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» Bassic replied on Fri Sep 10, 2004 @ 9:22am. Posted in Tomatoes.
Coolness: 128920
You say tomatoe, I say tomaaaaatoe...
» Bassic replied on Fri Sep 10, 2004 @ 4:54am. Posted in Save Our Dance Nation!.
Coolness: 128920
It nice to see someone who cares!!! Cheers man!
» Bassic replied on Fri Sep 10, 2004 @ 4:51am. Posted in Fluid Thursday tonight.
Coolness: 128920
Was fun!!! I danced like a crazy mofo!!! Steve's set just got me going like crazy...
» Bassic replied on Thu Sep 9, 2004 @ 4:27pm. Posted in Do you like rain.
Coolness: 128920
I like days like this... It makes the sunny ones seem so good!
» Bassic replied on Thu Sep 9, 2004 @ 4:26pm. Posted in In Da Jungle-Back to school rollcall.
Coolness: 128920
Is it just me? I don't understand a thing Kidd One says!???
» Bassic replied on Thu Sep 9, 2004 @ 4:24pm. Posted in In Da Jungle-Back to school rollcall.
Coolness: 128920
I'm in! As usual. I'm brigning a few friends as well! It should rock!

And I'm anxious to see this French act!
» Bassic replied on Wed Sep 8, 2004 @ 1:58pm. Posted in make yourself.
Coolness: 128920
You've got a weird crack!
» Bassic replied on Tue Sep 7, 2004 @ 6:27pm. Posted in Sooo how was everyone's week-end?.
Coolness: 128920

Wow I'm impressed that anyone from around here knows about it!... Do you know the Thompsons? Everyone knows everyone around there!!!
Why didn't you go this year??? I hadn't been in a few years but its getting ALOT bigger!

I got soo trashed that I actually really enjoyed watching all the fights. It's cool over there cuz you know that no one will pull a knife or a gun! Just good clean fun!
» Bassic replied on Tue Sep 7, 2004 @ 3:06pm. Posted in Sooo how was everyone's week-end?.
Coolness: 128920
Great fun this weekend...

Started out with Laronde on friday, actually got in pretty fast but the lineups inside were crazy... Then we took off for Shawville, a little town near the ottawa river. They were having a fair and their ain't no party like "hickville" parties!!! LOTSA drinking, fights, people passed out and country girls!

One of my best weekends of the summer and I've had a great summer!!!
» Bassic replied on Sat Sep 4, 2004 @ 10:36am. Posted in Sober.
Coolness: 128920
Guys... Whatever... Lets just help Lee out! Not depress the shit out of him!
» Bassic replied on Fri Sep 3, 2004 @ 3:31pm. Posted in Sober.
Coolness: 128920
Lee, You have my support all the way! And I think accomplishments in life are when you go through something hard like stoping drugs... If you aren't proud of it then why even do it?

Lee, I'm with ya all the way...
» Bassic replied on Thu Sep 2, 2004 @ 4:04pm. Posted in LaRonde all nighter.
Coolness: 128920
Yeah, Gonna be fun! Tommorow already! No Acid for me though... Hummm I think beer and rides will be quite enough... euhh ok maybe not :)
» Bassic replied on Thu Sep 2, 2004 @ 3:38pm. Posted in Beastie Boys Remix a la Atrix.
Coolness: 128920
I really like it man! Good stuff!
» Bassic replied on Sat Aug 28, 2004 @ 11:35am. Posted in LaRonde all nighter.
Coolness: 128920
I just added it to the event calender... I hadn't noticed there was a tread about it! (oups...)... Neways I'm there...
» Bassic replied on Thu Aug 19, 2004 @ 4:37am. Posted in not so PLUR anymore, huh?!.
Coolness: 128920
Tout ca me frustre aussi! I like to party, I like to smile, I use it as escapism, I admit it. But I don't hurt anyone, I don't complain, I like to see people laugh at me or with me.

