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News (Media Awareness Project)
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PublishedMedia Awareness Project (134905 Articles)WordsLines
2009-03-12US: Obama Drops 'War On Drugs' Rhetoric For Needle Exchanges52763
2009-03-12US IA: Edu: Editorial: Heartland Hemp Farming Needs Iowa61678
2009-03-12US AL: PUB LTE: Please Support Medical Marijuana Bill20026
2009-03-12US TX: YISD OKs Drug-Sniffing Dogs On Its Campuses35049
2009-03-12US AR: Edu: OPED: Grass Could Bring In Governmental Green48070
2009-03-12US CA: Medical Pot Still Generating A Lot Of Fire72998
2009-03-12US ND: Column: Reform Outdated Medical Marijuana Laws63486
2009-03-12US CA: PUB LTE: Legalizing Marijuana Good Idea11117
2009-03-12US CA: PUB LTE: More On Legalizing Marijuana17129
2009-03-12US GA: Life Sentence For Marijuana Farmer11516
2009-03-12US HI: Legalize, Tax Marijuana, Researchers Tell UN Drug Commission44966
2009-03-12US LA: Column: Turn Around The War On Medical Marijuana25438
2009-03-12US IL: PUB LTE: Legalize And Control Drugs14724
2009-03-12US WI: Expulsion Rate Drops In Merrill32149
2009-03-12US OR: PUB LTE: Middle Ground18625
2009-03-12US AZ: PUB LTE: We Must Decriminalize Drug Use13521
2009-03-12US IL: Editorial: Legalizing Marijuana A Bad Idea26346
2009-03-12US DC: Random Drug Tests Test Teacher Privacy Rights1203157
2009-03-12US MA: PUB LTE: Take Notice: Marijuana Laws Are Now Changed45974
2009-03-12US GA: PUB LTE: Ease Suffering, Support HB43418626
2009-03-12US CA: PUB LTE: Cannabis Prohibitionists Irresponsible19032
2009-03-12US CA: LTE: Medical Pot Harmful25436
2009-03-12US NY: Franklin Pair Convicted In Marijuana Operation17027
2009-03-12US: Choice Of Drug Czar Indicates Focus On Treatment, Not Jail902121
2009-03-12US OR: Oregon House Bill Would Tax Medical Marijuana36352
2009-03-12US OR: State May Take Over Growing Medical Pot29751
2009-03-12US OR: Bill Would Give State Control Of Pot Grown57580
2009-03-12US: A Choice for Drug Czar17128
2009-03-12US: Drug Czar Pick's Stepson Charged With Marijuana58077
2009-03-11US MA: Edu: Marijuana Legalization Bill With Origins in the Pioneer Valley Has H70495
2009-03-11US: De-Escalating The Drug War763112
2009-03-11US WA: PUB LTE: Prohibition More Harmful Than The Drug14720
2009-03-11US MI: Column: Marijuana Journal39348
2009-03-11US NJ: PUB LTE: Marijuana Law Promises Relief24636
2009-03-11US CA: Edu: Column: Pot-Luck: Let's Bring Some Green To State60686
2009-03-11US MA: Column: Legalization Won't Stop Mexico's Drug Wars58773
2009-03-11US: US Should Make Mexican Drug Violence A Priority, Lawmaker Says33354
2009-03-11US CA: CSUS Students Back Pot Measure26942
2009-03-11US TX: Driving Through Tenaha, Texas, Doesn't Pay For Some1156153
2009-03-11US MI: Column: Home-Grown $$$1190137
2009-03-11US CA: LTE: Budding Pot Culture10419
2009-03-11US FL: Drug Lords Laundered Millions Through South Florida1015147
2009-03-11US: Congress Aims To Police Border Violence67880
2009-03-11US FL: PUB LTE: Drug Policy Is The Real Cause Of Mexican19125
2009-03-10US GA: Column: Is Mexico's Drug War A Threat To US Security?61483
2009-03-10US NV: OPED: Legal Marijuana Would Be A Tax Windfall46859
2009-03-10US CA: Edu: Editorial: Why Not Pot?50766
