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» Blisss replied on Wed May 23, 2012 @ 8:22am. Posted in Cokeheads.
Coolness: 129865
Coke ruined the scene in a way, created too many assholes, too many farts
» Blisss replied on Wed May 23, 2012 @ 8:17am. Posted in This site still exists?.
Coolness: 129865
Masa's keeping it alive with his insane ramblings
» Blisss replied on Wed May 23, 2012 @ 8:14am. Posted in So what are you gonna do with your summer?.
Coolness: 129865
Some good feedback here, we need more threads like this one
» Blisss replied on Wed May 23, 2012 @ 8:09am. Posted in Would you let your cat to go a rave?.
Coolness: 129865
Why not indeed
» Blisss replied on Wed May 23, 2012 @ 7:28am. Posted in Johnny Clamps.
Coolness: 129865
Dude Masa is gonna flip out when he reads that O_o You're really playing with fire bro

He's already threatened to kick Gamos's teeth in when Gamos joked it was him.

Prepare to get pmed by one angry junglist
» Blisss replied on Wed May 23, 2012 @ 6:44am. Posted in Johnny Clamps.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
I'm actually pretty certain it's not Blisss and have a good idea who it is, mostly because I'm the only one on ravewave that seems capable of deductive reasoning.

Gotta give you props for that, you are entirely right

Originally Posted By masa
Well, to be honest, at first you were my second choice, Fred

More wild accusations

Originally Posted By masa
My money's still on Blisss though.

Yeah that bet sure backfired lol...Keep that 20 handy bro ;)

By the way Masa did you ever figure out who Johnny Clamps is?
» Blisss replied on Wed May 23, 2012 @ 6:03am. Posted in The end of free speech in Quebec?.
Coolness: 129865
» Blisss replied on Wed May 23, 2012 @ 6:02am. Posted in brand new track.
Coolness: 129865
Where's the track?
» Blisss replied on Wed May 23, 2012 @ 3:19am. Posted in Ultimate riot police.
Coolness: 129865
» Blisss replied on Mon May 21, 2012 @ 1:36pm. Posted in max and his weapons.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By MASA
Yes yes, we already know there wouldn't be a rave scene in Montreal if it wasn't for superstar DJ Blisss.

Not what I said at all. What I said is I've been around since the beginning and I'd never heard of you until you started trolling events on the internet a few years ago.

So stop walking around thinking you're someone "special" because you bought a few beers at a few events. No one cares

Originally Posted By MASA
Keep on misreading my posts, keep on trollin'. I got a show to catch.

Kind of hard to misread you stating you are "one of the only remaining junglists who still attends events"
» Blisss replied on Sun May 20, 2012 @ 8:21pm. Posted in max and his weapons.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By MASA
one of the only remaining junglists who still attends events.

cheers :) exactly what I said.


Don't ever remember seeing you when Gnat was dropping jungle breakbeat in 1993, first guy to do so in Montreal. Well I do, he's actually the one who helped me get started in this city :)

Don't remember ever seeing you at Angels in the 90s, never saw you at The Session either, never saw you at Sona for any of the dnb parties for that matter

I don't remember seing you all the years I sold dnb and breaks at Noize, which is interesting because thats where I got to know pretty much EVERY SINGLE JUNGLIST in the city

In fact I dont remember ever seeing you anywhere until a few years ago

Last remaining junglist my ass
» Blisss replied on Sat May 19, 2012 @ 5:21am. Posted in max and his weapons.
Coolness: 129865
Awhile back when you trying to encourage people to boycott Junglist tuesdays because my friends Jah Style and Nicky Nutz wanted me to play the launch.

You made up this sad story about how you couldn't go because you had already stated you were boycotting all my gigs (like an idiot) and then you went on to say you were probably the "only junglist" left in town sniff sniff...You arent by the way ;)

Now whats fascinating about that "incident" is you basically took an unrelated internet discussion, somehow decided to blame it on my djing which incidentally is something I do for the people...

Then you see I'm playing at Passeport and of course you wanna go, but because you had already said you were boycotting you couldn't without looking like a fool, so what do you do? You start getting mad at me for that!!!

Thats how insane and twisted you are bro
» Blisss replied on Sat May 19, 2012 @ 5:10am. Posted in Beware of Masa and Max -) Mauvais payeurs.
Coolness: 129865
» Blisss replied on Sat May 19, 2012 @ 5:04am. Posted in max and his weapons.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By MASA
but you've been slandering people online for too long.

lol...this coming from a dude who went and ahead and repeately falsely accused me of being someone else for no reason whatsoever

what to talk about slander buddy? you're a prime example

Originally Posted By MASA
I KNOW people stay PC about you, but most people think you're kind of an egotistic douche.

Yeah yeah bla bla bla...who is "most people" anyway? You know everyone in Montreal? I thought you were the "only" junglist left in town

Wanna talk about arrogant? lol...
» Blisss replied on Sat May 19, 2012 @ 4:46am. Posted in The student protests.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By MASA
Ah, I get it now, johnnyclamps is Margaret Weiss.