I dress funny everyday, I have some "Bad Ass" people look at me and say " what a funkin' tard " but I don't care. I respect them I I see where they are comming from. Not everyone had been as lucky as I have and has had a good childhood and life in general. I try to understand the people and what their situations might be before I judge them. I just like seeing people get along and have a good time.

I don't nessesarily beleive P.l.u.r. is for everyone. but I think it is pretty close to what I try to live everyday! It doesn't just apply to my RAVE life, but to my life in general. Of course no one can live this perfectly, I get mad and I disrespect people, but I try very hard not too. And anyone who knows me will see this.

I wish people could learn to ignore people that make them mad as a start. I'm not saying ignoring is the answer but it sure is better then entering a confrontation. With friends it a good idea to get things clear and talk about stuff and it's normal to have a fight once in a while. But I'm talking about random people who start fighting for stupid reasons. Most of the time, they would probably get along very well If they gave it a chance!

PLUR is still alive, and I don't care what anyone sais. I have a good time at every party I go to, I meet new people and maybe 1 out of every 20 I meet becomes a REALLY good friend. If making new friends isn't what PLUR is all about... I donno what it means... Of course not everyone is compatible and we all live different ways and like different things but at raves usually we all have something in common, the love of music and change of routine from everyday life. It's just too bad that raving for some people does become everyday life. But I'll put it this way, I'd rather be an excesive raver that a war loving person anyday.

I love PEACE, I LOVE alot, I like UNITING myseld with old friends or new ones anytime and I do my best at RESPECTING others. I know most of you are like this too, we just have a few flaws and that is what being human and living is society is all about. But if you think PLUR is completly dead then I feel sorry for you and the people you hang out with.

Had to get that out! :)
» Bassic replied on Mon Aug 16, 2004 @ 5:05pm. Posted in SOLO & Non Existant @ In Da Jungle.
Coolness: 128920
Yeah, good times! I had a really good time. At first I though the place was a little small but it ended up giving the party a great intimate feeling.

People are usually friendly at these parties but at this one everyone was EXTRA nice to me offering me free hash!!!, beer and some good ol' loving! It was really nice.

I also met this really cool Irish chick that I hung out with for most of the next day, but it was weird, everyone though she was an undercover cop or something cuz people were telling me not to get her any drugs...? It was weird......

Neways hats off to IDJ again for a great time... Can't wait till the next one!
» Bassic replied on Tue Aug 10, 2004 @ 3:27pm. Posted in Doom 3.
Coolness: 128920
Hey Jordan, remember how much we use to play doom2? Old 14.4 modems were plenty fast enough :) ....
» Bassic replied on Tue Aug 10, 2004 @ 3:26pm. Posted in Doom 3.
Coolness: 128920
Had a lan party the other day, had a great time playing that game!!! It's a little bit too linear but still pretty scary... MAN, those dudes creep up on ya when you least expect it....
» Bassic replied on Tue Aug 10, 2004 @ 3:22pm. Posted in Cold Shots.
Coolness: 128920
I like em too... Easy to pass off as energy drinks... Well drunken energy drinks!

I don't really like molson products but this one was a good idea. And they are pretty cheap too (8 pack for 9$)... But I guess now they should be called "Coors Shots"...
» Bassic replied on Thu Aug 5, 2004 @ 5:30pm. Posted in Why? I just got fucked....
Coolness: 128920
With UPS you have to do a custom brokerage, you refuse their brokerage charges and you fill out all the paper work yourself, it also takes about a week more for it to get cleared and then your ok! I do it all the time... But ups won't tell you this when you pick it up or get it delivered!
» Bassic replied on Fri Jul 30, 2004 @ 1:09pm. Posted in Eclipse festival : 31 juillet - 1er août.
Coolness: 128920

I work for Environment Canada, But don't worry, were are wrong 50% of the time :)
» Bassic replied on Fri Jul 30, 2004 @ 10:20am. Posted in how's summer treating you sofar?.
Coolness: 128920
I'm having a great time, started the summer out with a trip to Mexico for 1 1/2 months...