2009-03-10US NY: Editorial: Drug Trafficking20535
2009-03-10US NV: PUB LTE: To Help Cartels, Keep It Illegal18830
2009-03-10US CA: PUB LTE: Another Form Of Reefer Madness10018
2009-03-10US CA: Editorial: Putting Pot Under The Microscope35747
2009-03-10US IL: Column: Backing Off On Criminalization46659
2009-03-10US PA: Phillydeals: NJ Drug Biz Shrinks Will Another Sprout?66585
2009-03-10US NC: PUB LTE: War On Drugs Is Complete Failure23633
2009-03-10US NC: PUB LTE: Clay Incident Shows How Warped Approach To Drug Policy Has Becom20127
2009-03-09US AL: PUB LTE: Medical Marijuana Bill Should Pass19527
2009-03-09US PA: PUB LTE: Medicinal Marijuana Deserves Passage26542
2009-03-09US OR: PUB LTE: Drug Demand Fuels Warfare11820
2009-03-09US OR: PUB LTE: Legalize Cannabis11319
2009-03-09US TX: LTE: Asylum In US12424
2009-03-09US HI: Oral Health Center Caring For Drug Court Clients13222
2009-03-09US TX: PUB LTE: Drug Prohibition3211
2009-03-09US AL: PUB LTE: State Should Allow Medical Marijuana18425
2009-03-09US CA: OPED: A Look Into The Future62877
2009-03-09US CA: PUB LTE: Lets Think Rationally On Marijuana Issue10217
2009-03-09US CA: Santa Clara County Proposes Deep Cuts to Drug and850105
2009-03-09US CA: Editorial: Medical Marijuana, Yes Or No?21636
2009-03-09US CA: Editorial: Medical Marijuana, Yes Or No?21636
2009-03-09US CA: Editorial: Legalization Not The Simple Answer953116
2009-03-09US NJ: Backers Of Medical Marijuana Hopeful In N.J.1116166
2009-03-09US CA: Edu: OPED: Revolution Time: We Need Weed74594
2009-03-09US CA: Editorial: Time To Give Pot A Shot?42059
2009-03-09US WI: LTE: Kids: Drugs Are Not Harmless31937
2009-03-09US GA: Mexican Cartels Plague Atlanta720104
2009-03-09US CA: Editorial: A Plan for Pot37144
2009-03-08US OH: City to Hold Off on Instituting DARE-Like Program in Schools62890
2009-03-08US MI: How Much Prison Time Is Enough?1123182
2009-03-08US NY: Edu: Drug Law Reform In Works30345
2009-03-08US CO: OPED: A Trick to Raise Revenue?55376
2009-03-08US CA: Editorial: Medical Marijuana, Yes Or No?21636
2009-03-08US CO: Medical Marijuana Hearing Postponed18439
2009-03-08US IN: Edu: Editorial: Legalizing Marijuana30847
2009-03-08US TX: Study Examines How Survivors Of Drug War Cope679106
2009-03-08US PA: OPED: Prohibition, The Sequel1001138
2009-03-08US NJ: Activists Debate Medical Marijuana Bill53079
2009-03-08US NC: Editorial: The Rest Of The Story47355
2009-03-08US CA: California Marijuana Dispensaries Cheer U.S. Shift on Raids53867
2009-03-08US: As Guns Go South, Drugs - and Violence - Go North51568
2009-03-08US MS: Prosecutor: Ex-MSU Football Star's Release From Prison Raises Concerns59278
2009-03-08US TX: Column: 'Failed State' Talk Misguided56576
2009-03-08US TX: Column: Amarillo A Trap For Drug Runners65086
2009-03-08US PA: PUB LTE: Drug War Solution?25646
2009-03-08US NC: PUB LTE: Drug War In Mexico23633
2009-03-08US NC: Drug Arrests Shock Linden's Resdients845112
2009-03-08US AZ: Column: Legal Drugs: The Only Route To Ending Mexican Violence1000126
2009-03-08US: Report: Ex-D.C. Assistant Police Chief in Mix to Head DEA14420
2009-03-08US CA: LTE: Less Crime, More Addiction16424
2009-03-08US: New Look at Sentencing Guidelines for Cocaine1360231
2009-03-08US CA: Column: Seeing the Benefits of Legalizing Weed59492