Shit, I owe Blisss 20$.

No that is what you said, I can read you know
» Blisss replied on Sat May 19, 2012 @ 4:41am. Posted in Beware of Masa and Max -) Mauvais payeurs.
Coolness: 129865
Well there's no way you coming near any of my gigs in light of your past behavior lol...No offense ;)

I'll keep your number and I'll collect it at some point.

Update » Blisss wrote on Sat May 19, 2012 @ 4:43am
PS I'd also appreciate it if you and Max would stop suggesting I am this other dude whatever his name is now...Its really getting old. Trust me, its not me
» Blisss replied on Sat May 19, 2012 @ 4:37am. Posted in The student protests.
Coolness: 129865
When and where did you tell me to come collect? Thats news to me man! Lol...

At least you've admitted you were wrong, its a start
» Blisss replied on Sat May 19, 2012 @ 4:34am. Posted in The end of free speech in Quebec?.
Coolness: 129865
Free speech isn't dead, the proof is you guys are all using your free speech right now as we speak
» Blisss replied on Sat May 19, 2012 @ 4:30am. Posted in max and his weapons.
Coolness: 129865
Hahaha...You seemed pretty freaked out from the pms you sent, figured I'd give you a break ;)

Sent by Max May 17 2012 @ 7:44pm
Dude you're going way too far with "Max and his weapons" story

Trolling the community is one thing. Saying I will show up at raves/parties with guns and commit violent acts with no valid founded reasons is serious matters, it can cause panic. In fact, it is totally illegal and criminal.

I can show those computer logs and your statements with your valid IP on it to the police. Since I'm in the army, I think they will seriously listen to me. Anyway, every criminal matter related to firearms is taken very seriously since Dawson.

If you don't want me to show up with the police next time your Djing, you better stop that and right now. I'm not laughing at all.


Max: "Hi Police officer, a local dj said I might shoot up a rave on the internet after I made up some stuff about him first. Yes I do own a gun and I do fight a lot but I am not crazy. Please go to his next dj gig with me, I have proof he posted on [ rave.ca ] Please come to the club and arrest him sir! I'm in the army sir, none of us have ever gone crazy."

Police Officer: "Jean-Guy, arrest this man immediately, he must be insane"

» Blisss replied on Sat May 19, 2012 @ 4:23am. Posted in Beware of Masa and Max -) Mauvais payeurs.
Coolness: 129865
Lol...you guys still trying to get out of paying what you owe, still repeating the same tired story

I'll tell you what, I'll met both of you tommorrow at Concordia metro 2pm in person if you want...or 3 pm, your choice. No much later because I have a gig in the evening.

Dont forget to bring the cash you owe me

» Blisss replied on Sat May 19, 2012 @ 4:18am. Posted in Who is Host1? Fuck That Guy.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By M-A-X
I don't get it?!

You dont get you're a troll?
» Blisss replied on Fri May 18, 2012 @ 12:40pm. Posted in Who is Host1? Fuck That Guy.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By M-A-X
Is this fucking troll fest over here?

It is now you showed up
» Blisss replied on Fri May 18, 2012 @ 12:39pm. Posted in The student protests.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By MASA
Ah, I get it now, johnnyclamps is Margaret Weiss.

Shit, I owe Blisss 20$.

Its been over 2 weeks....
» Blisss replied on Fri May 18, 2012 @ 12:37pm. Posted in LOL we made the front page of CNN international.
Coolness: 129865
I'm still waiting lol...
» Blisss replied on Fri May 18, 2012 @ 12:30pm. Posted in max and his weapons.
Coolness: 129865
Oops looks like I made a spelling mistake I meant to say:

"Didn't you threaten to shoot up at a rave last year because you were pissed off there was no psytrance on the bill?"

I was refering to Max's heroin addiction, not the threats he's made about shooting me over losing a bet.

So Max dont worry I'll just tell the cops I forgot to add the word "at" if they come investigating ;)


Update » Blisss wrote on Fri May 18, 2012 @ 12:34pm
PS If you smart you would have made a bet out it, maybe you would have won lol....
Update » Blisss wrote on Fri May 18, 2012 @ 12:35pm
PS If you were smart you would have made a bet of it, maybe you would have won lol....
Update » Blisss wrote on Fri May 18, 2012 @ 12:36pm
Damn spelling mistakes ;)
» Blisss replied on Fri May 18, 2012 @ 12:18pm. Posted in woooo psytrance.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By V.2-1
I mean, when I look at all the times I replied to Masa, no drama happened, mainly because we troll together. When SourUltraFast replies to me, no drama, mainly because we troll together. When Masa replies to SourUltraFast... well, you get the idea, they troll together. Then Johnny comes along and somehow, we all start insulting him and then we start insulting Bliss for no reason because we made a mistake. Which basically makes us look like trolls so we have to continue to make things up to make it look like we didn't do anything wrong, when anyone who can read can clearly see we fucked up

We get the idea, you guys troll together, nothing new lol...