Got a pretty sweet job for the Goverment and I'm getting a good ratio of party/work... Only thing missing is sleep but that is why we have enegy drinks, coffee and amphetamines! :)
» Bassic replied on Fri Jul 30, 2004 @ 9:50am. Posted in John Kerry For President!!!!.
Coolness: 128920
Well, all I know is that Bush isn't good for American, Canadian, Mexicans, THE WHOLE FUCKIN' WORLD!!!!!!!!!!

Kerry, he ain't as scary (Bahaha that rimes)... But seriously he seems a little less trigger happy. It pissed me off a little how they gloryfied his vietnam experiance, but it had to be expected (American's like theatrics like that)...

Anyways, anyone who gets that squwinty eyed, war loving little shithead out of there is my new hero.
» Bassic replied on Fri Jul 30, 2004 @ 9:41am. Posted in Jojo was a man who thought.
Coolness: 128920
Get back, get back, get back..... to a thread that makes some sense!
» Bassic replied on Fri Jul 30, 2004 @ 9:39am. Posted in Why? I just got fucked....
Coolness: 128920
Well I got somewhat fucked once, I spent 250$ on a little engine for a scooter I have (I'm a dweeb) neways, engine never came but my money sure went!

BUT HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS... E-bay actually gave me back my money -75$ for charges and whatever! but I had used Paypal, maybe that helped things out! Anyways I think when using e-bay, Money orders, paypal or using the escow system are the only ways to go... Anything that leaves a trace of the guy cashing the money into an account or something... But don't worry, I think e-bay's pretty good for stuff like that now...
» Bassic replied on Tue Jul 27, 2004 @ 9:05pm. Posted in still far but lets gather for ......
Coolness: 128920
Ohhhh Yeah!... I'm there... I won't be missing a IDJ party unless I have something really important.........like an oportunity to get laid, but that won't happen so I'M THERE! :)
» Bassic replied on Tue Jul 27, 2004 @ 3:41pm. Posted in Eclipse festival : 31 juillet - 1er août.
Coolness: 128920
I got a spot left in the car, maybe 2 if anyone wants a lift from montrealish areas... (Free) plus you get to be with me in the car for about an hour! :)
» Bassic replied on Tue Jul 27, 2004 @ 3:23pm. Posted in a new idea for a party!.
Coolness: 128920
I'd go for sure... I'm always up for something new...
» Bassic replied on Tue Jul 27, 2004 @ 3:10pm. Posted in Eclipse 2004 : Open Air Trance Festival.
Coolness: 128920
Man, I'm there... Gonna have a blast!!!
Lee, are you going earlyish? I think I'm aiming for around noon?...

Can't wait, full moon too!
» Bassic replied on Wed Jul 21, 2004 @ 7:32pm. Posted in 1-877-bonjour.
Coolness: 128920
im going to call and ask for sharon davies, and be like hi this is sanik, do you wear your pants low?

And that was supposed to be intelligent? I though we'd been over this Sanik??? Don't encourage people...
» Bassic replied on Wed Jul 21, 2004 @ 7:19pm. Posted in Suicide.
Coolness: 128920

I agree...

Did you really think anyone would take you seriously?

I'm not saying this is true or anything but your comming across as someone who needs major attention, and your getting it for sure! (wether you want it or not....)

Maybe you should take a break from raveware (for your sake and others)... There are many other message boards around that you can take a fresh start with and be youself like you say you are now. I really don't think your a bad guy and I hope I get to meet you sometime to get to know you and see who you really are.

And to address the matter at hand, there are actually some quite helpful sites on the internet that help people deal with situations like this. Also there are phonelines you can call. Just look around a bit, I really think you won't get some good help here.

