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By » Festive on Sun Oct 26, 2003
Went to Aria on Oct 16 and i had a great time :) Saw the hottest blonde guy and he was the hottest chick wearing a sequinced shirt like mine. They were just friends though (i think) He was dancing next to me for a long time and enfluenced me and vice versa but no one did anything (fuck!!) met this...
cloud 6
By » Festive on Wed Sep 10, 2003
Cloud was amazing!! Great times. Saw some peeps that i haven't seen in awhile like Mary anne and James, Jill, Jimmy, raver Nick and yeah. Danced like a maniac almost all night long. Got a little confused and forgot how for alittle while but it's all good. Went with Andrew, Q, Linds, Ryan and met up...
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