Originally Posted By masa
Now I still have some doubts, which is why I won't take Blisss's 200$ bet. Yes, twat, I am not afraid to admit I have doubts.

You have doubts because you know you're wrong...

If you were SURE of what you were saying (which is all bullshit BTW) you would take the $200 bet!

In summary you're really just a pussy who's afraid to put his money where his mouth is

» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 7:50am. Posted in The student protests.
Coolness: 129865
Personally I don't see anything wrong with fighting for more affrodable education

I get the idea that we have low costs to begin with, so no one should be complaining

But at the same time shouldn't we be trying to make things cheaper with time, not more expensive

You look at the states it just seems to keep going up and up and yet there are less and less jobs
» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 7:47am. Posted in woooo psytrance.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By JOHNNYCLAMPS
he's DJing a lot of the times I post

» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 7:46am. Posted in max and his weapons.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By BASDINI
this thread is a total sassuage fest

well thanks to you guys this board is completely deserted of any female lifeforms

no wonder either, we're pretty much left with welfare cases, crazy psycho ravers with guns and ex candy raver djs

who can blame them O_o
» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 7:37am. Posted in who is this zombienathan and what is his problem.
Coolness: 129865
No one asked you to come on this forum Masa

Using name calling dosen't change the fact you lost a bet and you are trying to weasel out of it

How about being a man and take my bet and see if you can back up your false accusations

Thats $200 cash, right now, we'll both give it to Na for safekeeping, he'll get 10 percent.

Dont be a pussy bro, get the money, lets do this!
» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 7:31am. Posted in LOL we made the front page of CNN international.
Coolness: 129865
For what?

You and Max bet money I was Johnny, I'm not :)

& Don't bother trying to come up with some other wierd explanation, you lost a bet, deal with it ;)
» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 7:27am. Posted in Beware of Masa and Max -) Mauvais payeurs.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By MASA
I've broken a couple of the deadly sins, and I know I'm hellbound.
Placing bets isn't one of 'em, but Wrath is.
You talked shit, sullied my rep, you now get shit from me.

Blisss gets a 20, but I'll make sure to wipe my ass with it before, for the latest load of crap he posted on these boards.

You sure change you story a lot Masa lol...One day its a false accusation, next day its an admission you were wrong (which you are), the next day its back to living in lala land

Like I said hang on to that $20 you lost, I'll be collecting it
» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 2:46am. Posted in what you guys think about my story....
Coolness: 129865
Well personally I can't decide if I pity you for being a 30 year guy who cant figure out he's talking to two different people lol...

Or if I pity you for gambling your welfare check on the internet

Or if I pity you because you're a 30 year old guy who thinks his hoodie is so "special" he wears its for 8 years straight ;)

Your choice lol...
» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 2:25am. Posted in woooo psytrance.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By NATHAN
would be nice to have a real discussion 'round here, that doesn't start with someone shitting on someone else, or with propaganda.

Well it is possible, if we got rid of some of your "friends" (Masa, Sourultrafast and Version)

From what I can see they have been involved in EVERY drama incident on this board so far
» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 2:21am. Posted in max and his weapons.
Coolness: 129865
You seem like the type of guy who tries to come off like he's chill, but is in fact a ticking timebomb.

Didn't you threaten to shoot up a rave last year because you were pissed off there was no psytrance on the bill?
» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 2:13am. Posted in why Bliss is bad for this board.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By M-A-X
Don't worry Bliss, I don't shoot people cuz they troll me on the net. Ill simply turn off my computer, like I said I don't take things personally here.

So you're saying you DO SHOOT people,

You just don't shoot people you lose bets with on the internet for making false accusations which would make you the only troll in the situation?

Totally agree man :)
» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 2:09am. Posted in Beware of Masa and Max -) Mauvais payeurs.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By MASA
I'd love to see you come up to me offline and ask for it, I really would. I'll pay just to see you lie so blatantly

I will be collecting my money at some point, when and where is my business

Its not like you're going anywhere lol...Just remember not to spend that $20 on booze
» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 2:07am. Posted in LOL we made the front page of CNN international.
Coolness: 129865
Yo Max, where's my money?
» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 2:07am. Posted in who is this zombienathan and what is his problem.
Coolness: 129865
Originally Posted By MASA
Yeah, I clearly insulted him first, I pointed out that I thought it was Blisss.

Actually making false accusations is a form of insult, not that you would know, you spend most of your time making things up lol...

Originally Posted By MASA
You're good, twat. Had me doubting for a second, but now I'm back to being convinced you're Clamps.

Not like I'll make much money on my bet, with those 4:3 odds

Ok, put your money where your mouth is

I'll bet you $100.00, no make that $200.00 I am not Johnny Clamps

$200.00 man, do you take the bet?
» Blisss replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 2:02am. Posted in Who is JohnnyClamps.
Coolness: 129865
Im not Johnny Clamps, you guys owe me money
Blisss's Profile - Community Messages