2009-03-08US NY: PUB LTE: Drug Laws23132
2009-03-08US CO: Medical Marijuana Advocates Cropping Up On Western Slope58878
2009-03-08US CA: Q&A: Much Debate About Legality Of Marijuana662119
2009-03-08US CA: Column: California Can Lead the Nation Out of This Depression by Legalizi75694
2009-03-08US CA: Marijuana Legalization Supporters Say Bill Could Save50968
2009-03-08US CA: OPED: California Can't Afford to Legalize Marijuana56065
2009-03-08US CA: Column: Seeing the Benefits of Legalizing Weed59892
2009-03-08US CA: OPED: Time Has Come to Legalize Pot64785
2009-03-07US OR: Editorial: Growing Fears On The Southern Border46357
2009-03-07US HI: PUB LTE: Bad Pot Coverage24137
2009-03-07US TX: Mexican Cartels Infiltrate Houston1167179
2009-03-07US TX: Officials Brace For Spillover Violence From Mexico1472209
2009-03-07US CA: Theft Reports On Upswing1265243
2009-03-07US OR: Dead Man, Deputies Identified In Fatal Shooting37350
2009-03-07US GA: Column: U.S. Should Lift Ban On Hemp45962
2009-03-07US NY: Senate Puts Off Drug Reform Issue45359
2009-03-07US HI: PUB LTE: Disagreeable Opinions No Reason For Censorship20428
2009-03-07US NJ: PUB LTE: Hearing Process Must Begin Now25640
2009-03-07US NC: Drug Search Suspended At Robeson School59772
2009-03-07US CA: LTE: Pot Poses Grave Dangers16624
2009-03-07US NC: School Officials Defend Call To Remove Deputies57787
2009-03-07US IL: Editorial: Dont Legalize Marijuana Use26246
2009-03-07US CA: Town Votes To Snuff Marijuana Clinics62297
2009-03-07US MI: Column: For Marijuana Club, Getting High Not On The60894
2009-03-07US CA: Ban on Medical Pot Cases Quickly Lifted947117
2009-03-06US CA: Edu: Column: Pack a Bong, Save the Economy59171
2009-03-06US NH: House Vote Kills Bill Loosening Pot Rules729
2009-03-06US MO: Edu: SSDP Speaker Touts Cannabis Benefits46471
2009-03-06US CA: LTE: Wrong On Marijuana44551
2009-03-06US CA: Editorial: Time To Start Talking About Marijuana Laws43560
2009-03-06US AK: PUB LTE: Right Direction21932
2009-03-06US IL: PUB LTE: Rep Wrong About Pot7916
2009-03-06US CA: LTE: Forget taxes: Too Big A Risk In Marijuana5811
2009-03-06US NY: Editorial: NY's Chance For Drug Reform41465
2009-03-06US NY: Senate Dems Will Roll Drug Law Reforms Into Budget24743
2009-03-06US CA: PUB LTE: Support Legalization Of Marijuana24341
2009-03-06US: Web: New Report Calls for Moratorium on Use of Most Widely44454
2009-03-06US NC: Editorial: Locks Or Leeway49259
2009-03-06US NC: PUB LTE: Nation’s War On Drugs Needs Major Overhaul19427
2009-03-06US OR: Edu: California's Saving Grass58267
2009-03-06US MI: Attorney: Man Grew Pot For Medical Reasons47171
2009-03-06US MI: Group to Offer Marijuana Advice, Patient Advocates Aim780101
2009-03-06US RI: 'Compassion Centers' For Distributing Marijuana?979127
2009-03-06US CA: Editorial: Time for Public Policy Debate on Marijuana47560
2009-03-06US: Colombia Hands Ex-Paramilitary Leader Over to U.S.43266
2009-03-06US: OPED: Drug Legalization Isn't the Answer80699
2009-03-05US OH: Corrections Officer Charged With Sneaking Dope Into Prison19630
2009-03-05US: Web: Rockefeller Drug Laws Are A Crime60668
2009-03-05US NC: Heroin Seizures Top $500,000 In 200871182
2009-03-05US CA: PUB LTE: Change Needed In Drug War11919
2009-03-05US NM: Column: Canada Profits From Bizarre U.S. Bans55280
