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Events Calendar - October 22, 2004
"Family & Friends" Night @ FUNKED OUT [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Oct 22, 2004 @ 8:00pm
Agora, Lounge
Info:Well it is that time again, what time is that you ask?...Time to start planning your weekend!...In those plans make sure your coming out to the Universe City Lounge to check out this weeks FUNKED OUT! In which we are calling this installment our “Family and Friends” So whether you’ve been a part of the “Funked Out Family” the past 3 weeks or you just want to make some new friends, or get your party on with old ones we welcome you!

Opening our show this week from 8pm-10pm, we are proud to present the newest member of the One-Entertainment team, from Vancouver, Shawn Mercier who will be starting off our night by dropping some sexy house beats.

To keep our evening on a roll from 10pm-12pm, we have the wild match up of:

Mykel “The Reverend” Nova vs. Mr. Mike "The anti-christ" James

Make sure to come check this set out, because those of you who know these two wild men, you and I know it’ll be one heck of a ride.

To close our night, and funk us up even more from 12pm-Close we have the extreme duo of:

DJ Z vs. Rick “The Plant”

This is a set not to miss, with 20+ years experience combined, many battles together under their belts, six-months since tag-teaming last, and each with their own signature style, this will be a set to remember!

Free b4 10pm and $5 after.
(xvi members that toggle b4 8pm, enjoy ½ price @ the door)
19+ ID Required
$3.50 Bar Rail and $2.00 Shooters ALL NIGHT LONG!

Everyone come out and get funkified.

Added:Fri Oct 22, 2004 @ 8:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - October 22, 2004
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