is it located ?
» cjbsexx replied on Thu Sep 1, 2011 @ 3:15pm. Posted in Black Light 7 :: John 00 Fleming (UK), Hellsystem (It) :: 29 oct 2011.
Coolness: 48635
110% sur que j'Y suis !!
» cjbsexx replied on Mon Aug 22, 2011 @ 9:21pm. Posted in The Underground Website Where You Can Buy Any Drug Imaginable.
Coolness: 48635
Cherchez ' Buy research chemicals' sur google, il y a plusieurs vendeurs en Chine qui vendent pour des prix imbattables tout ce que vous voulez..
» cjbsexx replied on Sun Aug 21, 2011 @ 6:19pm. Posted in The Underground Website Where You Can Buy Any Drug Imaginable.
Coolness: 48635
Just use the not-so-undeground website AKA google.

[ www.compoundresearch.com ]
» cjbsexx replied on Fri Aug 12, 2011 @ 6:39pm. Posted in Under Ground Control.
Coolness: 48635
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
Still the cops are trying to stop YOU from having parties.
YOU have a date with the vice squad.

Nothing you can say or do can alleviate that.
YOU are a faillure on many accounts.

Hehe now you're trying to give me sads by saying my buddy is a bad and a fail promoter.
That his parties suck, is that what you're saying boy?

if you really want to talk about failure, in the end you are 35 and still work that shitty phone sales/harassment gig.

I get paid to travel the world. probably paid several times what you do, also.

I worked my ass to be where I am today, 10 years younger than you.

In fact, I succeeded in every single aspect of the things you point.

YOU SUCK ! YOU is stuck in a shitty office tower harassing people all day long about phony promotions. You are a shitty part of out society. There is no way out of where you are.

You can keep barking here, in the end I have the freedom (and money) to throw a party, to travel, etc. And I'm no rich kid. My parents work average jobs.

Outside of this forum, you are nothing short of a looser.
That old pedophile working the shitty job to make end meets, spending the free time harassing people on internet.

As for your 'excellent buddies', they are the source of everything I know about you. Excellent buddies you have! they say good stuff about you.

Keep going !

as for your buddie's parties, epic last year was good, most sucked ass.
Like that 5$ mandatory-free-party-in-a-shitty-sweaty-basement.

Or the failed kindergarten-bottle-throwing-on-highway epic fail.
» cjbsexx replied on Fri Aug 12, 2011 @ 6:13pm. Posted in Under Ground Control.
Coolness: 48635
Here are the facts for you my good internet friend.

So just for you, once again:

- Someone called the cops on several occasions saying there were shootings and stabbings inside the party.

I spent 3 hours with police officers explaining them that the party was not gang related or anything.

I now have an apointment on monday morning with them.

So yeah I'm a looser, a pussy, a fucktard , blablablabla.

According to John ( the owner of the venue) there have been 2 parties there before ( one I attended) and they all got busted to some extent.
He also said he rarely saw cops so concerned about a party happening at one of his building.

As you know everything, you also know 3810 st-patrick is also closed now and everything related to John Oawn ( or whatever his last name is) is pure police delight these days.

As for me beeing a bad promoter, that's up to your perception. I treat Dj's well, I pay everyone like said, everything is done profesionnally and I spend some good times with my buddy.

We've done the biggest free party in Montreal in years about 4 months ago. Police came and nothing. Everyone said it ruled.

Didn't fail like so many other of your buddie's party !

It's really easy to sit around all day on internet to bitch about everything.

We threw free parties every 2 months or so for the past 2 years.
Our attending is always growing.

Projet Usine 5 years ago. Etc.

So whatever you might say on the internet, the facts talk for themselves.

If you really hate me that much and you can't sleep anymore at night, Come say it to my face and stop arguing on Internet.

Anytime you want ! I'm on vacation and let's solve that as fast as possible.

Obviously I'm a shady person ?! you figured that out ? what do you expect from someone who enjoy bringing expensive sound equipment in abandoned buildings to challenge the cops ? Who do you think I associate with ?

It will be very straightforward if you want to solve this!

Also for the young crowd; that's pretty much the new standard for any rave. The crowd is getting younger, especially if you add the word dubstep.
that's true for any party or any promoter, as good or shitty as they are.

I don't even know you , but what's funny is you are known as 'the pedophile' . that's your reputation. it follows you.
The 2 or 3 unrelated people who told me about you identified you as that 30 year old pedo dating 14 years old's.
and your talent for spitting fire, also.