Anyways just a kind word of advice, try thinking of what other people's reactions will be before posting a message, expect the worst and adjust consequently and maybe you can make a few friends instead of enemies on this board.
» Bassic replied on Mon Jul 19, 2004 @ 11:15am. Posted in Sanik.
Coolness: 128920
Sanik I don't know you personnaly, I can only judge you on the posts I read from you on this board, and quite frankly I agree with Host One.

Sure this is the internet and I beleive 100% in freedom of speech, but I think offending people purposly is asking for that freedom to be taken away. I know if I were a moderator on this board, you would be first on my ban list!

Why don't you be the person you say you are in real life and contribute positively to this board? You'd make alot more friends instead of enemies.

» Bassic replied on Mon Jul 19, 2004 @ 10:01am. Posted in Summerbreeze.
Coolness: 128920
I had a great time... I finally got the right mix of dancing/talking in to satisfy both needs :)

The location was primo! But the party should have been called "IDJ Summer still air" cuz their certainly wasn't any breeze unless you were withing 3 meters of one of the AC units...

The back room with the studio was really awsome but too smoky for me to be able to dance in.

Props to the Dj's and the Vj... Great stuff...
» Bassic replied on Wed Jul 14, 2004 @ 9:35pm. Posted in Whats your Style?!!.
Coolness: 128920
This is how I dance!
» Bassic replied on Wed Jul 14, 2004 @ 9:15pm. Posted in The Photoshop Game!.
Coolness: 128920
Here's before she when to hell!

» Bassic replied on Wed Jul 14, 2004 @ 9:10pm. Posted in The Photoshop Game!.
Coolness: 128920
In hell...

That's my attempt....

» Bassic replied on Mon Jul 12, 2004 @ 1:03pm. Posted in Highway Robbery.
Coolness: 128920
I think it's fine... I'm currently selling 5$ tickets to tourists to see the worlds largest pot hole near my place! I can fit 12 midgets inside!!!
» Bassic replied on Mon Jul 12, 2004 @ 11:24am. Posted in Is technology surpassing human need?.
Coolness: 128920
Originally posted by VIOLENCE INC....

there is still human physical evolution occurring, it's the nature of the world to be in constant change. Just recently a child in Sweden was born with twice the muscle mass as a normal child. Scientists are attempting to locate the enigma in the child so they may replicate it and perhaps end obesity. The problem with human evolution is that it is no longer evolution through environment, but by human hand itself. In short...we are fucked.

Exactly, we try to change the environement around us more that it changes us. It's now in the hands of the scientists (hopefully not too much in the hands of their boss (aka. Bush)). I just read that there are and average of 3 harmfull mutations per generation [ www.onelife.com ]

But do you think genetic manipulation will help on the long run or be our downfall?
» Bassic replied on Mon Jul 12, 2004 @ 10:54am. Posted in Is technology surpassing human need?.
Coolness: 128920
Evolution or digicams?

Human's will no longer evolve physically, if anything we will somewhat De-evolve because of our bodies getting used to all the anti-biotics and all the crap we get in food (especially meat). Survival of the fittest (natural selection) no longer occurs because the weak and sick get stuffed with medication to keep them alive and reproducing.

But evolution is still happening through technology. With every new day, we know a little more, and our minds evolve parallel to the technology which I believe compensates for the lack of physical evoltion. But ultimatly, does this mean we will merge with machines when our bodies can no longer cope and become like robocop?

(I wouldn't mind being a robot, but a Cop... Ehh!)

Digital Cameras:

I don't see the need for 22Megapixels right now... As Dj neoform said it would take a large monitor to view the picture and no printer can reach that resolution right now. Film cameras are still definately superior. I still enjoy developing my B/W pictures and find them to be superior to anything I can do with a digicam... I have a 3.2 megapixel and I don't even use the maximum resolution most of the time because I don't need it!

» Bassic replied on Mon Jul 12, 2004 @ 9:58am. Posted in Summerbreeze In Da Jungle july 17th.
Coolness: 128920
Yeah, I'm in! I love the IDJ parties...
Bassic's Profile - Community Messages