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I'll take the high road, you take the low road?
By » FreeLotus on Wed Jan 21, 2009
How now Do you Forgive someone who has hurt you? How do you learn to forgive and most of all forget? How come I always have to take the high road, accept the faults of others? How is this fair..OH WAIT..thats right... Life is not fair...never will it be. Lead by example right? They will catch...
Fake plastic masks
By » FreeLotus on Sat Dec 20, 2008
I've always belived that you should be true to yourself, and to others. If you want to fuck someone up..put them in a fuckin fist fight.I would rather be punched in the head, then the heart. Dont be the motion to fuck peoples lifes up..be the motion that helps peoples lifes. And If you can not be...
Death to humanity
By » FreeLotus on Sat Feb 3, 2007
So surprize, actually, no Its not a surprize, that the earth is in Dire trouble. i have known about this for some time, Hell, The fuckin hippys have known about it for at least 50 years, but the fuckin government has been very clever in hiding the fact. blaming it on alnino and alnina, Fucking...
By » FreeLotus on Thu Jun 29, 2006
I just found out that im going to see ROBB mother fuckin GEE Play. I can now die a happy death :) Another Check on The List! ...and ya know what? It never happened.. what the fuck. all I asked for Was a little Hardcore, come on, Give me what I asked for.. I hate being let...
By » FreeLotus on Wed Mar 8, 2006
The weekend slowly approches.. Human blood will soon be on my feet, Love the hardcore, you know the score. Its what I crave for.
It is that, Just.
By » FreeLotus on Wed Feb 15, 2006
Fucken eh, just got another Art show! This will make it # 4! Hard work, strategy, and self proclame. Watch out world, here i come, dancing. If you want something, go and get it.
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