How great !!!! not shady at all !!! brilliant !!
» cjbsexx replied on Fri Aug 12, 2011 @ 5:27pm. Posted in Under Ground Control.
Coolness: 48635
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
What are you talking about?
They did'nt even bust it.

Venues have been used after the party was actually busted before.
Methinks someone kinda over-inflates the events that occured that night.

Dear internet bad ass,

What are YOU talking about ? Were you at the party?

Are you coming with me monday morning to meet Mr. Panicella and Mr. Gueault from Escouade de Moralité ?

If I get a fine then, are you going to pay it for me ?

Or you are again bringing your bad humor and stupidity for the fun of it.

Me think you have nothing to do/add/say about what happened and what is going to happen.

I have dealed with police several times at parties thank you.

This time was different. They were not saying : ' We are going to close your party' ;

They were saying ' We are gonna make sure you don't want to do parties anymore'.

I don't need the opinion of some obscure internet k-tard with former pedophile tendencies.

Unless you want to chip in for paying the fine, of course.
» cjbsexx replied on Fri Aug 12, 2011 @ 4:21pm. Posted in Under Ground Control.
Coolness: 48635
Yep, it got sold to MTQ and is to be demolished within the next 12 months.

Anyway with what happened with the police last time, I doubt anyone wants to throw another party at this place soon.
» cjbsexx replied on Wed Aug 10, 2011 @ 1:58pm. Posted in Under Ground Control.
Coolness: 48635
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
nothing... the party was not busted at all... just kids scared of police...

Huh you even agreed with me that with was going on, the best thing was to stop the music for a while.

The psytrance room went on until 0900 AM !

Not scared, only spent nearly 3 hours with 2 police officers threatening me of "Code de Moralité" fines.

fengshui-engine ,

Mike faisait une blague je crois au sujet de la bataille de time-slot. Tout s'est très bien déroulé ;)

En fait, ça aurait été dur pour moi de me battre pour un time slot vu que j'ai passé une grosse partie de la nuit avec la police..
» cjbsexx replied on Wed Aug 3, 2011 @ 12:00am. Posted in Dominos.
Coolness: 48635
You ate Domino's about once every 4 days in the past 4 years ?

What about doing the grocery and cooking ?

You might as well eat butter and give the difference$ to UNICEF. You'll be as fat in the end, I swear !

Seriously, why??? Cooking is so hard ? You're wasting money on that crap...
» cjbsexx replied on Sat Jul 23, 2011 @ 4:11pm. Posted in Amy Winehouse.....Dead.
Coolness: 48635
She doesn't deserve the recognition of past stars like Morrison or Cubain.

She's just a crack head who got lucky doing covers of old 60's soul songs.
» cjbsexx replied on Sat Jul 23, 2011 @ 11:58am. Posted in Graffiti Documentaries.
Coolness: 48635
Here you go, In&Out DVD RIP :

[ www.megaupload.com ]

This is not only on the blue line, actually 50% of the movie is on the green line, and there are also a lot of commuter trains.

Facts about this documentary:

- Altough this was recently released, Many of the scenes were shot several years ago ( 2005-2007)
- Some of the graffers in this movie were deported to France after getting caught
- It is believed many of these graffers had insider contact within the STM as their timing was always too perfect
- Most of that documentary would be impossible to do today due to new security measures by STM

I used to infiltrate subway tunnels and back stations myself, but they now have infrared sensors in many access points.

The soundtrack is also pretty awesome, a lot of nice Hip Hop, Dub, Dubstep, etc.
» cjbsexx replied on Wed Jul 6, 2011 @ 4:15pm. Posted in 5-Htp.
Coolness: 48635
combattre la drogue avec plus de drogue, brillant.

Un autre enseignement des grands maitres ?

tu peux ben chialer que les raves c'est plate !
» cjbsexx replied on Sun Jun 26, 2011 @ 12:14pm. Posted in NOUVELLE SALLE RAVE DISPONIBLE POUR LA LOCATION - 100% Legal.
Coolness: 48635
Très intéressant, 2000$ tout inclus c'est quand même un très bon prix pour une salle 'légale'.
» cjbsexx replied on Sat Jun 25, 2011 @ 2:09pm. Posted in Rassemblement de la St-Jean.
Coolness: 48635
Woah ce party a dépassé toutes mes attentes !!! Tous les Djs étaient déchainés, le spot débile, la vue incroyable, la foule super chill, et la soirée inoubliable.

Merci à tous d'avoir créé ce beau party !!
cjbsexx's Profile - Community Messages