2009-03-05US CO: When Cops Are Thieves905104
2009-03-05US MO: PUB LTE: Marijuana Messages Must Change19527
2009-03-05US TX: Editorial: Soldiers In Juarez: Violence Abates, But For41355
2009-03-05US CA: PUB LTE: Drug Prohibition Fails19627
2009-03-05US CA: PUB LTE: No Good Arguments For Criminalizing Pot9718
2009-03-05US NY: Albany Takes Step to Repeal 70s-Era Drug Laws64090
2009-03-05US GA: Edu: Column: Marijuana Laws Are 'Complete Lunacy'62889
2009-03-05US: In America, Lessons Learned1034115
2009-03-05US CA: PUB LTE: Legalization Advocacy16530
2009-03-05US WI: Edu: Column: Marijuana Laws Ridiculous, Impractical64584
2009-03-05US CA: Medical Marijuana Use No Longer Means Automatic License46874
2009-03-05US CA: Palm Springs City Council Approves Pair Of Marijuana Dispensaries23543
2009-03-05US MN: Medical Marijuana Bills Move Ahead10120
2009-03-05US CA: Edu: Editorial: Puff, Puff, Pass This Bill52877
2009-03-05US CA: DMV: Licenses Can't Be Revoked Over Medi-Pot10219
2009-03-05US CA: PUB LTE: Expensive War on Drugs Fuels Youth Crime16925
2009-03-05US CA: Edu: Weeding Out the Bad Seeds of Legislation76499
2009-03-05US CA: DMV Adjusts Medical Pot Rule35452
2009-03-05US CA: Editorial: The Nation's Leader in Squadering Money on14117
2009-03-05US CA: OPED: Tapping into California's Forgotten Cash Crop61073
2009-03-05US MA: OPED: Poisoned Crops and a Failed Drug Policy44956
2009-03-05US CA: PS City Council Approves Medical Marijuana Cooperatives14928
2009-03-05US CA: PUB LTE: Drug Programs Tell Marijuana Lies18530
2009-03-05US IL: PUB LTE: God Made Cannabis11216
2009-03-05US CA: PUB LTE: Legalization Advocacy20336
2009-03-05US NC: PUB LTE: Creating Criminals17327
2009-03-05US IL: Narcotics Agents Raid 'Medical Marijuana Club'51378
2009-03-05US RI: Column: Bizarre U.S. Bans Help the Canadians60178
2009-03-05US IL: LTE: Medical Marijuana10418
2009-03-05US RI: Bill Would License Dispensaries to Sell Medical Marijuana55771
2009-03-04US NV: Pot Advocate Moving On After Nevada Prison Term790126
2009-03-04US MI: Column: Marijuana Journal45754
2009-03-04US IL: Ill House Committee Oks Use Of Medical Marijuana55286
2009-03-04US DC: PUB LTE: A Deeper Dent17929
2009-03-04US NH: LTE: Pot Series Praised By Drug Counselor46369
2009-03-04US: Mexico's Drug War Creates New Class of Refugees1365206
2009-03-04US NJ: Edu: PUB LTE: Reasons To Stir The Pot784116
2009-03-04US WA: LTE: Says Marijuana Should Not Be Legal19429
2009-03-04US CO: CU's 4/20 Smoke-Out to Be Preceded by 2-Day Marijuana44474
2009-03-04US CO: Medical Marijuana Rulemaking Hearing Postponed10919
2009-03-04US CA: Edu: PUB LTE: 'Pot-Hibition' Created Drug Crime20930
2009-03-04US WA: PUB LTE: Pass The Joint, Part Two19725
2009-03-04US WA: PUB LTE: Pass The Joint, Part Two19725
2009-03-04US WA: PUB LTE: Marijuana A Victimless Crime13520
2009-03-04US WA: PUB LTE: Marijuana A Victimless Crime13520
2009-03-04US WA: PUB LTE: Marijuana A Victimless Crime13520
2009-03-04US WA: PUB LTE: Marijuana A Victimless Crime13520
2009-03-04US WA: PUB LTE: Many Profit From Keeping Pot Illegal12316
2009-03-04US WA: PUB LTE: Gumption To Speak Out About Marijuana538
2009-03-04US CA: Column: Cannabis Craziness Is Ending57584
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News (Media Awareness Project)